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Old 04-20-2020, 11:54 AM   #10
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: Tactical Question: Disengage

I consider the OP's original situation to not be a problem. Just as it is possible to force a draw in Chess if you are in just the right situation to begin with, this potential in Melee simply reflects the fact that it is a well engineered game where the combination of tactical situations and player decision making can open up opportunities. If you want a tank who can get at a 'speedy', then plan ahead by entering combat with some weapon other than a mace. A spear would work (you can jab or throw). Or, if you had a missile weapon you could ready it and take pot shots until speedy either got hit by a lucky shot or decided to engage in melee or HTH combat, as that at least provides an avenue to victory (the preferred outcome once you have been denied a draw!).

Another important point is that some of these sorts of situations are only relevant to one-on-one duels on open ground, which is not really where the system is at its best. Just like chess, you can play with one figure vs. another, but it is a lot more interesting to play several vs. several, and/or with a more complex physical environment. Stalemates are much harder to force in those cases.
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