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Old 03-04-2021, 10:14 PM   #231
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Default Re: DreadStormers (OOC)

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
Also, considering one of you two is very likely to get caught soon, you might need Pacifica’s assistance in your plans.
Given the rumor that Pacifica heard narrowed things down to a particular mess, but not a particular person, and security has visited the right mess but made no arrest on Daymar's end, I think it might be referring to that.

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Could you (TGLS) and Erick elaborate about the intel's reliability?
If I had to guess, the margin of the observation roll basically determines how long the operation takes, and if it's successful, then it provides actionable intelligence.
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Old 03-05-2021, 09:01 AM   #232
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Default Re: DreadStormers (OOC)

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Could you (TGLS) and Erick elaborate about the intel's reliability?
The intel is pretty reliable. It could run afoul of a schedule change, or of someone walking in at the right moment, but the stats and general behavior are vauge enough that I can say I'll stick to that.

Erick, I would like Pacifica to recall the officers/supervisors in her section and Day’s (assuming that information was available in the mission files).
Let me be clear about the officers: they don't "fraternize" with the enlisted. That means you don't eat together, you don't relax together, and often, you don't work together. They show up at work to give orders, and they are usually off to the side. When speaking with them, you are to be in a very formal and disciplined posture, with rules about not speaking unless spoken to. Each of your Sections has three officers: a guy in charge, and a guy over each other shift. They manage about 60 people at a time. There are NCO's that manage the intermediate layers.

I've actually temporarily lost some of my notes on the individuals on the ship: The USB that served as the main storage in is pieces to be soldered back together right now (cross fingers), and the backup computer is either having CMOS or RAM issues.

What information would you like on the people? Its a lot easier for me to answer specific questions than to generate reams of data for you to sort through.

I would like, as well, have Pacifica recall about the people she always stumbles upon. I want her to think about a (potential) target. There should be something these guys (the officers) always do, leaving them open.
Officers bunk in a different part of the ship than everyone else, so many of them use routes to and from their stations that everyone else doesn't. They will be walking that route alone, not in pairs.

The officer's section of the ship is locked, but if you can get in there, they won't be on high alert.
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Old 03-05-2021, 12:46 PM   #233
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Default Re: DreadStormers (OOC)

Thank you, it makes a lot of things clearer.
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Old 03-05-2021, 03:28 PM   #234
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Default Re: DreadStormers (OOC)

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
So, Gnomes, if we could work a way to brainwash Nejora it would be great. Perhaps that’s the step we should take next.
That should be simple enough to do: we just have to get her in the same place as Daymar and give him an excuse to make skin contact for a second. Introducing them would do it, with a handshake.
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Old 03-05-2021, 06:47 PM   #235
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Default Re: DreadStormers (OOC)

OK (thanks!), so let's establish a time for Brainwashing Nejora.
I want Nejora to have, Fanaticism: Pacifica.
Erick, could you help us find the appropriate time-window for that?
If you need some dice rolling, let me know.

Once Nejora is “ready” I can help you take down an officer.

TGLS, I think Hua is the most adequate to fetch an officer’s password to get into their barracks. We could give the password to a group of subverted, and have them seize the officers section. This is when we could do the “hyperdrive thing”.
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Old 03-06-2021, 09:50 AM   #236
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Default Re: DreadStormers (OOC)

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
Erick, could you help us find the appropriate time-window for that?
Lets see... going of this

Daymar can bump into you while you are on your way to work and he is working. Though given his mobility and lax buddy, he could walk into the mess during breakfast and daily prep.
Daymar can meet with you somewhere right after you are done with work and he is about to go to bed. The mess, deck 19, the viewing port, or a random location on the ship are all valid.
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Old 03-08-2021, 11:18 AM   #237
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Default Re: DreadStormers (OOC)

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
OK (thanks!), so let's establish a time for Brainwashing Nejora.
I want Nejora to have, Fanaticism: Pacifica.
Erick, could you help us find the appropriate time-window for that?
If you need some dice rolling, let me know.

Once Nejora is “ready” I can help you take down an officer.

TGLS, I think Hua is the most adequate to fetch an officer’s password to get into their barracks. We could give the password to a group of subverted, and have them seize the officers section. This is when we could do the “hyperdrive thing”.
Are you sure about Fanaticism? The other companions I've given Sense of Duty plus some other traits that make them more trusting and able overlook absences. Fanaticism might provoke other, less desirable reactions.
Secret: Not a Gnome. (Actually a Dwarf with Dwarfism).
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Old 03-08-2021, 12:52 PM   #238
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Default Re: DreadStormers (OOC)

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
Are you sure about Fanaticism? The other companions I've given Sense of Duty plus some other traits that make them more trusting and able overlook absences. Fanaticism might provoke other, less desirable reactions.
Fanaticism is alright, I don't want Nejora to second guess Pacifica; plus, Nejora will have a +1 if they interrogate her about Pacifica.
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Old 03-08-2021, 06:29 PM   #239
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Default Re: DreadStormers (OOC)

Following the order of the events:

During the meeting:

Erick, I would like to mess with the elevator's control panel. Basically, a surge should be enough to erase the microcontrollers data without leaving evidence of ergokinetic tampering. Sometimes the stress makes electronics faulty, other times its their bad quality.

What roll would you call for this?

Depending on what you require and the team’s opinion, I will decide when to break the elevators. We have to take into account that this may have a repercussion in the future meeting.

Outside the meeting:

Also, what do you need to have Pacifica look for the cargo-operation hints with the accounts of the potential people in-the-know? Please tell me if I have to take additional measures such as using another terminal, to prevent security from tracking Pacifica's terminal or getting caught in camera doing shady stuff.

Thank you, Gnomes. Hope the brainwash works!
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Old 03-09-2021, 08:55 AM   #240
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Default Re: DreadStormers (OOC)

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
Following the order of the events:

Erick, I would like to mess with the elevator's control panel. Basically, a surge should be enough to erase the microcontrollers data without leaving evidence of ergokinetic tampering. Sometimes the stress makes electronics faulty, other times its their bad quality.

What roll would you call for this?
As in erasing the record of it going up and down, as in breaking it so it doesn't work, or some other effect?
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