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Old 12-06-2006, 09:31 AM   #51
Join Date: Dec 2006
Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

Hi, this is my first post on this website. Please forgive any mistakes and mispellings in my posts as I'm not a native english speaker.

Well, I've actually run three Gurps Birthright campaigns. The first two ones with Gurps 3E, the last (and still running) with the 4E.

First one was a Vos campaign, and I did not use the regency rules (though my players felt their effects quite acutely!). It worked perfectly, as bloodlines are really easy to translate from one system to the other. The "harshness and survival " theme of vos campaigns worked perfectly well with the realistic and somewhat gory Gurps combat system. Magic was a bit harder : I created full religious "packs" for priests of every major Cerilian religion and devised full spell lists. Not so time consuming as it seems and worthy. Magic was a game of restrictions : Sorcerers are only allowed some of the colleges, but get a bonus Magery level with Illusions and Divinations. Full blooded mages get everything, but no bonuses. Heck, it worked !

Next campaign was the official adventure/campaign Giantdowns. Again, it was very nice. I had a blooded noble fighter character, a druid (oh so mighty with Gurps rules), an anuirean half-elf sorcerer/warrior and some extras like a goblin mage (yes, really). Great campaign overall, with mass battles, huge awnsheghs, politics and treasons. Again, the Gurps rules helped balance senarios, difficulty and differences between characters.

the third one is more ambitious and uses mainly the Havens of the Great Bay supplement, along with Abominations of Cerilia. Every player is a scion, none is a regent, but they all have the potential to get to rule a domain at the end. Three priests, a vos mage, and an awnshegh anuirean warrior at the table, facing the Hag, the Banshegh and many domain regents. I try to involve them more in the overall politic/religious/economic/magic affairs of the region.

I plan to do two other major campaigns : among Khinasis then in Anuire (as you would guess !)

So, I strongly encourage people to try it. It requires some work, but it's a very powerful combination : one of the best fantasy gaming worlds ever devised with the most realistic and heroic one.
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Old 04-17-2007, 08:16 AM   #52
Jason Scott
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

Poulpax, can you post some of your conversions? I would like to follow in your footsteps if possible.

Thank You
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Old 02-05-2009, 01:44 AM   #53
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

I am very much interested as well (even this long after the fact) :-)
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Old 03-19-2010, 02:11 PM   #54
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

Hi everone

I too am very interested in running a Birthright campaign in Gurps. I have all the original stuff too lol.

If anyone has anything that they could share with me i'd be really grateful.

Thanks in advance for any help that you can give me.

Last edited by chiefarchon; 03-20-2010 at 07:47 AM.
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Old 03-19-2010, 02:18 PM   #55
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

I wrote a similar system for my Blood and Fire campaign (scroll to the bottom under Dragonlords and Clansman). It was sadly never played so it remains untested.
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Old 03-20-2010, 02:04 PM   #56
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
I wrote a similar system for my Blood and Fire campaign (scroll to the bottom under Dragonlords and Clansman). It was sadly never played so it remains untested.
Let me just say, after reading the web page, your Blood & Fire world is an awesome setup with great execution! Beautiful conception, background, and rule ideas! Bravo!
The World of Arcallis
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Old 03-20-2010, 03:48 PM   #57
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

Here are some half-finished (Really not complete) notes for the races:

Cerilia's base TL is 4 (No gunpowder), Base wealth $2,000.
Elf [174]
Attribute Modifiers: ST -1 [-10]; DX +1 [20]
Advantages: Acute Vision +2 [4]; Appearance: Transcendent [20]; Doesn't Sleep [20]; Immunity to Sickness [15]; Magery 4 [45]; Musical Talent +4 [20]; Night Vision 9 [9]; Resistant to Mind Control +8 [15]; Temperature Tolerance 1 [1]; Terrain Adaption (Active +300%) [20]; Unaging [15]; Voice [10].
Disadvantages: Bad Temper []; Easy to Kill 1 [-2]; Impulsiveness (6 or less)[-20];
Perks: Immunity to Scarring [1]; Sanitized Metabolism [1];

