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Old 11-22-2010, 12:39 AM   #491
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything".

- old Injun' proverb.
If you think an Apache can't tell right from wrong....wrong him, and see what happens.
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Old 11-23-2010, 02:08 PM   #492
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by McNutcase View Post
"I never thought I'd say this, but we could really use the Ewok right now." (that player had to leave early, so we parked his character babysitting an NPC...)
As I've said before: "I pull the pin and throw the ewok!"
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Old 11-25-2010, 08:40 PM   #493
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Recently one of my friends played an incredible paladin, a magnificent paladin who perfectly balanced bad ass cyncism and white shining nobility.
Here are some of his quotes.
When power meets courage, Faith can bend destiny
Be fearful of selfish ambition.
"Life? It's a huge sh*t sandwich, and we're all gonna have to take a bite."
"No one will remember why we fought or why we died. They won't remember our dreams or loves. In time, they'll forget our faces and the sword in your hand will rust away to a fine red powder. They'll make up their own reasons. Their own ideas. Who we were, who we loved, why we fought...they'll make it all up so it means something for them. You don't owe them anything. If you fight, fight for what you believe, not what you want them to."
"I live by a code. That code is simple. Honor the respectable, love the woman, and defend the innocent."
To protect everyone's smiles you need to sacrifice your own.
Because in the end none of this really is about what YOU want.
What’s more useful to this world and a cause, one incompetent standing sword drawn and ready to die for what he believes is right, or a Gods damned cowardly ‘hero’ sitting sword sheathed at home in the safe because he thinks the world can’t change?!
‘Unsaveable' is just a word to let people feel good about themselves when they stand by and do nothing.
“We’re not shiny…but we’re not black either…down one road you end up everything we hate, but down the other, you can’t do the job and then you’re no good to anyone, because this job tarnishes you, it always will, so somewhere between the pit and perfection, here we stand.
"There is good, and there is evil. There are those who commit crimes and those who stop them. The two sides are opposite, as different as day and night…in that there are constant shades and a blur where they meet.”
“I would rather have eyes that cannot see; ears that cannot hear; lips that cannot speak, than an arm that cannot protect the world”
I'm more like justice's estranged lover who still sends her a letter once a month to see how she's doing.
Because sometimes, hope walks a lonely and dark path.
I fight because I fear oblivion. Death is simply the next battle, but complacency? Accepting life for what it is? That is true darkness, the little, true death. I fight because I'm afraid of not fighting.
Contempt leaves a deeper scar than anger.
Know what I find sad?
We're exiles.
No, listen to me, think about it.
No matter how much we do, no matter how hard we try...people will always be distant from us, because of the life we chose, we never stop in one place too long; if we become too close to someone, our enemies will kill them. And we ourselves…we change so much, become so…so grimy and worn inside that we can’t look the people we used to know in the eye.
All people do, is respect us and keep their distance. And we can only find comfort and friendship amongst people as damaged as us.
Because we have blood on our hands.
But the thing is…
The thing is…we need to…because…
If I do not take up the sword, I cannot protect you.
If I take up the sword, I can never touch you again.
"Fear is the source of all sin. All the evil of the world may be found in a soul without courage."
"He that will not look at himself is a liar; he that cannot look at himself is a tragedy; he that dares not look at himself is a prisoner."
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live
I fight to help the world into an age where people like me are not needed. But also because I know the world will always need people like me and that can’t be helped.
I think I understand what glory eternal is; to be killed on the field of battle and have your name, reasons for being there and ideals misread and misinterpreted in song and dance until everyone forgets the man behind the deed.
Between righteousness and peace, I choose righteousness.
Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for.
My revenge on this unjust world will be the laughter of the children of those I protected and saved.
We fight for our ideals because we are willing to die for them; we fight our fate because we are willing to live with it.
Never refuse to do a kindness unless the act would work great injury to yourself, and never refuse to take a drink- under any circumstances.
"I was born in a whorehouse and hope to die fighting something big and nasty."
You are, what you do, when it counts.
"Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right."
I think...that the main problem with the world is that there are too many people who want to be big fish.
Because everyone wants to be the biggest fish in the pond, and so everyone tries to eat so they can get bigger, but there’s only so much food, so people fight over it. And then no one gets to be a big fish...
Me...I'm one of those little fish that eats parasites that feed off of other fish...And I'm happy that way.
Because...because someone needs to do it, because a big fish can take a parasite or two, but little fish can't...and...if no one eats them, the whole damn world gets chewed up and spat out by parasites.
It's not a noble existence at all...and I've had to...make some compromises over the years, adapt, made some changes to hopes and dreams.
But; I'm happy, just being a little fish.
Because someone needs to eat the parasites and you don't have to be a big fish to be happy I guess.
For dogs, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, (d) fight, (e) man and (f) rocks.
Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate...
"My philosophy was a mixture of three famous schools -- the Cynics, the Stoics and the workman’s boss – I can sum up all 3 in 1 sentence, 'The worlds a mess, we’re all doomed and you can't trust any b*stard further than you can throw him, and there's nothing you can do about it, so sit down, shut up and get on with it."
That's my job; deliver witty one liners and give bad news.
Are you always a wise-ass?
No, sometimes I'm asleep.
Well; here’s how things have worked so far. I come up with the plans, and you ignore them and run at it and cause problems.
Life isn't straight-forward. Life isn't black and white. The stories we grew up on with clear villains to smite and goals to accomplish are just that, stories.

