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Old 07-08-2023, 07:20 PM   #201
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Minnesota
Default Re: Official Rules Update and FAQ (Draft versions 1.01 - June 21)

I concur with DS's interpretation.
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Old 08-03-2024, 06:57 AM   #202
Join Date: May 2020
Default Re: Official Rules Update and FAQ (Draft versions 1.01 - June 21)

[QUOTE=Desert Scribe;2495152]Hey there! I'm not an employee of SJG, but I will try to answer your questions. I'm more familiar with the hex-and-counter rules, but I have also played Ogre Miniatures.

Thanks for your time and answers Desert Scribe. I was clear with and agree with all your answers, I just wanted an outside view for that player so he can see that my interpretation of the rules is the one that other players outside of our club are using as well. Thanks for the time. See me at MillenniumCon at the Arlington Gaming Company vendor booth. I make and sell terrain.
I am always looking for more/new OGRE Miniatures players in the Arlington Texas area
1981 Graduate of OGRE University's College of Destruction
Graduated Maxum Boom Loudi with a Master's in GEV Strategy

On the endless quest to Blacksmoke another OGRE!

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Old 08-08-2024, 02:30 PM   #203
Ogre Line Editor
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Plainfield, IL
Default Re: Official Rules Update and FAQ (Draft versions 1.01 - June 21)

Originally Posted by Desert Scribe View Post
Hey there! I'm not an employee of SJG, but I will try to answer your questions. I'm more familiar with the hex-and-counter rules, but I have also played Ogre Miniatures.
Thanks for your time and answers Desert Scribe. I was clear with and agree with all your answers, I just wanted an outside view for that player so he can see that my interpretation of the rules is the one that other players outside of our club are using as well. Thanks for the time. See me at MillenniumCon at the Arlington Gaming Company vendor booth. I make and sell terrain.
The only clarification I'd make to these is for #5

Originally Posted by Desert Scribe View Post

5) Looking at the pic on page 33 seems to imply that an OGRE can never be involved in an overrun on it's turn unless it wants to be? As the INF on the side is not close enough to the conning tower to be within an inch for an overrun if the defender called for a template check. Is this correct for that size model and what about other sizes and shapes. Is there a clear ruling on each size or is it model by model?
It's the distance between units (measured from unit center to unit center), not unit size. See Range, page 28.
Any defending unit that is being overrun has no choice in the matter; it will be involved. What is not clearly illustrated in that picture is how the units that are being moved into the overrun are defined. The only thing this image is meant to show is how if units are not close enough, they cannot be part of the overrun. What it does not show is that when starting an overrun, the attacking player initiates an overrun by moving an number of units into the overrun before starting to resolve it. Just because 3 of the 4 INF are not _currently_ close enough, that does not mean they can not be moved closer if they have movement available before starting to resolve the overrun. On page 32:
Overrun combat is settled immediately, before the attacker continues the movement phase. To conduct an overrun:
1. The attacker may move any other units into the overrun, as long as they have enough movement to get there. It’s assumed that they either traveled together or synchronized their attack.
The template check you are talking about also comes from page 32.
If the defending player thinks that an attacker has come within 1” of the defender’s unit, they may call for a measurement.
What this is talking about is NOT whether the defending unit can avoid an overrun or not; it's actually checking to see if the attacking player _accidentally_ moved too close and started an overrun. Remember, the defending player has a significant advantage in overruns, so calling for a template check is a way to sucker a lone unit into a bloodbath against its will when all it wanted to do is move past the defending unit. Overruns are almost ALWAYS bad for the attacking unit and should be used as a last resort.
Ogre Line Editor
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