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Old 12-03-2024, 09:51 AM   #601
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
Anoras: "Thank you, Mystic Shadowmask. I will see what I can learn."
The Interrogation is done right there on the field. What questions do you ask him?

Anoras: "I am a naturalist and a healer, Mystic Shadowmask. What will be done with them is not my decision. That will be up to others to decide." (After she, of course, stubbornly tells those others what she wants to happen.)
Shadowmask: "You are the capturing warrior. But if you give up your rights, that is your loss. I merely was trying to make a purchase."

Anoras, "Thank you, Mystic Shadowmask. But please consider this. These are capable warriors who were willing to risk their lives to follow the orders of a sorcerer. These are warriors who, when no longer under orders, did not support the rebellion. And did not attack the people of Holidor or Haunden.

"I think, Mystic Shadowmask, it would be hard to find more valuable followers than these. I believe that would be worth much, much more that the price of a slave."
"I know my own business."

Also a reminder that the below wasn't spoken just to Shadowmask, but to all those Venasir speakers nearby. A big part of the intent was to get the others to wonder:
Shadowmask: "Did you find someone wearing a mask like mine?"
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Old 12-03-2024, 02:15 PM   #602
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Shadowmask: "You are the capturing warrior. But if you give up your rights, that is your loss. I merely was trying to make a purchase."
Anoras (speaking in Venasir so the crowd can hear): "Understood, Mystic Shadowmask." (And of course Shadowmask had his choice for Busan of any of the prisoners the Haunden have, whichever one he chose.) "But I am a person under authority, and must check with that authority before a decision is made on what to do with the prisoners. I understand you would see that the captured remain slaves their entire lives. But I must check with the Haunden officials as the Haunden may let loyal slaves go free."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The Interrogation is done right there on the field. What questions do you ask him?
Anoras (speaking in Venasir so Shadowmask and the crowd can hear):

"Busan, I am sure you didn't know birdpaux can infect and even kill sorcerers, and in turn can kill any person a sorcerer gets close to. It can take days for symptoms to show up. But you were close to sorcerers before you heard anything about being exposed to birdpaux, right?"

(Whatever Busan answers, unless it doesn't fit at all, she will say the below):

Anoras (speaking in Venasir so Shadowmask and the crowd can hear): "I see. In that case....Wait. I and the Haunden and our other prisoners have been treated. Oh, except for you and the two archers.

"We can't let the deadly disease spread! I must tell Cassandra, and maybe one other, to move you and the two archers at least 10 steps away. That way no more untreated Venasir will catch the deadly infection...."

Anoras (speaking in Haunden): "Cassandra! By Bribeam, we need you, and one other Haunden if you want, to take Busan and the two archers (she'll point to them). Please take them 10 to 12 steps away from anyone else, and guard them."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I know my own business."
Anoras (speaking in Venasir so Shadowmask and just those nearby can hear): "'I know my own business.' Ah, that is the same thing the impersonator said."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Shadowmask: "Did you find someone wearing a mask like mine?"
Anoras (staring intently at Shadownmask's mask, and speaking in Venasir so the crowd can hear) "Ah, you are right. Now that I look closer, the mask I saw was indeed identical to what you are wearing. In fact, the impersonator had the same voice and build as you. Oh, wait. With the deadly birdpaux....

"Er, um, thank you, Mystic...Shadow...Mask. We will quickly depart so you can do your business to Holidor. The other Venasir might have died if not treated for the deadly birdpaux. Once a sorcerer is exposed to an animal or person who carries it, it can spread to anyone they are close to. But, um, I will bow out in favor of your healer. We will now respectfully depart your company.

"Thank you for your promise of Holidor and Haunden living in peace! That is the same thing the...Thank you!" Anoras will signal her people with the prisoners to start leaving. (To go to where Anoras' left the rest of her stuff and to Stripes's camp to grab things there before returning to Haunden.)

Fast-Talk for all the listeners who speak Venasir.

Results: Made Fast-Talk
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Last edited by Alden Loveshade; 12-03-2024 at 02:37 PM. Reason: Results and clarification
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Old 12-03-2024, 04:28 PM   #603
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

"Sure thing, Viva Bribeam! You guys come with me and let's go over here"

Cassandra goes over to the indicated spot. If she is not accompanied by them she will repeat the instructions more slowly and loudly in Haunden several times
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Old 12-04-2024, 08:18 AM   #604
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Please check my latest post in Warriors of Haunden.
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Old 12-04-2024, 10:19 AM   #605
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
Anoras (speaking in Venasir so the crowd can hear): "Understood, Mystic Shadowmask." (And of course Shadowmask had his choice for Busan of any of the prisoners the Haunden have, whichever one he chose.) "But I am a person under authority, and must check with that authority before a decision is made on what to do with the prisoners. I understand you would see that the captured remain slaves their entire lives. But I must check with the Haunden officials as the Haunden may let loyal slaves go free."
Shadowmask can't argue with that.

