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Old 05-27-2013, 06:01 PM   #21
Join Date: Mar 2013
Default Re: Always On Telepathy?

Originally Posted by David Johnston2 View Post
Twin telepathy is extremely common in fiction.
Mentioning the concept as an aside is not uncommon, but I only remember the two stories I mentioned. I'm not being antagonistic, but I'd be interested in the names of some other books.
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Old 05-27-2013, 06:19 PM   #22
David Johnston2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: Always On Telepathy?

The Corsican Brothers by Dumas.
Time Enough For Love by Heinlein (The Long Sisters)
Sweet Valley High (Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, but only when plot convenient)
Slapstick by Kurt Vonnegut
Lady Slings the Booze by Spider Robinson
Chronicles of the Kencyrath by P.C. Hodgell (Jame and Torisen each have other powers, but their ability of mental communication is reserved for their twin)
Star Wars Expanded Universe (Jacen and Jaina both have force powers but their ability to communicate with each other is particularly strong because they are twins)
The Prestige (book) Although it's a little more complciated.
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Old 05-27-2013, 09:57 PM   #23
Ragabash Moon
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Default Re: Always On Telepathy?

Originally Posted by DangerousThing View Post
Another Tom Smith fan. I also suspect we're not alone here, with somebody called PsuedoFenton. Bahhhhh!
Yes!!! I love Callisto... since that song is totally 100% true for me... I liked Xena, and watched it religiously, but I would have killed for Callisto to get her own show... except that villain based shows don't work... makes me sad.

Cleopatra: Whenever she assigned me to the switch, was that Voice, or was Raina influencing her thinking? Because, I mean, if it was Raina, she got inside my head and decided that I would screw it up.
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Old 05-27-2013, 10:12 PM   #24
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Default Re: Always On Telepathy?

Originally Posted by DangerousThing View Post
Mentioning the concept as an aside is not uncommon, but I only remember the two stories I mentioned. I'm not being antagonistic, but I'd be interested in the names of some other books.
Forget fiction, it's at least somewhat believed by many people in real life... Well, more twin ESP but still. There's even actual cases (well, actual if you believe the "Unexplained Mysteries" type shows...) of twins sharing pain and even damage, at least unless someone planned an elaborate scheme to kill a set of twins in the exact same way shooting them both in the exact same place at the exact same time while they were a couple states away... but only one bullet between them.

Hmm... then on that note, a spoiler for a really great movie, but not sure how to mention the movie in this thread without it being spoiled since.. just mentioning it in this thread kinda spoils it, but just in case you don't want to have the movie spoiled


Cleopatra: Whenever she assigned me to the switch, was that Voice, or was Raina influencing her thinking? Because, I mean, if it was Raina, she got inside my head and decided that I would screw it up.
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Old 05-29-2013, 04:48 PM   #25
Join Date: Mar 2013
Default Re: Always On Telepathy?

Originally Posted by Ragabash Moon View Post
Forget fiction, it's at least somewhat believed by many people in real life... Well, more twin ESP but still. There's even actual cases (well, actual if you believe the "Unexplained Mysteries" type shows...) of twins sharing pain and even damage, at least unless someone planned an elaborate scheme to kill a set of twins in the exact same way shooting them both in the exact same place at the exact same time while they were a couple states away... but only one bullet between them.
All the cases I've read have been of the urban legend types. The books don't give you the real names and places so that it can be backed up, and when they do, it all happened to a friend of a friend.

I'm not saying I disbelieve, but I will state from my personal point of view, there isn't enough evidence.

However, memes like these are why the twin telepathy stories sound so believable.
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Old 05-29-2013, 08:14 PM   #26
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Default Re: Always On Telepathy?

Originally Posted by DangerousThing View Post
All the cases I've read have been of the urban legend types. The books don't give you the real names and places so that it can be backed up, and when they do, it all happened to a friend of a friend.

I'm not saying I disbelieve, but I will state from my personal point of view, there isn't enough evidence.

However, memes like these are why the twin telepathy stories sound so believable.
I'd have to look it up again, and I don't recall where I read it, but there was one report in the 60's where they did have names, and it was and is to this day a cold case, as they can't prove it was wound transferrence between twins, but they can't prove it wasn't. They just know that one twin mysteriously died at the same time his brother was shot half-way across the country.

Plus, I don't so much believe in coincidence. There have been too many times for me to count that I've reached for the phone, it's rang, and it's been the exact person I was about to call (usually was my mother.) Once is maybe a coincidence, but it happened with us way too many times over the years.

Another thing? I had an urge to stay the night at my parents' house. They next morning we found out that my grandmother had gotten really sick and died. Then years later, my father was in the mental hospital. Not in any way a life threatening situation. I stayed the night with my mom one night, hadn't even wanted to the previous 3 days my father was in the hospital. The next morning, we got a call my father had died "mysteriously" (we know why he died, we just can't prove it was gross negligence because they covered their tracks too well when they oversedated a sleep apnea patient with a sedative he was dangerously susceptible to, neither of which shows up in an autopsy, added to the fact that our doctor outright told us that if he didn't KNOW my father was 50 years old, he have thought he was 35 from his autopsy results). Why is it that those two nights when important family members died the next morning with no warning there was even anything wrong, did I feel the urge to stay close to my mother?

Now, as for actual conversations going on between two people completely in their heads? No, I can't say I really believe that's possible.

Cleopatra: Whenever she assigned me to the switch, was that Voice, or was Raina influencing her thinking? Because, I mean, if it was Raina, she got inside my head and decided that I would screw it up.
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always on, mindlink, telepathy

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