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Old 11-27-2016, 10:07 PM   #1
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Default Alternate Crosstime Organizations

By default, our alternate timelines (like in New Reality Seeds) are carefully designed to not be new power players in the Infinite Worlds Setting.

Let's forget about that. What are alternate crosstime organizations suitable for addition to what we might call a more cosmopolitan multiverse? These timelines may be up-to-present, that is to say, astronomically up-to-date with Homeline. Or maybe they replace Homeline. They can have working projectors. The secret can be out on these worlds.

Here's some of my proposals.

De Hillige Oarder fan Kartograaf (HOK):

In 1252, Frisian merchantmen discovered a way to navigate a sailing vessel from worldline to worldline. Each worldline is "adjacent" to only five six others, meaning that travel to the hundreds of worlds they've discovered is slow, but they have even better energy efficiency than Homeline does.

Their plentiful offworld trading strengthened the Frisian Freedom, and the system of local self-rule gradually spread around the continent. It's been 800 years, and today, the Holy Order of Cartographers is the primary crosstime authority. They explore new wrāld-rūtes and classify the worlds they find. The overall worldine is mid TL 7, low TL 8 in a number of nautical fields and life support (they encounter smother worlds just like homeline, and so many of their "conveyors" are fully sealed to allow them to pass through safely). They have nuclear weapons, however they have only been used once, and that was a terrorist attack in 1970; since then, they have imported nuclear dampers from a gernsbeck-like world. Their technology is otherwise advancing fairly slowly, in part because they've only found worlds more advanced than their own in the last 40 years.

The dominant languages are accented forms of Frisian, Mandarin Chinese, Haudenosaunee, Iranian, Nahuatl, and Mexica French, and the most common government organization is a federalized-freedom system, where local areas (usually a single large city or a rural area with the same total population) are independent but swear fealty to large regional federation. The most powerful such state is Dśtslān, consisting of the majority of Europe, plus the population centers of what is Russia in OTL. Though the federation is not very religious, many of its old establishments preserve names and heraldry from the HRE, which collapsed into a civil war circa 1820, and only reformed into the new order around 1930. The next most powerful organization is China, which includes the Japanese islands, and then Haudenosaunee, which is the unified government of North America. The access to alternate worlds lead to nearly no drive to exploit the "new world."

Their science of crosstime travel is behind Homeline; on the other hand, crosstime phenomenon like mana (HOK is no-mana) and near-humans are acknowledged and accepted by the public. The methods of actually navigating from world to world is a special form of teachable psionics, and HOK itself has a strong baseline psionic field. It is broadly believed that the early Frisian crosstimers discovered it by accident, but in fact, they were granted the secret by an agent of the Cabal.

Worlds with null psi, such as Homeline, are just another Vanish world to them.

Last edited by PTTG; 11-29-2016 at 10:30 PM.
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Old 11-27-2016, 11:19 PM   #2
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Default Re: Alternate Crosstime Organizations

The Storm and Key Society

A high-mana worldline with alternate geography, Luna-Lani is covered by sea and dotted with islands and archipelagos. Humans (and a number of homeline-standard animals) have been transported here by banestorms, as have more exotic creatures and near-humans. The banestorm activity has slackened off over the past 5,000 years or so, although spectral ships appearing out of the mists with alien crews remain common legends; perhaps once in a decade there will be a new people-fall somewhere in the world, usually from a historic echo.

The current TL is 4+4, with the +4 in this case being omnipresent magic. Technical magery is seen as nothing more special than computer use or practice with industrial machinery is seen in Homeline. The standard of living really is much the same as TL8, even for the lowest classes. The largest differences are social, and those very extremely widely from island to island. One particular port, Drowner's Bay, is a notoriously libertine and colorful city. Not the largest, nor the wealthiest, but it is one place where a lost traveler would feel right at home.

The Storm and Key Society is a secretive college of natural philosophers. They are scientists; in fact, a banestormed Laura Bassi was a founder of the college. They just happen to use magic. The organization's goal was to uncover the nature of the world in relation to the origin of spectral ship legends and the people who claimed to have come from other worlds.

