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Old 03-12-2021, 12:24 PM   #11
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

What is the sergeant’s name?

Originally Posted by ajardoor View Post
The sargeant strokes his chin, "Bring food for the trip. And very good weapons." And as for the boulder at the Broken Hilt, "We think that was just an attempt on revenge. Giants don't live in caves, they're too big."
I understand, is this because there are not reliable sources of water and food inside The Caves? How long has people ventured there? Have the delvers visiting The Caves, gone lost for days just to come back in despair? I would like to gauge the number of rations we’ll need, and manpower.

It would be of great aid if you could help us with a map, and a mapping kit. Do you have some for spare?

If there is loot in The Caves, then I could return you twice the value of them
(OOC: about 300 copper coins), and share with you the information we gather there.

I think this can be of profit to our land and us.

And if we were successful, it would be a commendation to you. Otherwise, you lose nothing. And you can put me in the "wanted list", if I don't pay when I'm back.

Originally Posted by ajardoor View Post
The sargeant wishes Bain luck, "We don't know what's out there in The Caves. Be careful."
Bain thanks the sergeant, and leaves with a greeting.

At this moment Bain is back to Broken Hilt, and sits with his fellow delvers; he explains the situation to them:

I just spoke to a sergeant in the Barracks. The forces steer clear from The Caves of Mercy, something big is going on there; you don’t find a series of monster lairs dug into a mountainside every day.

He told us to bring more rations, and good weapons.

And so, the party starts discussing the preparations… which possibly makes contrast with the rest of the place, that is for sure as lively as the party, but in different ways; surely those looking for adventure can smell what's cooking.
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Old 03-12-2021, 11:23 PM   #12
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Gathika sits with her companions and listens to Bain, she finds the dungeons interesting (her face lights up as she thinks about the things she can find).
As everyone starts to relax and enjoy the atmosphere, she suddenly turns to the side and looks puzzled for a moment…. After 3 seconds Gathika smiles and talks to her companions:

Comrades! I propose myself to do the shopping! ME-OW~
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Old 03-13-2021, 08:06 AM   #13
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
What is the sergeant’s name?

I understand, is this because there are not reliable sources of water and food inside The Caves? How long has people ventured there? Have the delvers visiting The Caves, gone lost for days just to come back in despair? I would like to gauge the number of rations we’ll need, and manpower.

It would be of great aid if you could help us with a map, and a mapping kit. Do you have some for spare?

If there is loot in The Caves, then I could return you twice the value of them
(OOC: about 300 copper coins), and share with you the information we gather there.

I think this can be of profit to our land and us.

And if we were successful, it would be a commendation to you. Otherwise, you lose nothing. And you can put me in the "wanted list", if I don't pay when I'm back.
The sergeant's name is Bernard Sallow, leader of Squad G.
"The Caves may have food and water, but the trip there goes over some rough terrain. Hikers have starved or died of thirst out there."
"People have not been to the Caves of Mercy in decades."
"The location is two days of hiking from here. Remember to prepare for the return journey, too."
The soldier is skeptical of Bain's offer. "We don't loan out our equipment to outsiders. And we aren't issued a mapping kit anyway. Just get some cash and buy that stuff from a shop."
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Old 03-13-2021, 11:27 AM   #14
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Originally Posted by ajardoor View Post
(...) the soldier is skeptical of Bain's offer. "We don't loan out our equipment to outsiders (...)
Although he does not mention it, Bain is somewhat surprised with the sergeant’s answer. His skepticism, and the fact the he is not realizing Bain’s cooperation potential, such as not risking his men in The Caves, makes him doubt of his capability and ambition.

And so, Bain replies:

Maybe you are fine here at your base sir, but you know people out there are having trouble with The Caves, and they need you, setting aside the danger alone. Consider this an investment for the welfare of the civilians, your men and the state.

Ajardoor: I would appreciate a roll of diplomacy or fast-talk. Please consider Bain’s reaction bonuses and his luck. . If this sergeant doesn’t agree, he won’t make a fuss out of it, Bain will come back tomorrow and talk to another one.

Thinking of the group, Bain does not want to spend their budget in a regular map, he prefers to save this money for provisions or the other expedition expenses. Acquiring a good map from the army not only is an exchange to improve the party’s chances of success, it also is a way forge credibility beyond being “simple adventurers”.
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Last edited by Hide; 03-13-2021 at 05:14 PM. Reason: Spelling.
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Old 03-13-2021, 05:30 PM   #15
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
Maybe you are fine here at your base sir, but you know people out there are having trouble with The Caves, and they need you, setting aside the danger alone. Consider this an investment for the welfare of the civilians, your men and the state.

