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Old 12-26-2024, 01:26 PM   #1
Night Watchman
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Default [GCA5] GCA Prime (was Angry Owl) queries

Preface: I am partially sighted. I am finding that GCA5's "richer" user interface is much harder to use, because it has more on-screen elements at a time and it uses more colours. I am using "Classic" view to reduce this. If you were going to suggest I use the new view, please don't. I can't.

I'm having trouble with the options on the Angry Owl sheet. I'm trying to get it onto a reasonably small number of pages, and it is getting more and more confused. How do I report bugs? The obvious way is to export the sheet options, generate a PDF of the rendering and submit those, together with the gca5 file. Should that reproduce the problem?
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Old 12-26-2024, 02:15 PM   #2
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Default Re: [GCA5] Angry Owl queries

If you hit the System Colors button in the Character Toolbar, you can change the colors of Unified View. You can either change all the colors manually, or you can click the Import button and load "GCA Colors - Additional Options." There are two predefined color schemes: Muted Colors, designed by me (to keep the color scheme but make the colors less overpowering); and Mostly Gray, which turns Unified View monochrome. When you've made your color scheme, you can export it to a file as well.

If your GCA updated? That sheet has been called GCA Prime for a couple of years now.

You can report bugs here or on the GURPS discord channel for GCA. Armin will see both.
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Old 12-26-2024, 04:04 PM   #3
GCA Prime
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Default Re: [GCA5] Angry Owl queries

What Stormcrow said.

Angry Owl was the 'development' name for the GCA Prime sheet, and is definitely outdated. Make sure your GCA5 is updated, and the GCA Prime sheet should be included by default. if you have Angry Owl still installed, you should delete it.
Armin D. Sykes | Visit my GCA5 blog for updates and previews. | Get GURPS Character Assistant 5 now at Warehouse 23.
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Old 12-28-2024, 04:53 AM   #4
Night Watchman
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Default Re: [GCA5] Angry Owl queries

Originally Posted by Stormcrow View Post
Mostly Gray, which turns Unified View monochrome. When you've made your color scheme, you can export it to a file as well.
OK, that helps.
If your GCA updated? That sheet has been called GCA Prime for a couple of years now.
It was up to date, I had started a customisation of Angry Owl some time ago, so I went back to that, not knowing about the name change.
You can report bugs here or on the GURPS discord channel for GCA. Armin will see both.
I wasn't clear. The character sheet options setup is complicated enough that I think I'm going to need to submit files with the bug reports: a generated PDF, the character, and the customisation of GCA Prime. Do I e-mail those to Armin, or is there another route?
Originally Posted by Armin View Post
If you have Angry Owl still installed, you should delete it.
Do I just delete the file, or is there an uninstaller option?

New problem, annoying but minor. I'm cycling through changing Character Sheet Options and print-previewing the results. Every time I go into Tools=>Character Sheet Options, it's showing me options for the GURPS 4e Official Character Sheet, and I have to switch to my customisation. This gets annoying after 20 or so cycles. I have set my customisation in Tools=>Options->Current Character Options, so I'm not sure what else to set?
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Old 12-28-2024, 08:22 AM   #5
GCA Prime
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Default Re: [GCA5] Angry Owl queries

Originally Posted by johndallman View Post
I wasn't clear. The character sheet options setup is complicated enough that I think I'm going to need to submit files with the bug reports: a generated PDF, the character, and the customisation of GCA Prime. Do I e-mail those to Armin, or is there another route?
There are no good routes right now. I can't afford a proper bug tracking system where you can submit files and whatnot. If you need to include files, ZIP them up and email them to me, and explain in the email what the issue is so I can try to find it.

However, all GCA issues are very slow turnaround right now from me. I'm effectively unemployed, stressed out, and having mental issues.

If you can explain the issue, maybe referring to a pdf or image hosted elsewhere, then community support here may be the fastest route to a solution. Stormcrow, for example, has been extremely helpful (and I appreciate that greatly!).