Dwarf [82]
Attribute Modifiers: ST +1 [10]; DX -2 [-40]; HT +2 [20];
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP +3 [6]
Advantages: Extended Lifespan 2 [4]; Dwarf Talent 4 [20]; Infravision [10]; IT: DR (Crushing only -40%) [30]; Lifting ST +3 [9]; Magic Resistance +4 [8]; Regeneration: Slow [10]; Resistant to Poison +3 [5];
Features: Must buy 1 additional level of Lifting ST for every 3 additional levels of ST [0]; May buy Regeneration: Regular [+15].

Half-Elf [56]
Attribute Modifiers: DX +1 [20].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP -1 [-2];
Advantages: Appearance: Beautiful/Handsome [12]; Immunity to Sleep [5]; Resistant to Mind Control +3 [10]; Night Vision 9 [9]; Resistant to Disease +3 [2].
Disadvantages: Easy to Kill 1 [-2].

Halfling [103]
ST -2 [-20]; DX +1 [20];
HP []; WILL +1 [5]; PER +1 [5];
Advantages: Jumper: World (1 other plane -20%) [80] ; Longevity [2]; Magic Resistance +3 [6]; Resistant to Poison +3 [5];

Brecht [13]
Advantages: Business Acumen +2 [20].
Disadvantages: Greed (15 or less) [-7].

Khinasi [10]
Attribute Modifiers: IQ +1 [20]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: WILL -1 [-5]; PER -1 [-5];

Rjurik [10]
Attribute Modifiers: HT +2 [20];
Disadvantages: Low Tech -1 (TL3) [-5]; Stubborn [-5]

Vos [10]
Attribute Modifiers: ST +2 [20];
Disadvantages: Low Tech -2 (TL2) [-10]
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Old 07-10-2012, 08:53 AM   #58
Join Date: Dec 2006
Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

It's quite fun to come back here a few years later.

As of now, I'm preparing my fourth Gurps Birthright campaign, set in the Khinasi lands.

The Brecht campaign was a blast, even though the Gurps 4e rules can be a bit cumbersome when it comes to big fights. I'll go for a streamlined combat system, and few magic.

The party was :
- A Vos blooded wizardess, with a lot of background history and some serious bad blood with Vos snow witches.
- Another Vos, banished and left for dead on the Berhagen border, raised by Kirche knights. A very interesting character, with typical vos moody character and a kind of idealistic knighthood approach. Sadly, the player had to leave the campaign before the end.
- A Brecht thief/priest (guess which deity ;) ), a blooded scion, self-styled baron and pirate.
- An Anuirean noble, cast off his lands after slaying an assassin sent upon his parents. Unfortunately, the would-be killer was Azrai-blooded and the young man stabbed him in the heart, the corrupt bloodline mingling with his own. After a very hard fought encounter with a minor awnshegh, his bloodline score went up and his skin took on a scaly hue. Was on his way to becoming "La Vouivre", or the Wyvern, if you like.
- A Khinasi sun priest, from a brecht theocratic domain, following a prophecy about dragons, blood and various stuff.

All these characters were created using regular Gurps rules, with tweaks for priestly and wizardly magic. You don't really need to prepare for all contingencies : talk with your players, develop the characters and THEN tackle the rules. You won't need a lot of work...

As a rule, I usually stick very closely with the background and loosely to the actual wording of the rules : Gurps rules are meant to serve the Birthright universe, not the other way around.

See you next time, I hope it will be soon ;)
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Old 05-02-2017, 09:14 AM   #59
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

So Populax, how did it go? And have you run Birthright in GURPS as a kingdom level where each PC was a regent?
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Old 05-02-2017, 10:00 AM   #60
jason taylor
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

If it's the general idea of birthright and not a specific game system you are talking of, one possibility is Patron(dead ancestor in Otherworld). Perhaps your clan's founder comes down to check up on his kids for instance?
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