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Old 11-09-2024, 03:45 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2009
Default What would you change in your Gurps character


I had an idea that I would like to share with the group.

Recently, I was thinking what I would like to change about my self. More handsome, less overweight, etc..

Then I thought: ok, suppose I want a different character, but in order to propose that... what traits do i want to trade in in order to get the points for the things that I want? What do i want to change in my Gurps-character sheet, while keeping the same point-total?

I couldn't really think of something. I would like to be a little bit taller, but since that doesn't change strength or reaction modifier, I doubt if my life would be much improved by that. Age would be something, but that sounds a bit unfair. I became old by living a life.

So it turns out that I'm actually very content with who I am. It turns out that I am a well-optimized well-rounded, very low-budget Gurps character. I couldn't ask for more given the point-total.

So I was thinking: Am I unique in that regard? Did I miss some loopholes that you alway should ask for given a chance to make changes to you character?

Now I agree that it is a silly thought-experiment, but I thought it would be fun to ask other people's thoughts on a forum dedicated to thought experiments. At least, it has made me draw a nice conclusion. I should be content. Asking for more points would be selfish and a sign that you want the world to be about you :-).
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Old 11-09-2024, 08:38 AM   #2
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Default Re: What would you change in your Gurps character

I would like another level of Wealth. I'll happily trade in a point of IQ for that.
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Old 11-09-2024, 09:02 AM   #3
Alden Loveshade
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Default Re: What would you change in your Gurps character

Assuming I can't increase my point total....

Lower my physiological age by decades.

Shift some points from ST to IQ (without increasing Will) or maybe Talents. I can always work to get my ST back up.

Add Pacifism: Self-Defense Only (I can't think of a single time in my life that would have gotten in my way). Use the gained points to improve my Vision. And, if I could get away with it, put my personal Tech Level above that of the rest of the world. I might give up some points in games to increase it more--I can always relearn how to play games. (Won't give up GURPS, though). Then I can help the rest of the world.
The Times They Are A-Changing! Your income is about to change
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Old 11-09-2024, 09:24 AM   #4
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Default Re: What would you change in your Gurps character

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post

I can always work to get my ST back up.
I don't think that would be allowed. Then you're effectively getting free points. You won't be able to train your strength back. Otherwise it is valid,

Add Pacifism: Self-Defense Only (I can't think of a single time in my life that would have gotten in my way).
That's a good one, although it might be the case that I already have it. I might go for combat paralysis, or post-combat shakes, since the chance that I will ever encounter violence is negligible. Still, I would be a bit worried, that the Game Master will include it in play for that moment on.
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Old 11-09-2024, 09:48 AM   #5
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Default Re: What would you change in your Gurps character

Hmm, looking back on my life and certain situations I'd gotten myself into... I think I'd drop two points from Bicycling and add them to Brawling.
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Old 11-09-2024, 10:23 AM   #6
Alden Loveshade
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Default Re: What would you change in your Gurps character

Originally Posted by joppeknol View Post
I don't think that would be allowed. Then you're effectively getting free points. You won't be able to train your strength back. Otherwise it is valid,
I figured I'd buy it back up later with earned character points. But if not, I still might trade some ST for IQ or maybe Talents. (My ST isn't real high, but is above average and is higher than it was a few years ago.)

Originally Posted by joppeknol View Post
That's a good one, although it might be the case that I already have it. I might go for combat paralysis, or post-combat shakes, since the chance that I will ever encounter violence is negligible. Still, I would be a bit worried, that the Game Master will include it in play for that moment on.
I don't have Pacifism: Self-Defense Only. I'm a Pacifist by choice, not by nature.

And as a journalist who's gotten death threats more than once, I personally would not go for Combat Paralysis. Although it might look like I do. When getting a face-to-face threat, my default is "non-violent resistance." Standing my ground, keeping eye contact with a neutral expression on my face, and saying nothing. That can get a potential opponent out of the "lizard brain" fight-or-flight level, and get them thinking as a human being.
The Times They Are A-Changing! Your income is about to change
Pyramid #4/4: Fantasy/Magic II The Alchemists' Guild and much more
GURPS Fantasy Folk: Elves
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Old 11-09-2024, 10:30 AM   #7
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Default Re: What would you change in your Gurps character

I got a gritty low powered social survival campaign build with a lot of "free" disadvantages and it's pretty tight already. I managed to buy off a few big disadvantages recently, but I am far from done.
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Old 11-09-2024, 04:49 PM   #8
Donny Brook
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Default Re: What would you change in your Gurps character

It's an easy answer for me. I'd trade a point of native DX to buy off a neurological illness that is preventing me from enjoying my full DX anyway.
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Old 11-27-2024, 06:14 PM   #9
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Default Re: What would you change in your Gurps character

I think I'm ok. I'm actually a fairly high point total, since I happen to have skill sets that GURPS treats with high granularity. I probably need to make judicious use of the rules for skill degradation since I retired from the Army, though. And I'm getting older- I doubt that I'm Fit any more.

On the other hand, would I be happier without those skills any more if the points were dumped into higher Wealth, Independent Income, and Unageing? Maybe. 'Cause I would have the points. Hell, I might be able to throw in Very Fit... or maybe even Unkillable 1 instead.

Last edited by acrosome; 11-27-2024 at 06:18 PM.
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Old 11-28-2024, 08:15 AM   #10
Join Date: Jan 2014
Default Re: What would you change in your Gurps character

I'd trade most of it in for:

Affliction (Modular Points* +250%, Permanent +300%) [65]

*Modular Points: Modular Abilities (Cosmic Power) (Physical, Mental, and Social +150%) [25]

Then in a few days I'd have all of it back.
Oh boy, GURPS! That's where I'm a Viking!
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fun, gurps 4

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