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Old 09-19-2013, 03:53 PM   #611
EpicBlake's Avatar
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Default Re: Member House Rules

The group who introduced me to the game had a rule they applied for when mixing in everything into a game (They had every copy of munchkin, expansion, and booster to date) that helped go through the massive amount of cards. Race/Class/Powers/Accents/Loyalty/Etc. were treated as curses. Meaning if you were an Elf and kicked down the door and got Dwarf, you lost the Elf card and became a Dwarf. This also allowed you to play these cards as curses which also made the game more interesting.

I know very few like blending everything, so if you wanna use this rule, it works well when the door card stack gets over 4 inches tall.
Own everything but Munchkin 7 - 8, W23 2014, Zombies, and Apocalypse.
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Old 09-21-2013, 07:16 PM   #612
Join Date: Sep 2013
Default 2 Player Varient Help

Moderator edit: As any 2-player variant would be a house rule (the game rules and box say the game is for 3 to 6 players), this post was moved to this thread.

Hey there, new to the forums, absolutely fell in love with the game when i got it. So sorry if this is the wrong section lol. Anyways, me and the GF have been trying to find a good two player variant that still holds true to the full version. Straight up rules get a little boring, very methodical game. So here are the rules we've come up with, and would love a little input on how to improve them.

Anything marked with (--Bracket like this--) is a rule im undecided on.

-Deal out 3 hands, one hand played is visible. Will act as a dummy player, or third hand
-All treasure for third hand is laid out as carrying, and is available for trading during the players turn
-You can trade for any card but must be equal or greater value, similar to selling items, no "Refund" on extra money spent
-Any treature that has no value is shuffled back into the deck(--Discarded?--)(--Replace those cards with item cards?--)
-During a players turn, they may ask for combat assistance from the 3rd hand by rolling the dice.
-The number shown is added to the combat value
-Once level (--5,6,7?--) is reached, double the value of the roll
-No treausre is gained if aided by 3rd hand, treausre goes on field as carrying on the third hand
-Level is still gained through assistance
-If no assistance was asked for, the second player may ask for assistance from the third hand
-Can discard any card in play or in hand(--Just door card?--) to roll the dice. If a roll of 4(--5?--) or higher, they may play a door card from the third hand
-Door cards played by the third hand are automatically replaced. Will always have 4 available.
-Similairly the first player my discard a card as well to use a door card from the third hand (Gain class, race, etc.)
-On third players turn, add 1 treause to the carrying pile, and one door card to the hand (to prevent only having monster cards). Discard door cards down to 4 (Oldest to newest)
-(--Optional: Add one level to the 3rd hand per turn. Assisted combat strenth for third hand is roll+level, test for late game--)
-(--Possibly limit amount of tresture carried, possibly not, test.--)

(--Varient: Build a charater for third hand based on cards given.

-Give class and race as first drawn each
-Attach any available treasure, maximum combat strength always precedent.
-Switch out stronger treasure as available

-Can still ad dice roll to help or not
-Can still ad one level per round or not--)

Anyways any thoughts are appreciated :)

Last edited by MunchkinMan; 09-21-2013 at 10:06 PM.
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Old 10-07-2013, 08:19 AM   #613
Join Date: Oct 2013
Default Re: Member House Rules

If you have the Duck of Doom & Gloom - we have used the following:

If you draw a card with the duck (or a goose for a few more options), in addition to what is printed on the card, you must roll a die:

On a 1,3,5 - you get the Duck of Gloom (black, the "odd duck out" or the "ugly duckling)
On a 2,4,6 - you get the Duck of Doom (yellow, level headed)

When the player holds the Duck of Gloom - they get -1 to combat. Their level is not affected overall, however, they play as if they are 1 level lower (so Level 2 acts as a Level 1)

When the player holds the Duck of Doom - they get +1 to combat. Their level is not affected overall, however, they play as if they are 1 level higher (so Level 4 now acts as Level 5). As the level is not affected OVERALL, if you are level 9 and come into ownership of the Duck of Doom, you do not win the game, simply, you act as you are level 10 (+10 combat) but are still at level 9!

This comes in handy, too, when facing monsters that you can/cannot run away from, or have leveled attributes.

You can lose the duck whenever some draws another duck (and rolls the numbers listed above), a thief can steal it away, or you die. Ducks cannot be sold. Ducks can be removed with any curse for a carried item, counts as a one handed item unless you carry both ducks (then they count as a big item)

Hope my little accessory rule sounds like fun to you guys!
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Old 10-31-2013, 08:00 AM   #614
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Wyoming
Default Re: Member House Rules

Since I didn't see a rule for Trick or Treats when you play on Halloween, I think I'm going to install a house rule that whenever you beat a monster from the Trick or Treats you get an extra treasure, and if you have an item from Trick or Treats it is worth an extra +1.
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Old 12-03-2013, 05:17 PM   #615
Mister Ed
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Default Re: Member House Rules

For the bookmarks, when we use them at home, we just ignore the destructive instructions, unless they are an important part of how the bookmark works (like the bonus is based on how many pieces you can tear it into or something) and then we sub in similarly sized cardstock.

If I took them to a tournament or even just a regular game at a FLGS, I'd use them the correct way.
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Old 12-25-2013, 08:24 AM   #616
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Default Re: Member House Rules

We split larger stacks in 2 and let the Munchkin choose the the stack. This helps prevent cards from being buried at the bottom of a large stack.
Murphy was an optimist!
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Old 12-28-2013, 07:12 AM   #617
Join Date: Dec 2013
Default Re: Member House Rules

We start with 4 door cards and 4 treasure cards so things start rolling quickly
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Old 12-28-2013, 09:54 AM   #618
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by Mastermoo View Post
We start with 4 door cards and 4 treasure cards so things start rolling quickly
Since that is the default rule, I'm not sure why you're listing this as a house rule.
Erik D. Zane
Munchkin NetRep --
MiB #1029
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Old 12-28-2013, 07:24 PM   #619
Join Date: Dec 2013
Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by MunchkinMan View Post
Since that is the default rule, I'm not sure why you're listing this as a house rule.
Oh sorry, its just because the flash demo shows you receiving 2 cards of each deck.
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Old 12-29-2013, 08:24 AM   #620
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Prior to 2010, the rules were different, and that demo also reflects those rules. However, it's still a training demo, and not meant to be a complete set of rules. Also, the Flash demo replays the script from a special training set that only has very few cards. Handing out 8 cards in that set would deplete the available cards to very few, and make it worthless.
Erik D. Zane
Munchkin NetRep --
MiB #1029
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combining different, doors, dummy hand, epic, extras, funny, gambling, gameplay, house rules, multi-deck, munchkin, munchkin zombies, new way to play, rules, rules variant, team, teams, two player, zombie dice

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