But the heroes? Heroes are very real. They're not perfect--young naive idealists without a grasp of how things really work, bitter cynics that just keeping on to stop the darkness from encroaching another day, and unknown soldiers who die alone in the dark with nothing to comfort them than the knowledge that they have done something worth doing. They fight losing battles, they are manipulated, and all too often they receive nothing, not even success, for their trouble.

But they keep fighting. Because some battles need to be fought--and so long as their struggles inspire just one more naive idealist, who becomes one more cynic, who dies one more unknown death...maybe that battle can be one day won.
Because I don't see a reason to exist, so I figure I might as well make existence not suck for as many others as I can.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Sometime, with any luck not today you’ll die, probably a messy, ignoble death where this will stop mattering. But with any luck, you’ll die for something worth dying for.
Way I see it, everyone has a religion. Not everyone has a god. I protect those who worship happiness from those who worship power, worship themselves, worship strength or honour or any of the million other reasons there are to tread on the little people and say that it’s justified because you’ve got a reason.
"We don't do it for the glory. We don't do it for the recognition. We do it because it needs to be done. Because if we don't, no one else will. And we do it even if no one knows what we've done. Even if no one knows we exist. Even if no one remembers we ever existed."
And this one, delivered while totally drunk IC.

"Yeah, so I'm a drunkard and a what...when...when y' become a hero, you're full of hopes and dreams and ****, you want to save the world and the princess and fight the good fight and all sorts of idealistic B*LL**** that doesn't really work. But you keep trying...and one day, you make a tiny, niggling little concession, you steal a wallet or something, to protect people, or you leave a friend behind because there was nothing you could do.
And then another one comes, and another, and you have to do it because it's COMPROMISE, All of it, and because you realize that sometimes, the only way to save people and protect the world is to do things you don't want to you do them, because you'd rather get hurt than let others die because YOU were too much of a f*cking coward to face yourself every day knowing what you did.
And then BAM, y' down in the gutter, fighting dirty in the mud and th' sh*t and the puke because that's where the people are who need to be saved the Most, and, and all your hopes and dreams and aspirations? Of being a hero?
F*ck those, you got no right to be a hero, that breastplate you're wearing, it'll get dirt on it and blood, yours, the blood of evil, and when you, inevitably F*ck Up and Fail, the blood of the innocent...
Because shiny, shiny, goody, kind to f*cking all of Gods creatures, always save everyone heroes don't exist.
But...but we try...and we trade in everything, code, honour, dignity...our own blood and flesh...I'd trade it all in, just to save someone I don't even know...
And that's by far, the sh*ttest thing, because even when your dreams give up on you, you're hooked to them...and you always, somewhere in your head, can't stop trying to be the f*cking hero."
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Old 11-26-2010, 06:39 AM   #494
Join Date: Oct 2009
Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by BLloyd607502 View Post
... a magnificent paladin who perfectly balanced bad ass cyncism and white shining nobility.
Here are some of his quotes. LONG LIST
That's like 200% tl;dnr ... However, I did, and some of these are pretty cool indeed. My favourite:
Originally Posted by some paladin
"My revenge on this unjust world will be the laughter of the children of those I protected and saved."
At least half of these quotes could be sold as motiviational posters for grim heroes ...

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Old 11-28-2010, 04:50 AM   #495
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

So, the situation is that Pink has revealed her not-insignificant powers to the world in a battle against an apparently psychotic fire fighter who killed several members of his team with an ancient, evil artifact in the form of a three-foot-long wand. After the battle Pink takes the, apparently, magical artifact to her magical contact Siegfried. After leaving it in his care for a couple of days she returns.

Pink: “So, what can you tell me about it?”
Siegfried: “It’s a terror weapon created by a race known as the Nim.”
Pink: “Terror weapon?”
Siegfried: (Long, salient, plot point exposition from the GM)
Pink: “You’re making my brain hurt now.”
May (Siegfried’s assistant): “Is there any other reason you’ve come today, Stephanie?”
Pink: “No, I just came to find out about the . . .”
Pink (OC): “Oh, man, I’m so sorry!”
Other players: (looking on in confusion)
Pink: “I just came to find out about the . . . Nim rod.”
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Old 12-04-2010, 09:24 AM   #496
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

The PCs have gone to another city for a mission. The paranoid PC has just informed the rest of the group that yes, they need a safe house in this new city.

Player 1: Do we want one by the wharf?
Player 2: Or one by the Geordi and Data?
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Old 12-04-2010, 03:26 PM   #497
Rocket Man
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by Koshka View Post
The PCs have gone to another city for a mission. The paranoid PC has just informed the rest of the group that yes, they need a safe house in this new city.

Player 1: Do we want one by the wharf?
Player 2: Or one by the Geordi and Data?
Sounds like an Enterprising bunch.
“It's not railroading if you offer the PCs tickets and they stampede to the box office, waving their money. Metaphorically speaking”
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Old 12-04-2010, 09:47 PM   #498
The Benj
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by Rocket Man View Post
Sounds like an Enterprising bunch.
Don't let it Phase you.
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Old 12-04-2010, 09:54 PM   #499
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

I'm sure that given the choice, they always pick harder missions.
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Old 12-04-2010, 10:30 PM   #500
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Describing an intense battle scene:

" ... and the earth was trembling - TEASPOON!"

GM apparently needed a teaspoon for his newly filled cup of tea...

An assassin requiring information in exchange of sparing PC's life:

Assassin: "You owe me addresses..."
PC: "MATRESSES?" - breaks off laughing
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actual play, funny

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