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Old 01-11-2010, 06:48 PM   #841
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lawrence, KS
Default Re: Resolved,There is no point to statting up anything that is not a PC

Originally Posted by Wicked Lurker View Post
To me conforming to a rules framework during NPC/world/scene creation would make me feel like I was just programming a computer RPG instead of delving into a world of imagination and creative freedom.
To me that's a completely alien viewpoint. I've written both free verse and verse in traditional forms; I prefer verse in traditional forms, because the constraints of rhyme, meter, and stanzaic form challenge and therefore stimulate my imagination. I've always agreed with Robert Frost, who said that writing free verse was like playing tennis with the net down.

Bill Stoddard
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Old 01-11-2010, 07:35 PM   #842
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Default Re: Resolved,There is no point to statting up anything that is not a PC

I realized that there is a fourth situation that I think telling someone they might not want to create an NPC with the full character generation system (and this one might even be the most common).
  • The poster is attempting to write up a piece of equipment (that isn't unique and is purchased/issued as any other mundane gear) as a character.
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:02 PM   #843
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Default Re: Resolved,There is no point to statting up anything that is not a PC

Okay, this has officially gone to hell.

For the record, there have been many complaints about people being rude, flaming, or making personal attacks towards others. However, this was a case where everyone seemed to be reporting everyone else -- without exception, every single person who got reported for attacks was also in the process of reporting someone else for the same thing. Yeah, think about that.

So while it's tempting to give the whole lot of ya a few days off, I think the fact that everyone sees themselves as the victim here is a sign that this thing just spiraled out of control across the board and no one realized how deep they were getting sucked in. (Plus, doing that many bans is a PITA.)

So thread closed. Everyone who was arguing is now having an extra close eye kept on them on for . . . well, until we forget about all this, which is probably going to take a week or two. Consider this the Official Warning.

(Oh, and note that Kromm is the mack daddy of the forum proper, so if he decides to overrule me and ban a bunch of ya, so be it. I'm just shutting this damned thing down because it's obviously On Fire.)
Reverend Pee Kitty of the Order Malkavian-Dobbsian (Twitter) (LJ)

MyGURPS: My house rules and GURPS resources.

#SJGamesLive: I answered questions about GURPS After the End and more!
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Last edited by PK; 01-11-2010 at 10:28 PM.
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