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Old 08-21-2010, 10:29 PM   #241
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Personally, I never implement a house rule based on a one-time occurrence. The second time might make me think about what I'd do to fix it if it happened a third time.
Erik D. Zane
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MiB #1029
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Old 09-07-2010, 07:27 PM   #242
Join Date: Sep 2010
Default Re: Member House Rules

My only house rule is that if you die you loss everything( class, race, ect) go to leval 1 and everyone still loots your body, it makes things a lot more interesting.
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Old 09-08-2010, 03:59 PM   #243
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Hello, I'm new here, and hope to contributte somehow

as house rules we use the loaded dices affecting all possible D6 rolls.
It usually brings some problems to those thiefs. And a lot of laughs to everybody else. It didn't start 'cause there were any problems with the rules, just because when someone tried, it was so cool we all agreed it would be that way from now on.

I don't really think anything else annoys me until now.

Now I use a different set of rules for monsters in Epic games...
Anyone that tests this, could leave an input?

When you're epic you get half the levels printed on monster cards, rounded down.
So if its a big monster, 1 lvl, if its a normal monster, 0.

Every Epic Munchkin can decide to fight An epic battle.
If the monster is an Epic version, Its got Twice its levels and killing them gives 2 more levels (so, small epic monsters would give 3 levels and the epic Munchkin would get only 1, Big Epic monsters would give 4 levels and therefore give 2 to the epic munchkin when defeated).

All enhancers gives double the bonus (and treasures)
All Monsters that Join an epic fight are Epic versions.

Small Epic Monsters Kill you in adition to its bad stuff.
Big Epic Monsters Kill you, Steal your biggest cost item and make you loose 2 levels in adition to its bad stuff.

So as an example, Epic Feline kicks a door and find a lvl 1 monster, it does nothing except u loose your footgear as a bad stuff.

If He decides to fight it as it is, It would probably kill it, and get 1 treasure and no levels.
Now He decides to fight it.. and its an epic vr. Its lvl 2, the Bad Stuff is that it steals your footgear.. and the Kills you, its worth 3 levels (so the epic would get 1 for defeating it alone) and is worth 2 treasures.

Player A decides its the last of its Species, so it would get a +10 and would be worthy 2 more treasures. It gets +20 and is worthy 4 more treasures.

Player B says there was another lvl 6 monster wondering around, It would be a lvl 12 epic monster worth 3 levels

Should the Munchkin defeat both, He would get 6 levels, as He is epic, He only gets half of it, 3 levels.

from lvl 1, The epic munchkin is now facing some chalenge, as any enhancer could dramatically change the combat... If He succeeds, He is going to have tons of treasure from the battle.
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Old 09-14-2010, 04:23 AM   #244
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Default Re: Member House Rules

For house rules I remember one time I played with a friend for some time...
Near the end of an Epic Munchkin game, and we went to Over-Epic
we wanted to use all the doors, or/and I didn't want to lose that soon, either way:
As we went over and started going over 20 we drew another door making 3, then 4, then 5...
Level 28 to 30 needed kills before we went on to go for 40, then it was 37... ect.
Tried to figure out any Over-Epic Munchkin class and race powers but gave up on it...

Using normal Munchkin (only) we ended since we started getting sleepy (I had to drive home afterwards)
at level 45 and 50 it ended if I remember correctly, and a massive characters overloaded with bonuses, and a great hand of cards if dwarf (which I was)

Even if it was a lot of fun, I would not that recommend it for some reasons:
1# Counting takes forever(didn't have the luxury of a Kill-O-Meter back then)
2# As you reach level 20 you normally have a bonus equal or greater to your level, this does not stop here only makes it happen more rapidly
3# It takes a loooooooooong time to reach level 50 unless you are lucky with cards and the other player can't hinder you
Masa: Mind over matter Mune
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Old 09-14-2010, 08:44 PM   #245
philmontmunchkin's Avatar
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Default Re: Member House Rules

yes, me and my friends use house rules when we play munchkin. its mostly because we've misinterpreted the rules or skimmed past a line or two when reading. we haven't changed because of habit and it is fun.
Don't take life seriously, you'll never get out alive.
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Old 09-15-2010, 02:35 PM   #246
Join Date: Sep 2010
Default Re: Member House Rules

We play a 7th level stretch.