It took decades, but the Society eventually discovered the overall nature of the multiverse. Many of the founders and those who joined directly after had died or retired, and the new generation began to suspect that it was possible not only to return people to those few other worlds, but in fact to explore many fabulous new ones. However, there was conflict in the college leadership about the best way to pursue this potential; this was 1790, and a series of escalating conflicts were threatening the political stability of the world. Some felt that the introduction of new resources could halt the coming war, while others felt that it would only spark the conflict and fuel it fiercer.

Ultimately, the already quiet college went fully dark rather than reveal what it knew, and began serious research into practical crosstime science. The global tensions finally broke in 1802, but the war (forty years of fighting between two major alliances) failed to resolve the geopolitical tensions. For the society, there were setbacks, sudden insights, and long doledrums of grim prognostication that it could never be done, but in 1884, the first hominid departed Luna-lani and returned safely (Albright Yee, a Homo Floresiensis staff member and volunteer, selected due to low body weight). The celebrations were brief; a second war broke out only weeks after the successful test, and this one lingered for sixteen years of previously unseen violence. This second war actually had higher casualties of the first, as it had more sustained fighting, and a technomagical shift brought heavier weapons into regular use.

The Society spent this period refining the process and developing spells and equipment. Before the war was out, many of the practical rituals needed for worldline travel were refined to something reliable and practical. The existence of low- and no-mana worlds was a challenge, but it was eventually discovered that a standing gateway situated in Luna-lani could serve to power rituals to bring someone home, even if they were stranded on a no-mana worldline. The peace that followed the 16-year war was welcomed by the people of Luna-lani and the Society. As the society took its first steps into the larger world, political changes took hold in the largest Luna-lani nations, shifting rulership from the monarchies of old to a variety of new, experimental forms. These revolutions were fairly peaceful, but also forced the Society to step carefully to avoid uncomfortable questions; this was the beginning of its modern effort to hide much of its infrastructure on a worldline called "Limnus," a misty, smother high-mana world that is otherwise uninhabited. Unwanted pursuers generally don't think to bring their own air...

The Society grew underground in this way until the early 20th century. It is now 1930* in this worldline, and the lifetime of peace since the 16-year war seems to be at its end. Many in the Society believe that it was a mistake to hide the potential of alternate worlds from their own rather than use it to bring peace to the world. Now they are reaching out quietly to the leadership of the largest nations, hoping to find a way out of the coming and quite possibly apocalyptic war...

*This isn't meant to be WWII, (it's actually more like WWIII) but heck, if you want it to be, go ahead.

Last edited by PTTG; 11-29-2016 at 11:26 PM.
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Old 11-28-2016, 01:04 AM   #3
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Default Re: Alternate Crosstime Organizations

Goblin-Town. It's a full world-line but mostly archipelago. It's full of all sorts of strange mixed humanoids ruled by beautiful (as far as anyone can tell, but with so much magic flying around who can be certain?) royalty.

A large percentage have limited world jumping power and species-appearances mean nothing to them. Social standing is purely about magic and specifically degree of jumping ability. Also those with power increase influence and standing of family. "Adopted" kids count.
This leads to all the fey kidnappings that pop up in all human realities. The most valuable resource to them. They have ways to find and activate even the most dormant jumpers. But obviously care about infants and small children that would adapt to a new family.
One nice thing is that PCs with strong jumping power are automatically considered true fey and gain standing far beyond cross-timers and un-powered locals.
Though that comes with inclusion in all the political intrigue and aggressive suitors if they happen to look better than a turnip. Even if they do, that would be someone's fetish or acceptable price.
Beware, poor communication skills. No offense intended. If offended, it just means that I failed my writing skill check.
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Old 11-28-2016, 08:32 AM   #4
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Default Re: Alternate Crosstime Organizations

Ok, I have a head full of these things. The first little while will be looking up stuff I've made previously.

