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Old 10-11-2020, 03:25 PM   #751
Join Date: Oct 2020
Default Re: Member House Rules

Hello. I am new to the forums, and it's only because someone suggested that I post my house rules for Munchkin Warhammer 40K version. Currently, I have 3 of them. Here they are:
1. At the start of the game, each player pick 1 Army and 1 piece of gear that is for that Army only. However, unless forced to, you cannot get rid of the Army you start with. If you have an Alliance with a different Army, and your required to change/lose an Army, you must pick the other Army. If it is Change your Army, and you have only your starting Army, you are now stuck with that new Army. However, if you are forced to lose your Starting Army, you are no longer bound by this Rule.
2. If you have to Run Away, you only roll once to get away from all of them. The base Run Away is 2, but for every 3 Levels the enemies is above you and your Allies, it gets increased by 1. If you roll a 6, you run away, guarantee, and nobody can force you to reroll or escape again. If you roll a 1, you lose a Level, and deal with all the bad stuff of the enemies, unless 1 of them is for you to die, then you only lose a Level and Die. If you fail to Run Away, but roll a 2, 3, 4, or 5, you combine your Natural Level (your Level on the board) with your roll, and any Enemy whose Level after factors is less than or equal to your roll , you ignore the Bad Stuff for them, but not the rest. If forced to Run Away by a card that requires it, like with a Psyk-Out Grenade, unless you roll a 1, you are guaranteed to Run Away, even if you are losing.
Example of Rule 2: Say your Army is Ultramarines, your Natural Level is 7, and you have Power Armor, which is big, resulting in Level 14. You start the battle with a Dark Angel, which is Level 6, but has +3 against Ultramarines. Someone plays a Wondering Monster and adds Nork Deddog, which is Level 11, but gets a +4 if the Munchkin has no Big items, and +3 if used as a Wondering Monster, meaning he has Level 14, due you having a Big item. Nobody helps you, and you attempt to Run Away. On a 1, he would lose a Level, and choose if he wants to Die or Lose 3 Levels. On a 2, 3, or 4, you ignore the Dark Angel, but still deal with the choice of either Dieing or Losing 2 Levels. On a 5, you Run Away, but can be required to reroll, and on a 6, you Run Away, and don't have to reroll.
3. This only applies to Death Guard's Contagion ability. If it triggers, and you are a higher Natural Level than the Death Guard, you are immune. But, if you are the same or lower Natural Level than the Death Guard, you have to roll, and if you roll less than or equal to 1+the difference between your Natural Level and the Death Guard's Natural Level, you get infected.
Hope you all enjoy these House Rules!
Edit: I am looking for Army specific House rules to add to these, so if you have some, let me know.

Last edited by AuraDrak; 10-12-2020 at 08:45 AM. Reason: Want some help with something.
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Old 10-18-2020, 01:18 PM   #752
Join Date: Oct 2020
Default Re: Member House Rules

OK, as a follow-up to my last House Rules, I came up with 1 rule for each Army in Munchkin Warhammer 40K version, and I want to see everyone's reactions to them. Death Guard will not get a new one right now, but might later on. Please let me know if these are balanced:
Adepta Sororitas- If they help out another player, their Acts of Faith bonus gets doubled, and if they win the battle, they get a free Treasure Card. If they lose that battle, however, their Acts of Faith gets negated till the End of their Next Turn. Once, between their Turns, they can use their Shield of Faith ability on 1 other player who fits the condition. The Adepta Sororitas player discards the card. The player they helped is now obligated to help out the Adepta Sororitas during their next combat. , unless it's for the Winning Level, regardless if the Adepta Sororitas needs assistance. The obligated player cannot ask for a reward, but if they win the battle, the obligated player receives 1 Treasure card from the Teasure Deck, on top of whatever else they would receive.
Aeldari- They get +1 Level for each Chaos enemy they face past the first. If they use Perfidious Eldar to back out of a fight with a player, and the Aeldari is a lower Natural Level then the one they were helping, they only have to give 1 card to them, and should that player lose, the Aeldari player gets 1 Level.
Necron- Their Resurrection ability has it's Discard effect be reduced by 1 for each player whose Natural Level is higher than them.
Ork- If an Ork takes on more than 1 Monster, and they either face them alone, or only get help from other Ork's, each Ork in battle gets +1 in Level for that battle for each Treasure the enemy would give.
T'au- If the T'au plays an Army Specific Item card that isn't T'au or an Army that player is Allianced with, and that Army is being used by someone else, the T'au player can have both them and each person with that Army draw 1 card from the Teasure Deck.
Tyranid- If a Tyranid enters battle, they can search the Teasure Discard pile for a One Shot and play it, but all One Shots used in that battle, except any attached by Bio-Morph, get placed on the bottom of the Treasure Deck instead of the Discard Pile after the battle.
Ultramarine- If an Ultramarine has every slot equipped, including Vehicle and Both Hand slots, they can have their Natural Level be added as a Bonus to battles they are part of, but, if they fail to Run Away from a Monster with this bonus, they lose 1 Item for each Monster they fail to Run Away from, though their Armor cannot be lost through this method.
Edit: Making the rules more clear.