Anoras (speaking in Venasir so Shadowmask and the crowd can hear):

"Busan, I am sure you didn't know birdpaux can infect and even kill sorcerers, and in turn can kill any person a sorcerer gets close to. It can take days for symptoms to show up. But you were close to sorcerers before you heard anything about being exposed to birdpaux, right?"
"I have never heard of Birdpaux"*

*GM memory here, I don't think you ever brought it up with Busan's group

Results: Made Fast-Talk
What is the goal of the fast-talk here?

I can see an attempt to get shadowmask (and possibly the others?) to get Anoras to treat them for BirdPaux. Of course, you already failed that roll...

The other attempt has something to do with this imposter you made up, and I'm not sure what the goal of that is.
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Old 12-04-2024, 11:50 AM   #606
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I have never heard of Birdpaux"*

*GM memory here, I don't think you ever brought it up with Busan's group
I believe that is correct. But Anoras (and I) didn't know if Busan might have heard about it from someone else on the trip or arrival. (I'm trying to avoid playing out-of-character knowledge.) That's why Anoras made her "I see..." statement vague to cover pretty much anything Busan had heard or not heard.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
What is the goal of the fast-talk here?

I can see an attempt to get shadowmask (and possibly the others?) to get Anoras to treat them for BirdPaux. Of course, you already failed that roll...
I do remember you told me that Shadowmask successfully rolled to resist Anoras's previous roll which she did make. (But even then, Shadowmask said he planned to check with his healer to see if they had a treatment for people who caught birdpaux. One that might be better than what the Haunden had. Of course the healer won't have any such treatment for people. So the people of Holidor will be left without. Unless the healer lies, which some might detect....).

But did everyone who was standing with Shadowmask, both at that earlier time and now, make their individual resistance to the successful Fast-Talk roll made both earlier and now? Remember what the ones who heard the masked one earlier heard him say. He said he'd have to ask his healer about it. So what he said then wouldn't necessarily convince all his people. Some might believe they could get sick and die from contact with others who'd been exposed. Others might not. This could lead to major conflicts in Holidor.

And as ShadowMask didn't address it this time, that could make the others wonder if they could get sick and die from being close to ShadowMask. Some of his assistants and others may be very hesitant about getting close. Which could anger ShadowMask and those who do get close. (Transfer TL8 Covid conflicts/fear/violence to a TL2 society where killing people and selling others into slavery is the norm. This link isn't needed. But if you want info on the Covid-related violence there's )

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The other attempt has something to do with this imposter you made up, and I'm not sure what the goal of that is.
I certainly understand about the exact intent of the new Fast-Talk roll not being clear on all the points. Sorry I didn't explain that. Anoras (and I) purposely stated that in a way so that everyone listening would likely think "I'm not sure what" is going on here. (Part of that is because I'm trying to speed things up so Cassandra can be active through the end of this adventure.)

ShadowMask might think, "I may have an imposter out there I need to deal with. And if so, has that imposter been fooling the people of Venasir?" Even if he resists Anoras's Fast-Talk, he may still think it worth checking. Especially after three sorcerers really did plan an attack on Holidor. Maybe there's a fourth.

The Venasir, both from inside and outside of Holidor, might think the same thing.

Others might think, "Hmm, how do we know this claimed ShadowMask isn't an impersonator? Maybe we'd better look for clues." (Based on the Fast-Talk/Acting/Psychological principle people often see what they look for whether it's there or not.) Some Venasir might make their rolls, and some might fail. Some might believe they should support the masked one; others might think he's their enemy. Leading to major and possibly violent conflict.

And there's also the point that people learned the Haunden may let captured slaves go free. And Anoras spoke up for the captured prisoners for their freedom. So do those captured favor Holidor, which they attacked, or Haunden?

(Again, Anoras' Stubbornness, Code of Honor, Broad-Minded, Longs for the Old Days are in play. She want Haunden to get land back and people not to be sent into slavery. If that requires there be internal violence in Holidor, oh well. She is a warrior.)

Anoras plans to leave very soon with Cassandra, the other Haunden, and their prisoners.
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Old 12-05-2024, 12:09 PM   #607
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Ok, so you want
  • the bystanders to bother shadowmask about getting to a healer, for them to worry about him being contagious,
  • for Shadowmask to worry about an imposter running around
  • the bystanders to worry if they've got a Shadowmask Imposter.
  • The Prisoners to advocate and jockey to be taken to the Haunden, not Holidor
That makes sense now.