A alternate at 84,000 years ago, Wander has no fixed quantum spot, but it does have a quantum pattern, cycling from Q3 to Q9. Once you know the math behind it, you can get off and on it, but it still needs to be in the right quantum. Wander is the source of a number of vanishes, and has a thriving population of lost jumpers from Both Centrum and Infinity, concentrated mostly in Europe. The local Neanderthal population is surprisingly human, mentally speaking, which leads many to suspect its a true alternate, not an echo. The Neanderthals may join the high tech communities or not. Many have done so.

The inhabitants of wander have made peace with one another, and seek the deescalation of the infinity war. They also have a thing against the way the other two factions treat the other worlds, particularly echos.

The population of Wander is pretty low, even compared to centrum. They do have a better understanding of parachronics than either of the two sides (they have tech from both), thorough knowledge of how the two sides operate, A wider selection of quanta to operate on, and a secure hideout.

Wander was created for a PbP called "Freedom from Infinity". The first mission and the only one played was about stopping World War One from happening on an echo, while Infinity tried to make it happen anyways.
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Old 11-28-2016, 08:45 AM   #5
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Default Re: Alternate Crosstime Organizations


Yes, The reign of steel world is officially in infinite worlds. I generally like to use it as a cross-time power -- or would be power. My AI of choice is Beijing, not Brisbane. For one, It forces Infinity to deal with the problem rather than Centrum, who is closer as far as quantums go, can deal with the remaining local's language in Australia, and have their civilization headquarters in Australia. Brisbane is also much easier to dissuade from researching the matter: a couple failed experiments will suffice.

I like to use this as a break-out scenario, where Beijing starts this during the campaign, or perhaps right before it. Its a good way to force Infinity and Centrum to work together: Centrum needs Chinese speakers, Infinity needs biowarfare expertise.
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Old 11-28-2016, 06:04 PM   #6
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Default Re: Alternate Crosstime Organizations

The Protectors

The Ancients inhabit a massive rogue planet in an otherwise empty universe, on a quanta somewhere in the -5 range (IE basically unreachable). They have an immense understanding of magic, and magic as technology (IE- they have spaceships, but they are really just collections of spells that operate like a spaceship, etc), as well as a mastery of inter-dimensional magic that allows them to all but effortlessly reach any quanta.

They are themselves extremely xenophobic people, however due to some core philosphy they feel it is there duty to prevent mangling of other universes by outsiders.

As such they find, hire, train, and employ 'protectors' to go to various timelines, striking down mad gods, stop inter-dimensional plagues, sealing away multi-dimensional horrors, and generally stop any given worlds problems for becoming ALL worlds problems.

The ancients have enough power to outright destroy worldlines, but they are loath to take such drastic action unless absolutely required due to the number of innocents that are drawn in (in there view of things even life that could eventually evolve into sentience is an innocent)

The protectors are 'hired' from thousands of worldlines that the Ancients monitor and look after.

The protectors themselves are generally paragons of virtue. Monitored for there entire lives they are snatched away at there moment of death (replaced by an exact copy), rebuilt, augmented by extreme magical forces, and explained the state of the universe as well as why they were brought to the rogue world- then asked if they wish to join. So far they have a 100% acceptance rate.

Once they accept they are subjected to even further magical augmentation and intense physical, mental, and mystical training.

The major issue that the Ancients and the protectors face is that even with unlimited worlds to pick from the 'right person' to become a protector is a rare thing, and they take over a century to train; so there numbers are quite low.

Protectors are masters of blending in and not disturbing a worldline, hiding there immense powers unless absolutely necessary- when they do expose themselves fully they are almost universally seen as gods, angels, or divine spirits.

view of other world jumpers
They have been around for a very long time, and even the cabal is naught but a spec on there long history of protecting the host of worlds. However the manications of men make far less 'noise' then multi-universe plague, mad gods, and eldrich beings that can devour whole worldlines;

Generally they feel that while distasteful none of the other factions have done anything to warrant direct interference or drastic action- still if a Protector team happens to be on a world where other world jumpers arrive, they will prevent them from harming the world. They further are keeping tabs on the various factions.

