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Old 08-23-2016, 07:56 PM   #31
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Default Re: Superhero Character Idea Help

Originally Posted by ArtilleryMoped View Post

Also if that doesn't work i can post it on imgur.
I have to say, I think Gunslinger is a waste of points for a character who wants to primarily beat up his enemies with his bare hands. I'd trade that in for another +1 DX or an Extra Attack.
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Old 08-23-2016, 08:15 PM   #32
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Default Re: Superhero Character Idea Help

Originally Posted by aesir23 View Post
I have to say, I think Gunslinger is a waste of points for a character who wants to primarily beat up his enemies with his bare hands. I'd trade that in for another +1 DX or an Extra Attack.
I agree. Unless your primary activity will be shooting people and even then Gunslinger wont help with several other options you have.
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Old 08-23-2016, 08:42 PM   #33
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Default Re: Superhero Character Idea Help

Originally Posted by aesir23 View Post
I have to say, I think Gunslinger is a waste of points for a character who wants to primarily beat up his enemies with his bare hands. I'd trade that in for another +1 DX or an Extra Attack.
And even if he wants to be really good with a pistol, he can buy 6 more levels of Guns (Pistol) for 22 points and be better off in almost every way than he would be with Gunslinger.
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Old 08-24-2016, 12:21 AM   #34
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Default Re: Superhero Character Idea Help

Originally Posted by aesir23 View Post
I have to say, I think Gunslinger is a waste of points for a character who wants to primarily beat up his enemies with his bare hands. I'd trade that in for another +1 DX or an Extra Attack.
Yeah, i guess i see your point. I'll probably end up moving the points into that. What do you think would be more beneficial? Extra Attack or the increased DEX? Is there something else i could get that would give me an edge in combat that maybe I'm not aware of?

Question is also directed to the other two responding.

Last edited by ArtilleryMoped; 08-24-2016 at 12:30 AM. Reason: Inclusion
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Old 08-24-2016, 02:47 AM   #35
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Default Re: Superhero Character Idea Help

Originally Posted by Litvyak View Post
And even if he wants to be really good with a pistol, he can buy 6 more levels of Guns (Pistol) for 22 points and be better off in almost every way than he would be with Gunslinger.
Well, if he was just using it for his pistol, he could reduce the cost to 10 (or even 5 if it was that specific weapon). But yes, fairly superfluous for this character.
MiB 7704

Playing: GURPS Nordlond Dragons of Hosgarth
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Old 08-24-2016, 02:55 AM   #36
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Default Re: Superhero Character Idea Help

Originally Posted by ArtilleryMoped View Post
Yeah, i guess i see your point. I'll probably end up moving the points into that. What do you think would be more beneficial? Extra Attack or the increased DEX? Is there something else i could get that would give me an edge in combat that maybe I'm not aware of?

Question is also directed to the other two responding.
Hard for me to read it but it looks like your DX is 15? Basic Move 12?
If so thats pretty darn good so I would go with Extra Attack.
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Old 08-24-2016, 02:56 AM   #37
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Default Re: Superhero Character Idea Help

Originally Posted by ArtilleryMoped View Post
Yeah, i guess i see your point. I'll probably end up moving the points into that. What do you think would be more beneficial? Extra Attack or the increased DEX? Is there something else i could get that would give me an edge in combat that maybe I'm not aware of?

Question is also directed to the other two responding.
You might also consider swapping Gunslinger to upgrade Gadgeteer to Quick. It opens a lot of options when you can make a bazooka out of bubble gum and bailing wire in a couple of hours. Of course you'd also need much higher Engineering skills.

BTW, what are you planning to do with Gadgeteer with such low Engineering? You can't really invent anything meaningful. It doesn't really justify the gear you have. Maybe keep Gadgeteer at normal and put those points into inventing skills.
MiB 7704

Playing: GURPS Nordlond Dragons of Hosgarth
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Old 08-24-2016, 04:03 AM   #38
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Default Re: Superhero Character Idea Help

Originally Posted by corwyn View Post
You might also consider swapping Gunslinger to upgrade Gadgeteer to Quick. It opens a lot of options when you can make a bazooka out of bubble gum and bailing wire in a couple of hours. Of course you'd also need much higher Engineering skills.

