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Old 02-03-2012, 08:39 AM   #971
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Default Re: Art for games

A friend of mine who doesn't have a credit card at all was able to download the software, so I'm guessing a CC isn't required.
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Old 02-03-2012, 11:16 AM   #972
Ze'Manel Cunha
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
I'm not entirely sure what DAZ's plan is with this, but they're giving all their core software away. Some of you have expressed an interest so here it all is.
Oh boy, guess I'll have to give it a spin.

As for what their plan is, just guessing, but if their market has gotten to the point where they mostly get their income from add-ons, then the cost of the core software actually becomes a hindrance to building an active customer base and it therefore becomes more profitable to give away the core and reap the profits from the add-ons.

Originally Posted by sjard View Post
I didn't need to give credit card details for either my wife or I.
I got:
"No balance on the order; no payment method needed"
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Old 02-03-2012, 12:53 PM   #973
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Default Re: Art for games

Cheers for that.

Now, if any of you use GoZ for DS4, there is a problem with that and they are working on a fix. It's a bummer though since I was looking forward to putting my new tablet to use on a DAZ character :)

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Old 02-03-2012, 12:59 PM   #974
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Ze'Manel Cunha View Post
As for what their plan is, just guessing, but if their market has gotten to the point where they mostly get their income from add-ons, then the cost of the core software actually becomes a hindrance to building an active customer base and it therefore becomes more profitable to give away the core and reap the profits from the add-ons.
Technically, this has always been DAZ's angle. DAZ 1 and DAZ 2 were both free because they want people to buy their content. That's where they got their start: content for Poser. So, I'm betting this is an attempt to get more people to buy their content . . . again.


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Old 02-03-2012, 01:43 PM   #975
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr View Post
Technically, this has always been DAZ's angle. DAZ 1 and DAZ 2 were both free because they want people to buy their content. That's where they got their start: content for Poser. So, I'm betting this is an attempt to get more people to buy their content . . . again.


Although, this time, I believe they want to boost their content creator base as well - I think they believe it is getting stagnant out there :) and a lot of Genesis content creator means a lot of moneys coming in :)

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Old 02-04-2012, 08:47 AM   #976
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Since they came out with the new technology in DS4 that made Genesis possible (and then used it to make Genesis) they've got a lot of positive attention from the "serious" part of the 3D industry - folks using the thousands-of-dollars software like Maya and 3DStudioMax and suchlike. Until DS4, our hobby-market was using a geometry technology that was state-of-the-art in the 90s and the "serious" folks had a lot of trouble keeping a straight face when looking at Poser (and later, Studio).

Since they've accompanied this with a blitz of marketing in the wider CGI industry, and a storm of press releases, it's quite possible they're trying to draw in people from that segment. Those folks consider the feature set in the complete Pro suite from DAZ 3D to be something more like a bare essentials of features. I'm sure they consider moving from program to program to edit, pose, put in scenery, and then render a bit barbaric, but for "free" I suspect they can cope.

The wider CGI market also buys already-prepared content for professional work (although they may customize it, or mix it with other pieces that were customized). So that's a flood of both content creators and content buyers. Exactly what this corner of the market thrives on.
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Old 02-04-2012, 10:05 AM   #977
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
Since they came out with the new technology in DS4 that made Genesis possible (and then used it to make Genesis) they've got a lot of positive attention from the "serious" part of the 3D industry - folks using the thousands-of-dollars software like Maya and 3DStudioMax and suchlike. Until DS4, our hobby-market was using a geometry technology that was state-of-the-art in the 90s and the "serious" folks had a lot of trouble keeping a straight face when looking at Poser (and later, Studio).

Since they've accompanied this with a blitz of marketing in the wider CGI industry, and a storm of press releases, it's quite possible they're trying to draw in people from that segment. Those folks consider the feature set in the complete Pro suite from DAZ 3D to be something more like a bare essentials of features. I'm sure they consider moving from program to program to edit, pose, put in scenery, and then render a bit barbaric, but for "free" I suspect they can cope.

The wider CGI market also buys already-prepared content for professional work (although they may customize it, or mix it with other pieces that were customized). So that's a flood of both content creators and content buyers. Exactly what this corner of the market thrives on.
Just one thing. Most workflows I have seen and know that people use usually involves moving from Maya (or 3DS Max) to ZBrush (or MudBox) and then back using add-on renderers. Sometimes designers sart from Rhino, move to ZBrush and then 3DS Max to render using Vraf for instance ;)

What I am really happy about this sale is now I will be able to create morphs for DAZ figures using my trusty ZBrush!!

And I will actually (if this is allowed) share them here.

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Last edited by Mehmet; 02-04-2012 at 10:08 AM.
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Old 02-04-2012, 11:39 AM   #978
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mehmet View Post
And I will actually (if this is allowed) share them here.
I'm pretty sure if they have utility in RPGs that SJG won't mind. Worst case your thread might be rerouted to General Chatter.
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Old 02-04-2012, 12:28 PM   #979
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
I'm pretty sure if they have utility in RPGs that SJG won't mind. Worst case your thread might be rerouted to General Chatter.
I will have to ask DAZ whether it is alright to share mesh modifiers without going through them though I suppose.

Although, you might know this as an artist for DAZ :)

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Old 02-04-2012, 01:57 PM   #980
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mehmet View Post
I will have to ask DAZ whether it is alright to share mesh modifiers without going through them though I suppose.

Although, you might know this as an artist for DAZ :)

It is absolutely OK. It needs to be distributed in a format that doesn't include the geometry - Poser Morphs, Genesis Morphs are both lists of deltas with no actual geometry, so both are perfectly fine (and encouraged, and there's a thriving independent freebie community that they encourage). Both distribution formats have been specifically designed to be compliant :)

If a mesh modifier is some sort of ZBrush thing, I don't know how it works - but if it can't be used to recreate the base geometry, it's still in compliance with the license.
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