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Old 10-03-2021, 06:33 PM   #321
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: New Zealand.
Default Re: [ATE] Farming example

Originally Posted by isf View Post
I really like the elven agriculture posts and will get a lot of use out of them (they particularity tie in with a version of Gloranthan elves (plant people) and thie forests.
Thanks, it's always nice to get feedback.
I now need to read and digest FF:Elves so that a more refined specific elven community can be written up in detail.

Originally Posted by isf View Post
Have you translated any of it into gurps rules? PC level, city stats, or realm management? What kind of tech levels would you recommend for the purely mundane version of this? Would Gardening be sufficient or would you also need ecology o some other skill?With magic, I'd probably add supersciene modifier to the effective TL.
While I haven't finalized anything yet, I do have a reasonable idea of how the numbers are going to pan out in GURPS terms. Character sheet wise there are likely to be a couple of point sink skills with limited application (area knowledge, professional skills to do with breeding etc)
Realm Management wise the elves carrying capacity will be something like 1/10th that of humans (based on the comparative percentage of the available land used for agriculture) multiplied by the improvements in productivity (which I haven't worked out in detail yet). Add in improved hunting as well.

As for TL, in a TL3 world I could see a TL 1+3 (agriculture) for the elves, with a penalty to engineering to balance things out. But again, I'll run the numbers and see how things compare with TL 4 and 5 yields etc.

The whole farming system would require the following skills in the community,
- Gardening
- Professional skill (breeding)
- Divination
- Farming
Those are the major skills, I'll put a more exhaustive list with the later write up.


I'm thinking that it would be a mix of mundane skills at high levels with extra time to manage the forest and potential magical additions. FOr example, growing a hedge wall around an area: it starts off as a sparse are gradually growing to an impenetrable wall with time and management (per Gurps Plant Spells pg 6).
That type of thing is almost definitely there, I'll likely swipe the idea for the write up.

Maybe something like a 5 pt UB (Forest engineer?) and relevant skills and spells?
I'm not 100% on what this is referring to.
Waiting for inspiration to strike......
And spending too much time thinking about farming for RPGs
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Old 10-03-2021, 07:29 PM   #322
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Default Re: [ATE] Farming example

Originally Posted by (E) View Post

I'm not 100% on what this is referring to.

A suggestion for what would go on a character sheet, representing the unusual aature of elven techniques and skills compared to the rest of the world.
Travis Foster
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Old 10-18-2022, 06:14 PM   #323
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Default Re: [ATE] Farming example

There is an article on the BBC about feeding the world after an asteroid impact here.
Long life foods are mentioned as well as some content on farming.

The article also mentions Quorn a fungal based food product, and because I feel obliged to provide obscure bits of research the name Quorn is also that of the oldest hunt in the UK (fox hunting) resulting in a dispute that went to court.
Waiting for inspiration to strike......
And spending too much time thinking about farming for RPGs
Contributor to Citadel at Nordvörn

Last edited by (E); 10-18-2022 at 06:23 PM.
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Old 10-24-2022, 05:54 AM   #324
Luke Bunyip
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Default Re: [ATE] Farming example

Originally Posted by (E) View Post
There is an article on the BBC about feeding the world after an asteroid impact here.
Long life foods are mentioned as well as some content on farming.

The article also mentions Quorn a fungal based food product, and because I feel obliged to provide obscure bits of research the name Quorn is also that of the oldest hunt in the UK (fox hunting) resulting in a dispute that went to court.
Heard Corm, stayed for the Quorn
It's all very well to be told to act my age, but I've never been this old before...
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Old 04-28-2023, 02:50 AM   #325
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Default Re: [ATE] Farming example

A study has been published about how New Zealand's food production would fair after a nuclear exchange.

A news article summarizing things.

[EDIT: Paywalled]
The full publication
Waiting for inspiration to strike......
And spending too much time thinking about farming for RPGs
Contributor to Citadel at Nordvörn

Last edited by (E); 04-28-2023 at 03:18 PM.
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Old 05-01-2023, 04:28 PM   #326
Join Date: May 2007
Default Re: [ATE] Farming example

Originally Posted by (E) View Post
Western Hills

Subterranean farming . . .
- Pigs, fed mushrooms, mussels, insects and a bare minimum of green crops.
- Insects, harvested from manure chambers.
- Ants and/or termites that are fed Fungi
- Mussels, fed Cyanobacteria and used as part of the water system, they also act as a nitrogen fixer in this system.
- Fish, fed on mushrooms and ants/termites. . .
I would add rabbits -- probably would deal better with an underground environment that pigs.
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Old 05-02-2023, 11:35 AM   #327
Join Date: Dec 2020
Default Re: [ATE] Farming example

Originally Posted by fredtheobviouspseudonym View Post
I would add rabbits -- probably would deal better with an underground environment that pigs.
Some Sorts of rats are also good for this, basically any animal which produces meat, and ist used to live underground is better than pigs. Unless you need the byproducts of a larger animal, like skin, glands and intestines... . Also the Excrements are good as fertilizer, don´t know how this ist with rabbits and
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Old 05-05-2023, 07:52 PM   #328
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Default Re: [ATE] Farming example

Rabbits are a possibility in fairly small numbers, a richer citizen or two might keep some. The largest bottle neck in the farming systems at Western Hills is vegetable production and herbivores such as rabbits have expensive feed requirements.

Conversly having an additional meat producing animal would add much needed resilience to the food production.

Rats are something as well, while not the only option available catching wild rats then fattening and observing them for disease etc would serve as a way of bringing new material into the rather closed system present.

Ukrainian farmer de-mining a field with a modified tractor (Youtube link)
Waiting for inspiration to strike......
And spending too much time thinking about farming for RPGs
Contributor to Citadel at Nordvörn

Last edited by (E); 05-05-2023 at 08:02 PM. Reason: Adding a news article.
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after the end, ate, climate, farming, livestock.

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