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Old 11-25-2024, 12:49 PM   #2081
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Granting it solves it. I wonder if it does. You say he can already jump between worlds? Do you have proof of that?"
"I haven't seen him do it personally, but his pantheon has multiple worlds in their domain, and he is apparently responsible for a myriad of portals across that are like, magic pressure valves... I'm satisfied with his claim and that he would be satisfied with a ride to any safe world where magic works that's not in a sargasso."

"So he's recruited you as a soldier or agent, because you are invested in this war. Even soldiers need pay. Is that coming?"
"I was already involved with his followers and his pantheon, I got his followers to release their slaves and prisoners and stop their attacks on their neighbor world in exchange for being the communication line with their gods... their war tactics cut them off from most of their magics and their communication with their followers, but I can dream travel around their restrictions. They see to my needs mostly, but I don't get paid exactly."


"Farah reccomended me to you? Interesting. I suppose I'll read you Aura then... Oh, I see --- That... is something else. I've never seen someone like you before. Your training is short, yes? because you've recently been Banestormed?"
"Yes, I've arrived recently, and I am in the employ of Incarius Black, who had sent me to Minimasa on some business. While there I was able to study for a few hours with Gregory, and he taught me how to find water and then food. I had to leave the following day on business here in tedroy, but my group got a late start, so I was able to get in a short lesson before we left, and Gregory taught me how to find North... But I'm still getting the hang of that one."
"How could you tell I have a body spell on? what else can you tell me about it?"
"How could I tell? I just can. I can feel these things. I can feel magic kind of smoldering over there, and there was some kind of searching magic over there not long ago. There's a lot of communication magic flickering about. You have a spell on that feels like something I've felt before on a guy altered into a beastly mutant. I mean, it's way different, but the same playing field, y'know?

Peter gestures along with his words pointing this way and that indicating the direction of the magical blips he's sensed recently. He has another look at the mage and will see if he can further analyze the spell on Ravalen and provides more detail if he is able.

"Farah is right, I've been looking for an apprentice with potential. Are you willing to travel with me? Who is your Guardian?"

"I suppose that would be my patron, Incarius Black. Travel may be a problem... I have some business in the city here, and may have to leave on other business before too long. I was hoping to find somewhere I could study and return to when I can get away from my other duties. I may not be needed for the next bit after the negotiations here in Tedroy are done, so it could be possible. Are you setting out very soon?"
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Old 11-26-2024, 09:08 AM   #2082
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I haven't seen him do it personally, but his pantheon has multiple worlds in their domain, and he is apparently responsible for a myriad of portals across that are like, magic pressure valves... I'm satisfied with his claim and that he would be satisfied with a ride to any safe world where magic works that's not in a sargasso."

"I was already involved with his followers and his pantheon, I got his followers to release their slaves and prisoners and stop their attacks on their neighbor world in exchange for being the communication line with their gods... their war tactics cut them off from most of their magics and their communication with their followers, but I can dream travel around their restrictions. They see to my needs mostly, but I don't get paid exactly."
"I see. But they don't need their transportation now... that is annoying. It means we can't just get the payment over with, and have to maintain some sort of contact."

"I propose we contact them once a month to see if they are ready. After 6 months, the offer expires. I want to limit contact. If they want more time, they'll need a bigger gap on the contact intervals. Can you get that information to them and negotiate a time?"


"How could I tell? I just can. I can feel these things. I can feel magic kind of smoldering over there, and there was some kind of searching magic over there not long ago. There's a lot of communication magic flickering about. You have a spell on that feels like something I've felt before on a guy altered into a beastly mutant. I mean, it's way different, but the same playing field, y'know?
Ravalen: "I see your talent and its limits. That's a very interesting gift."

Peter gestures along with his words pointing this way and that indicating the direction of the magical blips he's sensed recently. He has another look at the mage and will see if he can further analyze the spell on Ravalen and provides more detail if he is able.
He doesn't have the experience. He could pick it out again, but not figure out what it is. Besides being a radical body transformation.


"I suppose that would be my patron, Incarius Black. Travel may be a problem... I have some business in the city here, and may have to leave on other business before too long. I was hoping to find somewhere I could study and return to when I can get away from my other duties. I may not be needed for the next bit after the negotiations here in Tedroy are done, so it could be possible. Are you setting out very soon?"
(Gaurdian here means parent or gaurdian)

"You're working with Incarius Black? You're aware that he's almost certainly not human? He came from no where and rose to prominence far too quickly. He's almost certainly an elf or dragon or some other long-lived creature in disguise."

