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View Poll Results: Do you collect dice for your GURPS games?
Yes! I love dice of all kinds, especially pretty ones. 153 55.64%
I'll buy a new set for a new campaign. 29 10.55%
I've got 3d6. Why would I need more? 65 23.64%
I scavenge dice from other games. 21 7.64%
Dice? I borrow the ones I need. 7 2.55%
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Old 05-09-2011, 09:09 PM   #41
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Default Re: Do GURPS players collect dice?

When I started playing roleplaying games again about three years back, I was all excited to bring out the polyhedrals again after they had sat for some fifteen years in a box on my dresser. Thought I'd even buy a new set of dice, and checked out the Chessex website. But then we settled on GURPS...

Though I rejoice weekly that I no longer have to put up with the absurdities of a class-and-level system, and though I appreciate the statistics of the bell curve, I have a real regret that my d20s, d10s, d8s, and d4s languish unused in the box.
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Old 05-09-2011, 09:16 PM   #42
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Default Re: Do GURPS players collect dice?

I've got a 36d6 brick (blue granite), 2 full sets (blue/red swirl and green glitter), and 4 10d10 bags (2 black, 2 white). I don't actively collect, but when I need dice, I like good looking ones. I got the brick and the bags because I was introducing players to games (GURPS, Riddle of Steel, and All Flesh Must Be Eaten) that use larger collections of single sized dice than you can depend on a player carrying.

Edit: I just remembered, AFMBE doesn't use dice pools. Don't know what I was thinking.
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.

Last edited by RyanW; 05-10-2011 at 09:20 AM.
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Old 05-09-2011, 09:23 PM   #43
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Default Re: Do GURPS players collect dice?

I have the D&D collection of dice, which is seeing very limited use (mostly the d10s get used for Munchkin level counters and that's it).

Now that I've gone with GURPS entirely, I never roll any die in wonder except 3d6.
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Old 05-10-2011, 12:47 AM   #44
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Default Re: Do GURPS players collect dice?

They do accumulate though. After - good God has it really been 33 years - I've got a pencil box full of them - a couple hundred anyway. I've probably bought a set of something, or a boxed game with a set in it, every year on average.
MA Lloyd
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Old 05-10-2011, 01:20 AM   #45
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Do GURPS players collect dice?

The only reason I buy new dice are:
1. I've lost my previous set

B. My friends who work at Chessex guilt me into it (I've got a 3d6 set of very pretty metallic-gold dice that I think I've used twice).

III. I've bought a game that came with dice.

Cheese. I spot an absolutely horrid die that must go into the leopard-print house-dice bag of shame that MonkeyFist started decades ago. In twenty years of having it, I've added three dice.

That's really about it. I never go in thinking "I need new dice." Now, I've bought the electronic dice because I thought they were neat, and I have a die-roller for my iPod, but really, that's all I need.

My sister on the onion hand, has a box of around 1,500 6-sided dice. She trades them out as soon as she gets a bad roll.

Gummi and I, when gaming, tend to share dice. Neither of us have positive "dice karma" so, we're not too concerned.
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Old 05-10-2011, 02:06 AM   #46
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Default Re: Do GURPS players collect dice?

I have so many dice that I don't need any more, but I'm more than willing to buy a nice brick of d6s if I'm in the mood.

For that matter, how many people retire dice? I have a ton from when I first started that I haven't retired because they make up so much of my collection, but if I came into a ton of money I'd be more than willing to "retire" the old, worn-out and mismatched dice in favor of new matched sets.
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Old 05-10-2011, 02:17 AM   #47
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Default Re: Do GURPS players collect dice?

I used to buy up a lot of dice, but this slowed down as I realised that I had all that I needed.

I did buy a new set of 12 beautiful chessex d6 recently, though, because I started a tabletop game of GURPS for the first time in years, and wanted a nice shiny new set to mark the occasion. Then again, he rest of my d6 were all either cheap plastic red and white (I bought a heap for Star Wars d6) or individual better-quality dice of differing colours. I had no nice set of d6 at all, so I did fill in a gap in my dice collection.

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Old 05-10-2011, 04:55 AM   #48
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Default Re: Do GURPS players collect dice?

Yeah, I suppose you could say I collect dice.

I just like them, I rarely use more than six siders these days, but I still find that I can't have enough. Like my own personal type of gem hoard.
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Old 05-10-2011, 05:07 AM   #49
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Default Re: Do GURPS players collect dice?

I' not a massive collector but I regularly buy a few new dice, if I find some attractive or exotic one I like... :)

With GURPS being my primary system, of course I mainly buy d6's, but since I know that really nice (though unofficial) alternative dice combo for GURPS - d4+d6+d8 - I also buy more d4'd and d8's! ;-)
Anyhow, my latest buy was a special limited set of "fudge"-dice, but these will not see very much use probably.

Last edited by OldSam; 05-10-2011 at 05:10 AM.
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Old 05-10-2011, 05:12 AM   #50
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Default Re: Do GURPS players collect dice?

Originally Posted by prospero View Post
... and though I appreciate the statistics of the bell curve, I have a real regret that my d20s, d10s, d8s, and d4s languish unused in the box.
You don't seem to know the d4+d6+d8 combo, yet, do you? Bring your d4's and d8's on the table and try it! Works really good, the bell curve is virtually the same, only slightly more critical results on both sides (in a way that's ideally for cinematic games :p ...but it's really a very small difference so personally I allow it for realistic games, too)
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