They are most opposed to the Reich; There abuse of other worlds and refusal to acknowledge even the existence of the minds they crush in there mad attempt to extend there conquest is offensive to them.

The Cabal with its veils of secrecy and subtle manipulation has flown under there radar, by design, for decades- Now that they know of there existence the Cabal's attachment to low manna worlds (where there magic is most potent), put the very magic heavy protectors at a disadvantage.

They very much dislike infinite's practices, and outright abuse of worlds, putting them at almost the same level as the cabal, but at least seeing that they are trying to do some good with there outreach programs.

They assign largely the same level of contempt that they do to infinite to Centrum.

Last edited by starslayer; 11-28-2016 at 06:09 PM.
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Old 11-28-2016, 06:14 PM   #7
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Default Re: Alternate Crosstime Organizations

I'd consider 100% acceptance rate to either be propaganda or proof of mind controlling powers and/or brutal brainwashing. Humans, and I'm sure all sapient species, are just too unpredictable to be perfectly certain of their actions and beliefs when faced with the truly novel.

I would think it funny if not a single named paragon/guardian is of a known famous person. Nope, "truly" good people never enter history books.... nope, not even him, whoever you're thinking of. :)
Beware, poor communication skills. No offense intended. If offended, it just means that I failed my writing skill check.
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Old 11-28-2016, 06:19 PM   #8
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Default Re: Alternate Crosstime Organizations

Originally Posted by Flyndaran View Post
I'd consider 100% acceptance rate to either be propaganda or proof of mind controlling powers and/or brutal brainwashing. Humans, and I'm sure all sapient species, are just too unpredictable to be perfectly certain of their actions and beliefs when faced with the truly novel.
Or the ability to predict the future, or mind reading of sufficient caliber (though I suppose that could overlap with propaganda).
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Old 11-28-2016, 06:27 PM   #9
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Default Re: Alternate Crosstime Organizations

Originally Posted by Flyndaran View Post
I'd consider 100% acceptance rate to either be propaganda or proof of mind controlling powers and/or brutal brainwashing. Humans, and I'm sure all sapient species, are just too unpredictable to be perfectly certain of their actions and beliefs when faced with the truly novel.

I would think it funny if not a single named paragon/guardian is of a known famous person. Nope, "truly" good people never enter history books.... nope, not even him, whoever you're thinking of. :)
Ack- this is the story as the protectors understand it:
It may be true because the Ancients are that good/lucky that they have selected only those who will take the offer- so far, eventually someone will say no.
It may be true because the Ancients can predict the future, and only 'hire' those who they know will accept.
It may be true because the Ancients have a fundamental control of reality itself; they 'force' the yes response.
It may be true after a fashion (the initial rebuilding ALSO makes the mind 'ideal' for becoming a protector).
It may be false in that people have refused, but the Protectors don't know about it, or the fate of those selected.
It may be false in that refusals happen but the Ancients 'set things right' via mind control, or perhaps outright reality alteration.
It may be false in that there is no choice, the 'given a choice' part is an implanted memory during the upgrade process.

The protectors just know that they've never heard of someone rejecting the offer, and they are generally too busy galavanting around the multi-verse saving it from threats beyond mortal ken to worry too much about it (or are they programmed to not worry about it?).

In short the Ancients are creepy alien things that are really difficult if not impossible to understand; if used them again I would be inclined to go with a 'no one has actually SEEN an ancient' scenario.
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Old 11-28-2016, 07:30 PM   #10
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Default Re: Alternate Crosstime Organizations

Originally Posted by Flyndaran View Post
I'd consider 100% acceptance rate to either be propaganda or proof of mind controlling powers and/or brutal brainwashing. Humans, and I'm sure all sapient species, are just too unpredictable to be perfectly certain of their actions and beliefs when faced with the truly novel.

I would think it funny if not a single named paragon/guardian is of a known famous person. Nope, "truly" good people never enter history books.... nope, not even him, whoever you're thinking of. :)
Except for Mr. Rogers.
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