"Does he know you're here? Do I need to negotiate permission to take you as an apprentice with him?"

"My time table for travel is when my apprentice is ready."
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Old 11-26-2024, 02:27 PM   #2083
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I see. But they don't need their transportation now... that is annoying. It means we can't just get the payment over with, and have to maintain some sort of contact."

"I propose we contact them once a month to see if they are ready. After 6 months, the offer expires. I want to limit contact. If they want more time, they'll need a bigger gap on the contact intervals. Can you get that information to them and negotiate a time?"
"I can do that. I will talk with him and work out the details of the timing. So you agree then? As reward for getting your people back to you, you'll get my people offworld? "

"Once I speak to Incarius again, I'll get back to you with a check in schedule. I speak with him when I am dreaming, so should I remain with you until we get this figured out, or should I make other arrangements and come back?"

"I have a letter of introduction and plan on seeing if I can learn some of the local magic at the guild while I'm here. Is that a problem if I stay with you guys?"


Leter, at the Guild...

Ravalen: "I see your talent and its limits. That's a very interesting gift."

He doesn't have the experience. He could pick it out again, but not figure out what it is. Besides being a radical body transformation.

(Gaurdian here means parent or gaurdian)
"It has been handy to have! Feeling a bunch of kinda, subtext or whatever with magic is really cool. I want to learn more about the fundamentals of how it all works and what different kinds of magic have in common. I'm curious about using what's good about one magic with another, or about improvising stuff. I'm a lego guy.. that's kind of like building blocks that come in a box with a picture of what you can build with them, but I like building my own thing with the pieces I get to make something better."
"You're working with Incarius Black? You're aware that he's almost certainly not human? He came from no where and rose to prominence far too quickly. He's almost certainly an elf or dragon or some other long-lived creature in disguise."
"A dragon! How wonderful that would be! I've always wanted to meet one. There aren't any on my world except in stories."

"If Incarius is secretly some powerful creature, as someone in his employ, he would probably not want me to entertain such a subject and help him to keep his secret and if he is not, he would probably not want me to dissuade people from thinking that as it could come in handy. So it's probably best for me not to speculate."
"Does he know you're here? Do I need to negotiate permission to take you as an apprentice with him?"
"No, nothing like that. I just have a job to do that's my priority right now. My bit may be wrapping up for a while. It may be a few days before I know for sure. And for how long are you planning on travelling? "

"My time table for travel is when my apprentice is ready."
"I was looking for some local instruction I could return to between errands for my employer, and it seems you are looking for a full time apprentice... and now that I say it out loud I feel a little dumb, because obviously that's how this would work."
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Old 11-27-2024, 09:36 AM   #2084
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I can do that. I will talk with him and work out the details of the timing. So you agree then? As reward for getting your people back to you, you'll get my people offworld? "
"Within the conditions specified, yes."

"Once I speak to Incarius again, I'll get back to you with a check in schedule. I speak with him when I am dreaming, so should I remain with you until we get this figured out, or should I make other arrangements and come back?"

"I have a letter of introduction and plan on seeing if I can learn some of the local magic at the guild while I'm here. Is that a problem if I stay with you guys?"
"You can stay with us while you are in town. Or more specifically, we have a place where you can room and board."

Leter, at the Guild...

"It has been handy to have! Feeling a bunch of kinda, subtext or whatever with magic is really cool. I want to learn more about the fundamentals of how it all works and what different kinds of magic have in common. I'm curious about using what's good about one magic with another, or about improvising stuff. I'm a lego guy.. that's kind of like building blocks that come in a box with a picture of what you can build with them, but I like building my own thing with the pieces I get to make something better."
Ravalen (who probably doesn't know what legos are): "Inventing new magic is hard. Using it cleverly is easier. The basics of magic are the most important. Learn to cast spells before you try anything harder."

"A dragon! How wonderful that would be! I've always wanted to meet one. There aren't any on my world except in stories."

"If Incarius is secretly some powerful creature, as someone in his employ, he would probably not want me to entertain such a subject and help him to keep his secret and if he is not, he would probably not want me to dissuade people from thinking that as it could come in handy. So it's probably best for me not to speculate."
Nice deflection. Peter, of course, does NOT have to speculate about what Incarius Black might actually be.

