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Old 12-16-2013, 09:13 AM   #11
Hero of Democracy
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams [Gabriel]

The dolls are cheaply made, stuffed with some kind of grass and clothed in what are essentially rags.

Which is about all he can find to where. Clothing must be hard to get around here. He gets three very different knives, and is able to fill a sash with the remnants of a grain heap. (please give an amount he's willing to carry)

There are lots of corpses, but Gabriel starts trying to dig holes to put them in. its going to take a long time.
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Old 12-16-2013, 02:48 PM   #12
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams [Gabriel]

Gabriel will take one of the dolls so that he can later contemplate what significance it might have.

He will carry about 5 pounds of grain.

In the absence of anything more pressing, he is willing to take the time required to bury the dead. He would likely do this anyway, but he believes that this likely has some significance within his psyche. He is content to dig one mass grave, if this seems easier.

Gabriel will ensure that he has easy access to flame, building a small campfire if the flames from the village seem to be going out and lighting it from one of the burning buildings. He will also try to salvage some unburned wood for the coming night.
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Old 12-16-2013, 02:53 PM   #13
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams [Gabriel]

If he manages to bury all of the dead before nightfall he will set about making a camp for himself. He will also look for a way to bathe, hoping to avoid infection from touching the corpses.

Gabriel wishes desperately that he had a carton of cigarettes, or some other way of smoking tobacco.

If the burial takes longer than the rest of the day, Gabriel will ensure that he leaves plenty of time to set up his own camp and bathe before nightfall. If he estimates that it will take longer than another full day to bury all of the dead then he will consider leaving the task undone and think of where else he might travel on to.
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Old 12-16-2013, 02:57 PM   #14
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams [Gabriel]

Also, Gabriel will look for water and a means of carrying it. There must be a source of water for the village, he reasons, but he will be mindful of potential infection (from any corpses in the water -- if the corpses are fresh and/or thoroughly burned, he reasons that there isn't too much danger)
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Old 12-19-2013, 09:37 AM   #15
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams [Gabriel]

[OOC: If infection in the water is a risk, you should roll vs. Survival to see if Gabriel thinks of that danger]
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Old 12-19-2013, 12:39 PM   #16
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams [Gabriel]

As gabriel is digging the grave, a young girl approaches him. She seems terrified, and has a nasty... burn? on her cheek. seemingly fresh. She is all cried out. The girl is somewhere between 6 and 8.
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Old 12-20-2013, 09:07 PM   #17
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams [Gabriel]

Gabriel will stop what he is doing and (moving slowly so as not to startle her) try to comfort the girl.

[Gabriel isn't accustomed to working with children, but the principles of crisis intervention are basically the same, regardless of age. He will likely roll vs. Diplomacy to try to soothe the girl.]

If he can calm her sufficiently, Gabriel will attempt to assess and then treat the burn.
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Old 12-23-2013, 09:21 AM   #18
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams [Gabriel]

It is quite difficult to settle her down. But she does get there. The burn has taken quite a chunk of her flesh, and is full of some nasty green puss.
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Old 12-23-2013, 01:39 PM   #19
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams [Gabriel]

Gabriel suspects that she has a third degree burn. He would expect the wound to be leaking blood plasma, but the green puss is somewhat confusing -- is something else going on here? He will attempt to administer first aid, as best he can: a bandage, as sterile as he can manage, slightly moist if he can find some clean water. He'll be very concerned about her being susceptible to volumetric shock due to plasma loss and infection.

Wait, if this is all some kind of dream or vision, I ought to be able to influence things... Gabriel will try wishing the girl's wound away. When (if?) that doesn't work, he will try to visualize a doctor specializing in burn treatment, and then a first aid kit. If nothing comes of this, he will return to caring for her as best he can.

Can Gabriel find clean water? He will want the girl to drink some (and have some himself) to compensate for her fluid loss.
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Old 12-23-2013, 01:43 PM   #20
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams [Gabriel]

Incidentally, this whole scenario is far beyond anything Gabriel is accustomed to dealing with. Only his belief that this isn't fully real (coupled with his extensive experience staying calm in crisis situations) is keeping him from being overwhelmed. He is feeling nauseous from all of the gruesome death and the girl's wound is in some ways worse.
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lost in dreams

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