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Old 12-25-2011, 08:39 PM   #901
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr View Post
Well, due to the release of Reality 2.0 which supports Daz 4 . . . I broke down and splurged and picked up Daz 4 Advanced and a truckload of Genesis content.

There are people who should have access to that technology, and there are people who should not.

I am part of the latter group. I have used my powers for evil.

Santa's "Little" Helper
Wow! I never thought I'd see an Ithklur rendered....
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Old 12-27-2011, 09:53 AM   #902
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr View Post
Well, due to the release of Reality 2.0 which supports Daz 4 . . . I broke down and splurged and picked up Daz 4 Advanced and a truckload of Genesis content.

There are people who should have access to that technology, and there are people who should not.

I am part of the latter group. I have used my powers for evil.

Santa's "Little" Helper
"The goggles, they do nothing!!!"
Rob Kelk
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– Bernard Baruch,
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Old 01-05-2012, 05:02 AM   #903
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr View Post
Well, been busy. Trying to get some pictures to work, and rendering others that live up to my title.

However, here's Kalyn Telana for a Star Wars game. (Here she is with just the saber casting light.)

Curse you Reality 2.0. Curse you!
Hey there. If you don2t mind me asking, what is the base figure there? Also, I believe you don't use Daz vanilla rendering engine, right? A bit of setup advice would be greatly appreciated.

Just dug up my whole disk-full of content and got back on DS - I did not like Genesis by the way so I'm sticking with V3/M3/D3/V4 and variations for now - never liked Aiko - and I do not have the funds to build up a decent Genesis base anyway. Lucky I had a DAZ 3.x free in that disk too since 4 is not working for me for some reason - categories won't update.

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Old 01-05-2012, 05:20 AM   #904
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mehmet View Post
Hey there. If you don2t mind me asking, what is the base figure there? Also, I believe you don't use Daz vanilla rendering engine, right? A bit of setup advice would be greatly appreciated.

Just dug up my whole disk-full of content and got back on DS - I did not like Genesis by the way so I'm sticking with V3/M3/D3/V4 and variations for now - never liked Aiko - and I do not have the funds to build up a decent Genesis base anyway. Lucky I had a DAZ 3.x free in that disk too since 4 is not working for me for some reason - categories won't update.

Oh my. Just did a bit of reading re Genesis. Does the autofit really work? If so I'll just go and buy DS 4 advanced and loads of Genesis stuff. It would be a shame to lose use of around 30 morph character faces but, hey, I'd get to keep all other stuff.

I have been, it appears, out of the loop so I should read up on the new tech first I reckon.

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Old 01-05-2012, 11:20 AM   #905
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr View Post
Hmm, the clothes are mostly typical but the model is unusually heavy-boned for one of your characters ... ;)

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Old 01-05-2012, 12:49 PM   #906
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mehmet View Post
Oh my. Just did a bit of reading re Genesis. Does the autofit really work?
The current version doesn't work on long or full dresses in any acceptable way, nor long full sleeves. Short "mini-skirts" and similarly cut dresses are reasonable the way it handles them.

Pants and shirts are pretty good, rigid armor is a little hit-and-miss because the auto-fit and the genesis morph projection stuff really do assume soft materials not rigid materials.

Now. That said.

1) it's expandable, both by DAZ and by third parties. There's at least one freebie autofit template out there to help with the way loose clothes fit around the breasts for V4 based clothing going to the V4 base shape, for example.

2) DAZ have said they're still working on it, so it's not abandonware.

3) DS4 has a mesh smoothing with collision thingy in it, which means that if you go with the old stand by "pose the clothing separately from the figure", you can fix a lot of wee pokethrough problems by getting the clothes to collide with the figure, meaning there's a lot less fussing to do

4) Dynamic clothing still works with Genesis.
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Old 01-05-2012, 01:02 PM   #907
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Bruno View Post

3) DS4 has a mesh smoothing with collision thingy in it, which means that if you go with the old stand by "pose the clothing separately from the figure", you can fix a lot of wee pokethrough problems by getting the clothes to collide with the figure, meaning there's a lot less fussing to do

4) Dynamic clothing still works with Genesis.
Thanks for this. Looks like my wallet will see some little black holes in the near future.