"No, nothing like that. I just have a job to do that's my priority right now. My bit may be wrapping up for a while. It may be a few days before I know for sure. And for how long are you planning on travelling? "
"Probably about a month. But however long it takes."


"I was looking for some local instruction I could return to between errands for my employer, and it seems you are looking for a full time apprentice... and now that I say it out loud I feel a little dumb, because obviously that's how this would work."
"Do you honestly think you can learn magic as anything other than a full time apprentice?"
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Old 11-28-2024, 09:14 AM   #2085
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Within the conditions specified, yes."

"You can stay with us while you are in town. Or more specifically, we have a place where you can room and board."
Peter will make arrangements to board with the Homeliners, and head off to the mages guild (and bring these lines together) if there is nothing else to discuss. Peter gives hugs (and any requested samples for the lab) to his travelling companions before heading out.
Ravalen (who probably doesn't know what legos are): "Inventing new magic is hard. Using it cleverly is easier. The basics of magic are the most important. Learn to cast spells before you try anything harder."
(Of course, hence the building blocks with instructions elaboration)

"I don't think it's like inventing. It's more like chemistry. I keep finding out that if I put this ingredient with that, I get this sort of reaction... But I want to learn about the elements and electrons. Maybe that does turn out to be inventing in the end."

"Do you honestly think you can learn magic as anything other than a full time apprentice?"
Queue Peter's Overconfidence...

"Well, I am not a full time apprentice yet, and learned three spells in about as many hours, so I don't see why not. Obviously being a full time student would make it go faster.

"I suppose I will need a day, or perhaps a few days, to find out if I am free to enter into a full time arrangement and travel. Can you tell me anything else about the journey? It may align with other business, so that could be a factor.

Does the guild have a library or something where someone might be allowed to study on their own?"

"Can I trust you to keep a secret?"

If he indicates he can and he's not setting off red flags in Peter's empathy...

"I know some stuff I learned off world that I could show you, but I wouldn't want to do it in public. Got a few hours to see if you can learn off-world magic and see how fast you can teach me something I don't know? I did promise to impress you!"


If Peter is contacted by Ink Thur, he will be all too pleased with himself.

Peter had established the expectation that he would act to open negotiations with those who appear to have some kind of off-sargasso communication and possibly have access to an escape. Empowered to make offers of interplanetary wealth and power...

He returns with the deal for three already negotiated and satisfied by his services rendered, with the only remaining question being the estimated time of departure.

Peter can try and use his dream walking to return to the valley of dragons with Ink Thur to try and help him track the beast while they discuss what comes next.

"So, I took care of that thing for you. How long do you think this dragon thing is gonna take?"

"They want to get this over with and limit exposure, so they want a limited number of check-ins after which the offer expires. But the number of check ins and the frequency is negotiable. they started with the suggestion of monthly check ins with 6 month expiration."

"As for payment, I bailed three of their people out of their conveyor and trouble with the locals and got them home, and they agreed to make this my reward, so I've got you covered. Three for three is good symmetry."

Peter then considers... 'I hope I can dream out of here, I didn't get myself a seat!'
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Old 12-02-2024, 11:12 AM   #2086
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter will make arrangements to board with the Homeliners, and head off to the mages guild (and bring these lines together) if there is nothing else to discuss. Peter gives hugs (and any requested samples for the lab) to his travelling companions before heading out.
Ann takes a lock of hair and urges him to come to her lab sometime, and thanks him for helping her get back home.

Rajat tells him to keep practicing his combat, and that he was so glad to have Peter with them on the trip.

Leon says to make sure when Peter has to work with Infinity again that he brings up this incident. "The words you want are 'non-contractual de-facto cleared semi-aligned vagabond jumper with service" That will get you treated properly. And make the "de-facto" part stick. Take care of yourself. You're not immortal. That we know. And we don't want to find out"

(Of course, hence the building blocks with instructions elaboration)

"I don't think it's like inventing. It's more like chemistry. I keep finding out that if I put this ingredient with that, I get this sort of reaction... But I want to learn about the elements and electrons. Maybe that does turn out to be inventing in the end."
"You really are recently banestormed. We'll start with the basics. Which can included broadly studying different types of magic and the fundamentals."

*He's using the language spell for this conversation, right?

Queue Peter's Overconfidence...

"Well, I am not a full time apprentice yet, and learned three spells in about as many hours, so I don't see why not. Obviously being a full time student would make it go faster.