Last edited by AuraDrak; 10-25-2020 at 01:13 PM.
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Old 12-28-2020, 08:10 AM   #753
Join Date: May 2020
Default Re: Member House Rules

My kids (10 and 6) and I love playing Munchkin, and we especially love finding new Munchkinny things to do, and dreaming up new cards.

We have a few new card ideas that we think are really clever and introduce interesting new twists to the game mechanic. Is this a good forum to post them and get feedback from the people who design these cards and fellow Munchkin aficionados?
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Old 12-30-2020, 06:35 PM   #754
Join Date: May 2020
Default Re: Member House Rules

OK here's our favorite rule-bending card. Lots of interesting (and nasty) interactions with other cards!



Level 10

-5 against clerics.

A creature from Hell.

Tempts you to let the hate flow through you and strike him down.

Clerics who kill him lose their class.

[Image: Like Emperor Palpatine on his throne, but with with horns and a pitchfork.]

Bad Stuff: You resist temptation. Gain a level and 3 treasure. This *can* be the winning level.

If you win:
-1 Level, 0 treasure.
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Old 01-21-2021, 07:42 AM   #755
Join Date: Aug 2020
Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by enfolder View Post
OK here's our favorite rule-bending card. Lots of interesting (and nasty) interactions with other cards!



Level 10

-5 against clerics.

A creature from Hell.

Tempts you to let the hate flow through you and strike him down.

Clerics who kill him lose their class.

[Image: Like Emperor Palpatine on his throne, but with with horns and a pitchfork.]

Bad Stuff: You resist temptation. Gain a level and 3 treasure. This *can* be the winning level.

If you win:
-1 Level, 0 treasure.
That is pretty cool.
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Old 02-09-2021, 11:26 AM   #756
Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: Russia, Pyatigorsk (Five-hills)
Default Re: Member House Rules

Sorry 4 my English -- I'm from far-far North Bear Country

Since we (the Russian Munchkin Resort League) mixed cards into three large decks of cards from most games and add-ons - we also have a few house rules that slightly increase the interaction between cards. Here are some of them:

1. Wonder Dog Ralph, Adventure Animal, Robodog and Wonder Dog Bismarck - any two of these four cards allow you to collect a Pack of Dogs loitering nearby.

Dog Pack (initial strength +3) - a pack of dogs runs around you, which increases by +1 for each Dog thrown towards them. Scares any Feline.

A tame wolf, although from a canine, but not smart enough to create a Pack.

The whole pack is carried away to the Open Space.

2. The Cat can use the "Rat on a Stick" treasure on itself, according to the rules of the Get Level card. Yes, this level can be victorious!

3. Knight of the Order of the Eagle and Knight of the Underworld. Knights cannot refuse to help a lady if the Dragon attacks her (even if it is a battle for the winning level. But you can always say that “I am not a Knight,” but then you will not be understood in your own faction - leave her).

4. Voodoo curses do not work on Voodoo zombies. And those played by the Voodoo zombies themselves have a doubled effect.
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Old 08-12-2022, 11:59 AM   #757
Jeremy Kapp
Join Date: Aug 2022
Default Re: Member House Rules

We call our single-player rule-set "Chase the Dragon"

1. Deal the cards to players 1 and 2.

2. Set out a level 20 monster as the third player. We use the Plutonium Dragon. The dragon goes last. This makes his position Right from player one, Left of player two.

3. The dragon will win almost every battle for most of the early game. But he achieves his levels from the treasure he gains. Every 1000 gold takes him up a level. He wins at 10,000 gold.

4. The dragon will help you fight, but he takes all the gold. So the other two players must consider this.

5. You can also buy the treasures from the dragon, but he doesn't make change. It's basically a swap.

6. Keep the dragon's treasure cards face-up in spreads six high. When the dragon loses a battle anyone that caused him to fail chooses one of his stacks of treasure and rolls a die to take one card. If he has less than 6 you'll have to roll until you get a usable number.

I even have a special little board I made just to keep track of the Dragon.
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Old 01-16-2023, 06:14 AM   #758
Join Date: Jan 2018
Default Re: Member House Rules

My sister and I like making custom cards based on memorable things that happen during munchkin games.

One time my mom spilled a huge thing of caramel corn during our game that threw us into hilarious chaos as we tried to clean it up and prevent the puppy from eating it.

Thus, a card that (in addition to other things) lets you automatically escape canine monsters was born.
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Old 01-17-2023, 06:08 AM   #759
Join Date: Jan 2018
Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by Jeremy Kapp View Post
We call our single-player rule-set "Chase the Dragon"
That sounds cool. I just built a set where all the monsters are Knight and Dragon themed (The mini expansions Dragons, Dragon's Trike, Knights,and Knights: Four More were very helpful for that. Perhaps you could slay dragons and rivals on your way to the Plutonium Dragon.
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