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Old 09-18-2015, 11:13 AM   #21
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Default Re: Lost In Dreams [Yolanda]

the ravine is filled with vegetation. And she notices some more little bug things. All built like little starfish. one tarantula-sized creature has four long hairy legs used for walking and a shorter one it carries above the ground. More of the little flying things are in there. The plants are still quite foreign.

There is in fact water at the bottom. Yolanda is reminded of just how thirsty she is, not to mention her dehydrated friend. Of course, the water here is probably contaminated...
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Old 09-18-2015, 11:55 AM   #22
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Default Re: Lost In Dreams [Yolanda]

While tempted by the water, Yolanda realizes that she has no means to make it safe for consumption and wouldn't even know how if she did. Instead she reaches into her boot of cloth strips and selects the most readily noticable one left. She then finds the most conspicuous piece of vegetation to tie it to.

Once she's comfortable that she's marked the spot, she looks both ways down the ravine assessing her options. Following the water seems like the most logical choice, and would also allow her to conserve her remaining cloth strips. The question is, which way to go?

Okay, girl, what do you know about rivers, she thinks to herself. Hell, is this even considered a river? A stream? A brook? What's the difference, anyhow? Damned if I know.

Yolanda sighs and struggles to get her thoughts back on track. Okay, the Patapsco... it travels down and becomes the Inner Harbor. What's upstream? She ponders this for a moment, and then answers herself, Ain't nothing important that I know of.

While this isn't the Patapsco before her, her bit of deduction is all she has to go on and that's good enough for her. She decides downstream is the way to go to find help. Without further delay she begins to make her way in that direction.
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Old 09-19-2015, 01:56 PM   #23
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Default Re: Lost In Dreams [Yolanda]

Regardless of the proper terminology for the water, its two or three feet deep, about as wide and moving quite slowly -- jumping across wouldn't be two hard -- the most difficult part would be finding a solid landing spot. And she's already covered in mud, so it probably wouldn't make any difference in comfort to wade through. But as its a great way to keep track of where she is, Yolanda follows the water down stream.

She's been traveling for some time when she hears twigs cracking underfoot nearby. someone or something is in the underbrush near her.
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Old 09-19-2015, 05:28 PM   #24
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Default Re: Lost In Dreams [Yolanda]

Being able to follow the water has given Yolanda's mind time to wander. As she has walked she has been imagining what it's going to be like to get back home. What would she tell the girls at work? She played out a dozen scenarios in her head. Then her mind drifted to thoughts of... cheeseburgers, and pizza and one of them delicious chocolate shakes. When I get home, it's be gonna diet cheat day for week. "Mmmmmmhmmmmm," she agreed with herself out loud.

That's when she heard the sounds of twigs crackling. Now she froze. Was there someone out there? Maybe it's a rescuer, but then again those gun shots she heard earlier came from somewhere. Or perhaps it just another one of those starfish looking things she'd be hallucinating. Only one way to find out, she thought before calling out, "Hello?? Yo, someone out there??"
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Last edited by Litvyak; 09-19-2015 at 05:33 PM.
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Old 09-21-2015, 12:32 AM   #25
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Default Re: Lost In Dreams [Yolanda]

She calls out, and for a reply gets a sound like strangled bassoon. A loud crashing noise comes towards her, and she sees a strange creature charge her. She has no idea whether or not its bigger than an elephant. The limbs weren't sysmetric, and some of them weren't even being used. the central body seems to be round, with a thick stiff appendage sticking straight up from it, with lots of little markings in it -- perhaps an eye?

She catches view of one of the limbs not being used: rather than a walking limb, stiff like a leg, it was hung like a snake ready to strike, a pair of jaws running long ways to the tip of the limb.
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Old 09-21-2015, 09:27 AM   #26
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Default Re: Lost In Dreams [Yolanda]

That was not what Yolanda was expecting. Her first instinct is to run, but something in her head tells her, Don't run from a dog, it only makes them chase you harder. Another thought flashed through her mind, So, this is how it ends.

She braces herself to stand her ground. Her feet fall into a pugilistic stance, her shoulders tighten and her fists clench. Then Yolanda draws on something deep inside to unleash the fiercest don't mess with me roar she can manage to try and ward the charging creature off.
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Old 09-21-2015, 11:21 AM   #27
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Default Re: Lost In Dreams [Yolanda]

She yells, loud, clear, and primal, and steps forward as she does so.

The thing slows down only enough to try an actual attack rather than just running her over -- a massive limb as big around as a plate swings up towards her head.
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Old 09-21-2015, 11:34 AM   #28
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Default Re: Lost In Dreams [Yolanda]

Yolanda leaps back and attempts to duck under the incoming limb.

((Dodge and retreat))
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Old 09-21-2015, 11:53 AM   #29
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Default Re: Lost In Dreams [Yolanda]

Originally Posted by Litvyak View Post
Yolanda leaps back and attempts to duck under the incoming limb.

((Dodge and retreat))
It works, what now?
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Old 09-21-2015, 12:18 PM   #30
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Default Re: Lost In Dreams [Yolanda]

After the swing passes her by, Yolanda weaves her way in as close as she get, wild-eyed and ready for the creature's next attack.

((Her action is All-Out-Defense: Increased Dodge, and she moves into range C of the creature if she can. If she needs to defend from it's next attack, she will dodge and retreat. How tall is it?))
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