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Old 09-29-2013, 04:54 PM   #1
Avalon's Avatar
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Default Reaction block in a List format instead of String

Does anyone know how I could make the GCA 4 or the Phoenix template to display the Reaction Modifiers section as a list (with carriage returns between items) instead of a string (all the mods "concantinated" in one long "sentence")?

What part of the code might need altering, or anything like that?

It would help me a great deal on the readability front. Being able to indent the first line would also be really nice but I'll take what advice I can get.
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Old 10-07-2013, 03:51 PM   #2
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Default Re: Reaction block in a List format instead of String

Sorry I missed this earlier. The stuff below is talking just about charactersheet.gcs, and is in the Sub PrintReaction() routine.

Basically, right now, the code just grabs the trait's TagItem("bonuslist"), which is a single string of all the bonuses (or TagItem("conditionallist") which is the same for conditional bonuses), and then prints that.

If you want to print them line by line, you could grab the bonus text items one at a time, instead, and assemble the output from that. You'd use the item's BonusListItemsCount() function to see how many bonus items there are, and then use the BonusListItems(index) function to get each one. (Use Conditional instead of Bonus to get the conditional items.)

Alternatively, and probably easier, you could replace the ", " in the TagItem("bonuslist") text with a line break. I think using "\par " would do it since that section is using RTF. This method would use most of the code that's already there, just adding a new line for the substitution. It's slightly riskier because there may be naturally occurring commas in the text that aren't separating bonus items (but that's not common or likely).

If you don't know how to do any of the above, let me know and when I have some free time I'll see about modifying a version of the charactersheet.gcs for you.

Armin D. Sykes | Visit my GCA5 blog for updates and previews. | Get GURPS Character Assistant 5 now at Warehouse 23.
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Old 10-17-2013, 06:44 PM   #3
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Default Re: Reaction block in a List format instead of String

I've made some progress on this for Phoenix. It's a giant fugly hack, but it seems to be working (minus any cases I forgot to test).

Related to this, I had to change (honestly, it was just easier to do it) the way all footnotes are formatted, so that's a thing too. Hopefully that won't drive anyone bonkers. For example, something like this:
Includes: +1 from 'A', +2 from 'B'; Conditional: +2 from 'C', +1 from 'D' when you're happy
Will now look like this:
+1 from 'A', +2 from 'B', Cond. +2 from 'C', Cond. +1 from 'D' when you're happy
I should have something out by the weekend.
Thomas M. EDWARDS <>

GCA4 resources: GCA Repository, Phoenix (r66), GMCS (2.17), Bookish (r12)
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character assistant, character sheet, phoenix, reaction modifiers

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