For these,

3) This is too advanced for me. How exactly do you get the cloth meshes to collide with the figure?

4) Well, never got the hang of it. Do you know good tutorials around?

I understand if the answers to these are too long winded and too "spoon feed me the info please" - please feel free to ignore them if they are.


Edit: played around with genesis, beautiful. Although Ds4 still has problems, at least in my case - I cannot, for the life of me, see any categories. Using the folder view to create a scene is a very very big pain. Sigh.
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Last edited by Mehmet; 01-05-2012 at 02:05 PM. Reason: Added some observations
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Old 01-06-2012, 01:01 AM   #908
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mehmet View Post
Hey there. If you don2t mind me asking, what is the base figure there? Also, I believe you don't use Daz vanilla rendering engine, right? A bit of setup advice would be greatly appreciated.
Actually, that's V4.2 (with a face and body by the wonderful Rebelmommy) and Daz 3 Advanced. I'm also using Reality 2.0, from Prêt-à-3D, for my rendering engine. Bruno turned me on to that and I haven't looked back.

I love you, Bruno!

Originally Posted by Mehmet View Post
Just dug up my whole disk-full of content and got back on DS - I did not like Genesis by the way so I'm sticking with V3/M3/D3/V4 and variations for now - never liked Aiko - and I do not have the funds to build up a decent Genesis base anyway. Lucky I had a DAZ 3.x free in that disk too since 4 is not working for me for some reason - categories won't update.
I'm still not sold on Genesis. I'm sticking with a lot of my V4 stuff because, well, I've got 2 faces for Genesis that make her pretty and both of those are obviously underaged (like cute little Aven). That's not an issue for me. But, it reduces the amount of other use they'll get. I've goofed around with some of the V4-to-Genesis Morph Injectors and . . . they suck. So, I'm hoping someone comes along and makes a working product that lets me inject my favorite characters into Genesis/V5.

Originally Posted by Ts_ View Post
Hmm, the clothes are mostly typical but the model is unusually heavy-boned for one of your characters ... ;)
Well, you might like Meagen, a character I did for a friend. She's still slender, but a bit meater than my normal characters.

Santa's "Little" Helper was more of a demon-stration to see how autofit worked for Genesis.

Originally Posted by Mehmet View Post
Edit: played around with genesis, beautiful. Although Ds4 still has problems, at least in my case - I cannot, for the life of me, see any categories. Using the folder view to create a scene is a very very big pain. Sigh.
Yeah, I don't like the "upgraded" version of Daz. Give me my Daz 3, bare-bones interface. It worked so much better.
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Old 01-06-2012, 02:40 AM   #909
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Default Re: Art for games

Ah, I think I'll just give up and go back to DS3. Reality looks amazing - I know where some of the money saved by not getting DS4 will go now I think.

Now, to learn the elusive arts of content categorisation and scene lighting arrangement (in that order).

My wife's music site, LadyObscure is for the prog/metal heads...
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Old 01-06-2012, 03:10 AM   #910
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Art for games

Yeah. I got Daz 4 Advanced for $50, instead of $230 (I pretty much need the advanced versions anymore), and Reality 2.0 for $20 instead of $80. So, I managed to save a good $200+ by upgrading over Christmas. Which I turned around and spent on more content.

Reality has a sharp learning curve, and it is processor and time intensive. I'm running an 8-core i7, and MonkeyFist has an identical computer, so I export rendering to him as well. So, that picture of Meagen took nearly 20 hours to come out. The picture of Aven took only 8, because it's just using the Sun as a light source instead of several lights throughout the room.

Reality is NOT for the weak of heart. But, it is awesome.
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