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Old 02-16-2022, 11:51 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Default Minor interface annoyances with GCA5

I was just trying to add a new entry to the campaign log, and found it annoying that there was no easy way to delete the default text in the "caption" field...if I tab to it, the text is highlighted and I can just start typing, but it takes multiple tabs to actually get to that field after creating a new entry. If I just click on the field, it immediately unselects the text and moves the cursor to the end, and Ctrl-A doesn't work to re-select the text, so I have to manually delete each character (or drag the mouse to re-select, or tab away and then Shift-tab back, etc).

So, can you change the tab order (or just move the focus to the caption field when a new entry is created) and/or enable Ctrl-A in all the fields on that form (not just the main "Notes" field, where I see it does work)?

(Note: I'm using Wine to run under Linux, so I suppose it's possible that the interface behaves differently when running natively under Windows.)

Last edited by MeddlingMonk; 02-16-2022 at 11:54 PM.
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:02 AM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Ronkonkoma, NY
Default Re: Minor interface annoyances with GCA5

The lack of Ctrl-A must be a Linux/Wine thing, because I can Ctrl-A on the caption field in Windows, as well as all the others.
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Old 02-17-2022, 10:55 AM   #3
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Default Re: Minor interface annoyances with GCA5

CTRL+A does seem to work there. I'm not sure why it isn't for you. Maybe Linux for some reason doesn't like it in non-multi-line entry fields? I dunno, it's weird.

Originally Posted by MeddlingMonk View Post
So, can you change the tab order (or just move the focus to the caption field when a new entry is created) and/or enable Ctrl-A in all the fields on that form (not just the main "Notes" field, where I see it does work)?
I'll see about moving the focus to the caption when a new entry is created. It should be doing it that way already.

It won't appear in the next update, but I hope it'll be in the one after that.
Armin D. Sykes | Visit my GCA5 blog for updates and previews. | Get GURPS Character Assistant 5 now at Warehouse 23.
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