BTW, what are you planning to do with Gadgeteer with such low Engineering? You can't really invent anything meaningful. It doesn't really justify the gear you have. Maybe keep Gadgeteer at normal and put those points into inventing skills.
Haha, Bubblegum and Bailing Wire. I like the way you think. If you look on my sheet, I have a simple thruster pack that basically gives me super jump, and part of my backstory involves my partner, who was a bio-engineer, giving me super strength. My character invented this pack to give him extra mobility. The Engineering skills were basically tacked on to justify having an item like that, that i claim to have created. I felt terrible having them so low, but my friend talked me into Gunslinger, and at the end i still felt it necessary. I wanted to move points around, even considering removing Luck (but i love Luck) to invest in more skills like Engineering.

All in all, i'm not certain how high of an engineering skill I need to justify creating a fully functional Batman-esque suit with tactical gear and what not. Another thing is certain Items my GM just wont let me have, which is basically anything LC 2. Maybe he'd let me if I had built the items myself but I don't know. That's something I definitely have to ask him.

That in mind, any recommendations?
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Old 08-24-2016, 04:51 AM   #39
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Default Re: Superhero Character Idea Help

Originally Posted by ArtilleryMoped View Post
Haha, Bubblegum and Bailing Wire. I like the way you think.
Thing is, you can do a lot of nifty things with Gadgeteer, but you need the skills do go with it. The 1860s Gadgeteer/Gunslinger I'm currently playing (or will be getting back to in October) has Science! (which includes all Engineering specialties) -16 + versatile + Single-Minded (which my GM allows for inventing, if that's truly all I'm doing at the time) giving me an effective Concept/Prototype skill of 20 (18 for an average gadget which almost every practical adventury gadget is likely to be). Add on a decent scrounging/mechanic/armoury skill for finding parts, and Luck, and I'm off and running. Mostly I use it to make sure my Gunslinger has TL 7 revolvers in TL (early) 5 London, complete with speed-loaders, silencer, etc.

If you look on my sheet, I have a simple thruster pack that basically gives me super jump, and part of my backstory involves my partner, who was a bio-engineer, giving me super strength. My character invented this pack to give him extra mobility. The Engineering skills were basically tacked on to justify having an item like that, that i claim to have created.
If they are just there for the character to understand how the stuff works and you aren't designing/building the devices, you don't need Gadgeteer at all. Have you considered the Advantage "Has a Gadgeteer friend"? If he has explained the devices you should get a bonus on the skill roll to understand the science - maybe take a perk for +4 to Engineering just for your super-gear.

I felt terrible having them so low, but my friend talked me into Gunslinger, and at the end i still felt it necessary. I wanted to move points around, even considering removing Luck (but i love Luck) to invest in more skills like Engineering.

So what is the reason behind Gunslinger? It doesn't seem to be a significant component. Even if it is, limit it to just one handed guns [15], pistols [10], or even that precise weapon [5] (if you do this, make sure it is Signature Gear) from Gun-Fu.

All in all, i'm not certain how high of an engineering skill I need to justify creating a fully functional Batman-esque suit with tactical gear and what not. Another thing is certain Items my GM just wont let me have, which is basically anything LC 2. Maybe he'd let me if I had built the items myself but I don't know. That's something I definitely have to ask him.
Certainly higher than you have, assuming you made them, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
MiB 7704

Playing: GURPS Nordlond Dragons of Hosgarth
Running Savage Worlds Slipstream (Flash Gordon style pulp)
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Old 08-24-2016, 07:19 AM   #40
Donny Brook
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Default Re: Superhero Character Idea Help

If Gadgetteer is really only to justify the other purchases, consider making it Cost Character Points to use it. This makes it cost 1/5, so a saving for you of 20CP.
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