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Old 05-26-2014, 02:40 PM   #21
Hero of Democracy
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Lucy)

Steady Gun: "Back? we aren't going anywhere. We're standing right outside the door while you change. You can talk to us when you get out, or while changing. It makes no difference to me."

When ever she is interested in talking:
Steady Gun: "So here's the shape of things. We can't have you around town for the next little while. And yet some of us don't feel so good about killing you. My chivalrous friend here has volunteered to get you a position on a ship to the farthest, most remote place on earth I can think of, and vouched for the good conduct of the captain."

Coat Giver: "He's a good man, but he won't baulk to enforce discipline or worry about the fact that by law he will be guilty of kidnapping. He lives by his own laws. Probably one of the reasons he spends so much exploring."

Steady Gun: "Of course, this is only if you cooperate. If you are uncooperative in any way, we'll give you to my unsavoury friend back at the meeting. Understand?"
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Old 06-13-2014, 09:54 AM   #22
Grand Old Duke
Join Date: Apr 2014
Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Lucy)

"Where exactly? What am I supposed to do about my family? My whole life is here, will i ever be able to see them again?"

She'll co-operate if they try to take her anywhere out of concern for her own safety, but she's not going to act happy about it.
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Old 06-17-2014, 02:25 PM   #23
Hero of Democracy
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Lucy)

Steady Gun: "Perahaps you should have thought of your family and your life before you snuck into our meeting. You'll probably make it back alive. and probably unharmed. It'll just take a number of months."

Coat Giver: "He wants to be the first man to get to the south pole. He's going there, planting a flag, collecting some samples, and then coming back."

Lucy is given the chance to dress, and then led out into the main building. Steady gun is dressed in rather unremarkable clothing, with a hat that seems to conceal his face.

Steady Gun: "I need to get you to your new home. we are going to walk together. you will not be restrained. I will require that you stay close to me. If you attempt to escape I will shoot you. And trust me when I say I'm an excellent shot and have no doubt such an attempt will end with you dead and me unidentified."

If she agrees (I assume she does), she is led into the streets. Its fairly early in the day, and people are milling about. This is not the brooklyn she's used to though. The buildings are largely made of wood or brick, though there is some concrete. Everyone is dressed in very old-fashioned clothing. People are getting around on foot, horse, or horse and cart. The streets are paved something between paving stones, dirt, and gravel, with the mixture depending on the exact part of town.

They do seem to be passing through a dirtier part of town, and eventually they near the docks... at which point Lucy notices a ship (made of iron) floating in mid air with two strips running down its underside and glowing bright blue.
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Worlds Beyond Earth -- my blog

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lost in dreams

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