Originally Posted by johndallman View Post
Do I just delete the file, or is there an uninstaller option?
Sheets should be a folder in your \Documents\GURPS Character Assistant 5\plugins\ folder if you installed it yourself. Remove the entire folder.

If it was installed by the package manager while I was testing the sheet, then I honestly don't recall how that's handled when there's no longer a package for it. I thought it would be removed automatically, but I'm not sure now. You can see if there's an option for it on the Optional tab of the Check for Updates package manager, but I doubt there is.

If you need to remove that manually, you should be able to remove it by removing the folder found in %programdata%\Steve Jackson Games\GURPS Character Assistant 5\plugins

You can, of course, just leave it there and ignore it, but that seems kinda annoying.

Originally Posted by johndallman View Post
New problem, annoying but minor. I'm cycling through changing Character Sheet Options and print-previewing the results. Every time I go into Tools=>Character Sheet Options, it's showing me options for the GURPS 4e Official Character Sheet, and I have to switch to my customisation. This gets annoying after 20 or so cycles. I have set my customisation in Tools=>Options->Current Character Options, so I'm not sure what else to set?
Since you're not using Sheet View otherwise, go into the options for GCA Prime, and scroll down to the last box, Sheet View Options, and set the first option, Use the on-sheet editing features for this sheet in Sheet View?, to No. Then when you click OK that will not put lots of editing boxes on Sheet View.

Now, instead of using Print Preview to evaluate your changes to the options, see if you can use Sheet View, instead. it's nearly identical to Print Preview in most ways, and the sheet currently open in Sheet View is the sheet that's automatically selected when you open Sheet Options. That should help.

Otherwise, just switch over to Sheet View long enough to change to your preferred sheet on that View, and then go back to Classic and do what you were doing; once Sheet View is set your Sheet Options should open to that sheet first.
Armin D. Sykes | Visit my GCA5 blog for updates and previews. | Get GURPS Character Assistant 5 now at Warehouse 23.
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Old 12-29-2024, 03:09 AM   #6
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Default Re: [GCA5] Angry Owl queries

Originally Posted by Armin View Post
However, all GCA issues are very slow turnaround right now from me. I'm effectively unemployed, stressed out, and having mental issues.
Sorry to hear this, Armin :(. I hope things change for the better for you, and soon.
Mortal Wombat
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All losses are restored and sorrows end."
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Old 12-29-2024, 04:51 AM   #7
Night Watchman
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Default Re: [GCA5] Angry Owl queries

Originally Posted by Armin View Post
However, all GCA issues are very slow turnaround right now from me. I'm effectively unemployed, stressed out, and having mental issues.
Oh, heck. I hope I haven't made things worse? Best of luck with it!
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Old 12-29-2024, 10:20 AM   #8
GCA Prime
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Default Re: [GCA5] Angry Owl queries

Originally Posted by Farmer View Post
Sorry to hear this, Armin :(. I hope things change for the better for you, and soon.
Thank you.

Originally Posted by johndallman View Post
Oh, heck. I hope I haven't made things worse? Best of luck with it!
Nah, this kind of thing is fine, thanks. I deal with GCA stuff when I feel like I'm good to do it.

One reason that I am NOT working on GCA full time right now is because that would then make it work, rather than my side-project, and it would be the worst paying work I've ever done. That would ruin GCA for me, and then it, too, would die. So I'm keeping it hobby level right now, as best I possibly can given my issues. Unfortunately without actual work to keep me focused and busy, I don't nearly as often turn to GCA to cleanse my brain and give it something different to do.

Anyway, GCA stuff is fine, just slow, and stuff like this thread is fine, just probably slow from me. Community assistance helps to fill the gaps, and hopefully I'll find something at some point that lets me put things back in order.
Armin D. Sykes | Visit my GCA5 blog for updates and previews. | Get GURPS Character Assistant 5 now at Warehouse 23.
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