Whenever any munchkin who begins a turn at a level other than 7 ends their turn at exactly level 7, all munchkins are entitled to a free door card.

Each munchkin starting with the one to the left of the newly leveled 7 munchkin draws a face down door card, drawing ends with the newly leveled 7 munchkin drawing a face up door card.

This round of drawing door cards occurs between the end of the level 7 munchkin's turn and the beginning of the next munchkins turn. These door cards may not be played until the next munchkin's turn begins.

The bonus does work both ways, i.e. you can go up from level 6 to 7 or down from level 8 to 7, as long as you end your turn at level 7. If you go from level 6 to level 8 no bonus is rewarded.

We set this up so that we could all get a few more door cards in our hands before the chaos of having munchkins reach level 9 ensued. It has made for some crazy final rounds.
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Old 10-13-2010, 02:00 AM   #247
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Default Re: Member House Rules

I have a pretty big house rule

we play that you can also trade cards as well as items like monsters,monster enhancers, and even classes and races!

This is a good house rule you should try it
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Old 10-18-2010, 12:59 PM   #248
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Member House Rules

My group is a rather dramatic assortment, so our house rules are quite simple for starters:

You must, if at all possible, act out your non-combat cards.

Example: mid-game (Fantasy), a mate suddenly said "So I just found out that my grandpa only has 3 weeks to live..." We all sat in stunned silence, not sure what to say. He yells "Yes! Killed the Conversation!" and slammed down 'Killed the Conversation - GUAL'...

When someone wins, everyone Tells Their Munchkin's Story.

Example: (quickly make up a name for my munchkin) "...erm, I was Slythytoves, the level 10, High Dwarf Ranger. I had my trusty Talking Rapter-Steed and my Torch-Bearer Hireling. I was wearing the Magnificent Hat, the Short-Wide Armor, and Spike-Heeled Boots of Butt Kicking. I was carrying the Two-Handed Sword and the Three-Handed Sword of Destiny....FEEL MY WRATH!!!" ...and so on and so forth...good times...

Those two rules are just a bit of fun. This other one came about from being taught to play by others who didn't follow all of the rules:

Endless Bag of Stuff (yes, I am aware of the whole 'bag of holding' nonsense, but really, it's an endless bag of stuff, right?)

So, how this works, any one-use items (grenades, potions, etc.) go into a stack off to the side of each player. This is their Endless Bag of Stuff. Note: I must be clear that only items can go into the EBS; anything that is one-use and you could hold in your physical hand, should it exist (the item, not your hand), can go into the EBS.

Your Endless Bag of Stuff is accessible at any time, whether to sell or to interfere, provided you are following the usual rules for selling or interference.

Because of this, you can seriously stock up on combat effect items, which makes for majorly epic end-game combat.

(yeah, then I read the rules thoroughly...)

The problem with this house-rule is the game speed: EBS slows a game down in a big way. Great if you've got the time and want to go for some crazy monsters/munchkins, but the normal rules make for a faster paced game. I am aware of the entire game balance arguement...just sayin' what I'm playin'...
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Old 10-19-2010, 12:50 AM   #249
Join Date: May 2010
Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by Slythytoves View Post
Endless Bag of Stuff (yes, I am aware of the whole 'bag of holding' nonsense, but really, it's an endless bag of stuff, right?)

So, how this works, any one-use items (grenades, potions, etc.) go into a stack off to the side of each player. This is their Endless Bag of Stuff. Note: I must be clear that only items can go into the EBS; anything that is one-use and you could hold in your physical hand, should it exist (the item, not your hand), can go into the EBS.

Your Endless Bag of Stuff is accessible at any time, whether to sell or to interfere, provided you are following the usual rules for selling or interference.

Because of this, you can seriously stock up on combat effect items, which makes for majorly epic end-game combat.
I'm a bit unclear how this is different than the usual item rules, other than placing them in a stack instead of laid out.
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Old 10-19-2010, 08:49 AM   #250
Join Date: May 2010
Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by Nerftw View Post
I'm a bit unclear how this is different than the usual item rules, other than placing them in a stack instead of laid out.
I guess the advantage is people can only see the top card or can't see them if they are face down. It could be useful for bluffing if you are good at that.
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