The Haunden leave quickly with their prisoners, as Anoras's last few bluffed bombshells slowly work their way into the group. Anoras may have spent any goodwill gained, but She is pretty sure that at least some of her barbs hit

OCC: The bystanders resisted the imposter talk, and shadowmask the birdpaux talk... but each fell for the other suggestion. So the bystanders will be worried about birdpaux, and shadowmask is going to be looking around for an imposter. If nothing else, you've damaged the relationship between the soldiers and their sorcerer.

You have yet more prisoners than before. They ask if they will really be let go.

Gerrund: "We ought to just kill you and dump you in the river... but that's not my decision. I thought we were going to turn the prisoners over to Holidor for good will or something."
The Haunden don't keep slaves though. The elders might kill them, might release them, might sell them to the haunden, or might cut off a finger or two and then release them.
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Old 12-05-2024, 01:13 PM   #608
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Sorcerer ShadowMask and other Venasir can remember that Haunden (Cassandra with help from Anoras) warned Holidor of the attack. And then risked their own lives to help save Holidor.

And some may believe that just two or three Haunden took out three guarded Venasir sorcerers--and there are many more Haunden than three.

And the Venasir can believe that the Haunden can treat the potentially fatal birdpaux that's infected Haunden's former lands, lands that the Holidor of a couple generations took away. And they'll learn Venasir healers don't know how to treat birdpaux in people. (And anyone who gets sick might be thought to have it, spreading it to others.)

So regardless of which Fast-Talk they resisted, ShadowMask and the other people of Holidor just might believe this. Making diplomatic relations with Haunden, including giving them back some if not all of their land, just might be a good idea....

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
You have yet more prisoners than before. They ask if they will really be let go.
Anoras (speaking in Venasir): "I am not a Haunden elder. But as I did with Holidor, I will speak on your behalf."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Gerrund: "We ought to just kill you and dump you in the river... but that's not my decision. I thought we were going to turn the prisoners over to Holidor for good will or something."
(Note I don't know the exact number of prisoners we got, so am just saying "a dozen" as an example, not an actual number. I think there are actually more).

Anoras (speaking in Haunden): "Gerrund, they probably do not speak Haunden, so won't know what you said. But which is better: killing a dozen people, or gaining a dozen allies? If you subtract a dozen enemies, you're 12 ahead. But if you subtract a dozen enemies and turn them into a dozen allies, you're 24 ahead!"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The Haunden don't keep slaves though. The elders might kill them, might release them, might sell them to the haunden, or might cut off a finger or two and then release them.
As stated above, Anoras has plans for that, and they do involve Cassandra. (I know, that will probably be in the Epilogue after this adventure is concluded). Cassandra proved herself highly worthy as a warrior (in battle and in carrying a sign into potential danger in Holidor), and quickly making friends with the enemy. Anoras wonders if Cassandra might really be a descendant of Bribeam. Anoras wants peace with Holidor (which was guaranteed) and for the people of Haunden to get at least some of their land back.

Anoras (speaking in Haunden): "Cassandra, you did a much greater job that would have been expected. I believe you are truly following in the footsteps of Bribeam."

PLANS: Get Fireball's body, get Anoras's property (sword, etc.), get thing from Stripes's camp, go home to Haunden.
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Old 12-06-2024, 08:44 AM   #609
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

(sorry, I had Gerrund say 'you' when I meant 'them').

Gerrund: "These are slavers, murderers, and allies of sorcerers. I don't want to ever see them again, let alone give them weapons and let them sleep in my village. You cannot make a friend just by saying so."

I think you have five prisoners: three from the fight with stripes, and two from the fight with fireballs. I could be low by one in each situation. I don't think the exact count matters here?

You Grab Fireball's body, Anoras's cache of supplies, and go to Stripe's camp.

Then its home to the village.
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Old 12-06-2024, 10:49 AM   #610
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
(sorry, I had Gerrund say 'you' when I meant 'them').
Noted; that works. Although "you" also made sense to me for Gerrund to say. People sometimes talk that way even to non-human animals who can't understand what they're saying.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Gerrund: "These are slavers, murderers, and allies of sorcerers. I don't want to ever see them again, let alone give them weapons and let them sleep in my village. You cannot make a friend just by saying so."
Anoras (speaking, Stubbornly, in Haunden): "Gerrund, as I said, that will be up to the Elders to decide. I will speak on the captives' behalf to let the Elders know they surrendered and cooperated. And I do not know what each one of them did in Haunden, or why. As a warrior, would you attack if your commander ordered you to?

"And the Haunden saving someone from death or slavery is not the same as 'just saying so.' Do you remember stories of Libertas, Goddess of Freedom?" (Libertas is Roman--Anoras will use the Haunden equivalent.)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
You Grab Fireball's body, Anoras's cache of supplies, and go to Stripe's camp.

Then its home to the village.
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