Ajardoor: I would appreciate a roll of diplomacy or fast-talk. Please consider Bain’s reaction bonuses and his luck. . If this sergeant doesn’t agree, he won’t make a fuss out of it, Bain will come back tomorrow and talk to another one.
Sargeant Sallow sighs and rolls his eyes. He looks irritated at Bain's sincerity.
But he gives in all the same.
"If you really need a map and writing kit, talk to a Corporal Felds in the Broken Hilt. He has a tendency to "lose" stuff here and there, maybe he can fix you up. Try to not make a big deal about it, okay?"

Sure enough, Bain does find Corporal Felds in the tavern, and Felds does indeed have a map of the region and a writing kit to lend him - no cash needed, but he wants it back or a favour in return.
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Old 03-13-2021, 06:07 PM   #16
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Originally Posted by PumpkinLorica View Post
Gathika sits with her companions and listens to Bain, she finds the dungeons interesting (her face lights up as she thinks about the things she can find).
As everyone starts to relax and enjoy the atmosphere, she suddenly turns to the side and looks puzzled for a moment…. After 3 seconds Gathika smiles and talks to her companions:

Comrades! I propose myself to do the shopping! ME-OW~
"So two days there, a day or two exploring, then two days back, three or four if we have wounded or are encumbered. So seven days rations should do it. We'll need camping gear as well."
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Old 03-13-2021, 06:34 PM   #17
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

"I'll make a list of what we need, in order to get started as early as possible" Vic says while looking at Gathika.

"Does anybody need anything special?" he asks the group.

I'm not sure but I think that "survival (mountain) might help in these rolls
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Old 03-13-2021, 07:11 PM   #18
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Originally Posted by ajardoor View Post
Sargeant Sallow (...) gives in (...) talk to a Corporal Felds in the Broken Hilt (...)
Alright, let’s see what we can work with Felds, hope to meet you soon Sergeant.

Having thanked the sergeant, Bain proceeded to Felds.

Originally Posted by ajardoor View Post
Felds does indeed have a map of the region and a writing kit to lend him - no cash needed, but he wants it back or a favour in return.
And Bain replied:

No problem, as long as it’s no shady stuff I am sure I can help you. At least you will have your map back.

He leaves with a greeting and moves to have dinner with his party and discuss the expedition (the moment we are currently at).

Originally Posted by jmurrell View Post
So two days there, a day or two exploring, then two days back, three or four if we have wounded or are encumbered (...)
After listening to Gottfried’s remarks, Bain looks at him and stands up.

Gottfried, right? You traveled with us in the caravan, but we haven’t been introduced to each other. This is Gathika the Healer and this is Vic the Digger. I am Bain of Avalon.

You look experienced, why don’t you sit with us? We are about to set in a journey to The Caves of Mercy. From what I have picked in town, this is going to be hard; I don’t promise anything beyond a bloodbath but chances of finding loot are high if you like adventure.

Whatever we find, comes in equal share.

Originally Posted by vicious Violence View Post
"I'll make a list of what we need, in order to get started as early as possible" Vic says while looking at Gathika. "Does anybody need anything special?" he asks the group (...)
Great idea, we also could check the amount of rations we have, I am sure the two of you have your personal basics, and you Gottfried? For starters we might need a tent and a wheelbarrow for the loot and our tools. Maybe hiring a cart can speed up the journey to The Caves, we are not in a hurry but we might save some energy. What do you think?
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Old 03-13-2021, 07:35 PM   #19
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

Originally Posted by vicious Violence View Post
"I'll make a list of what we need, in order to get started as early as possible" Vic says while looking at Gathika. (...)
Copy that, comrade Vic, while I wait for the list, I will be talking with those spirits in that corner, seeing what this trip can bring us (she is meditating).
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Old 03-16-2021, 02:19 AM   #20
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! IC

As Vic elaborates about the road to The Caves, Bain pulls a map from his bag and a compass:

Look at this, mates, according to Vic this is the path we should take. It seems we are almost good to go with our gear.

At the moment I would suggest we buy a wheelbarrow* (for carrying the loot and our gear), the group basics ($50) and maybe a big tent (for 4 persons, it is $160 with its two poles). In total that is $ 210, plus a 21 rations a week (7) per head (5); since the rations cost $2 it's $ 420.

How many rations (meals) do you have?
How much can you spend?
Right now, it is approximately $ 80 per head, with the four of us.

And Gathika, we could lower the costs with your aid.

This is not written in stone, so tell me what you think.
I think we can save money if we put all of the food together, to begin with.

I have 2 elven rations, good for 6 meals (2 days). And personally, I would like to buy some arrows ($ 40), We might need some cloth and oil in case we require a torch (but that might be included in the group basics, oil and cloth). By the way, this map and this mapping kit I just got are worth $150.

*Basic Set p.289, it is $60 and it holds 350 lbs. the load is divided by 5.
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Last edited by Hide; 03-16-2021 at 10:46 AM.
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