"I suppose I will need a day, or perhaps a few days, to find out if I am free to enter into a full time arrangement and travel. Can you tell me anything else about the journey? It may align with other business, so that could be a factor.
Ravalen:"Perhaps you can. But apprenticeship is a two-way contract. I will need your service in payment. But you may take your training in bits and pieces, as long as you pick it up quickly and diligently."

"By all means, take care of your affairs first."

"The journey will be to an old place of magic. We will need to camp in the wilderness. I will need a measure of discretion. And on this journey you will gain experience you cannot gain elsewhere."

Does the guild have a library or something where someone might be allowed to study on their own?"
Ravalen: "There is a research library, for an additional fee. I do not thing it is suited to your needs at this time. They also print books to train mages, though they do not sell them to students, only to masters."

"Can I trust you to keep a secret?"

If he indicates he can and he's not setting off red flags in Peter's empathy...
Revalen: "Yes, if you get an oath out of me, and you do not implicate me in some plot I don't desire to participate in."

The Empathy roll is pretty good. Revalen can keep secrets. He's the sort of person who plays secretive games himself: rooting out the secrets of others and keeping his own tight to his chest. He's not going to accidentally let something slip or freak out about it. On the other hand, he might actually DO something with your secret.

"I know some stuff I learned off world that I could show you, but I wouldn't want to do it in public. Got a few hours to see if you can learn off-world magic and see how fast you can teach me something I don't know? I did promise to impress you!"
If you decide to go ahead--

Revelan: "Will a private room in the guild suffice, or do we need to go to my home? I can give directions or show you the way."

If Peter is contacted by Ink Thur, he will be all too pleased with himself.

Peter had established the expectation that he would act to open negotiations with those who appear to have some kind of off-sargasso communication and possibly have access to an escape. Empowered to make offers of interplanetary wealth and power...

He returns with the deal for three already negotiated and satisfied by his services rendered, with the only remaining question being the estimated time of departure.

Peter can try and use his dream walking to return to the valley of dragons with Ink Thur to try and help him track the beast while they discuss what comes next.

"So, I took care of that thing for you. How long do you think this dragon thing is gonna take?"

"They want to get this over with and limit exposure, so they want a limited number of check-ins after which the offer expires. But the number of check ins and the frequency is negotiable. they started with the suggestion of monthly check ins with 6 month expiration."

"As for payment, I bailed three of their people out of their conveyor and trouble with the locals and got them home, and they agreed to make this my reward, so I've got you covered. Three for three is good symmetry."

Peter then considers... 'I hope I can dream out of here, I didn't get myself a seat!'
Ink Thur: "Well Done. Every three months for 18 months will be the best schedule, I believe"

Ink Thur: "We can negotiate for your exit should we become stuck. You have served me well. I will be sure to reward you when I return home."
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Old 12-02-2024, 04:43 PM   #2087
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Ann takes a lock of hair and urges him to come to her lab sometime, and thanks him for helping her get back home.
"I'm not one of the three tickets out of here I bartered for. If that's my invitation, maybe I'll drop by when I finish checking out this world a bit more."
Rajat tells him to keep practicing his combat, and that he was so glad to have Peter with them on the trip.
Peter does a playful sparring exchange with Rajat as they say goodbye.
"Thank you, for everything."
Leon says to make sure when Peter has to work with Infinity again that he brings up this incident. "The words you want are 'non-contractual de-facto cleared semi-aligned vagabond jumper with service" That will get you treated properly. And make the "de-facto" part stick. Take care of yourself. You're not immortal. That we know. And we don't want to find out"
Peter smiles at the callback.
"Let's all try and keep that mystery alive as long as we can."
He gives him a wink.

__________________________________________________ _____


"You really are recently banestormed. We'll start with the basics. Which can included broadly studying different types of magic and the fundamentals."
"Yeah, I've been here a little more than a week."

*He's using the language spell for this conversation, right?
Unless they are speaking English, they are! Peter is woefully mono-lingual (other than "just a touch of Tlapanec"). He's VERY American.
Ravalen:"Perhaps you can. But apprenticeship is a two-way contract. I will need your service in payment. But you may take your training in bits and pieces, as long as you pick it up quickly and diligently."

"By all means, take care of your affairs first."

"The journey will be to an old place of magic. We will need to camp in the wilderness. I will need a measure of discretion. And on this journey you will gain experience you cannot gain elsewhere."
"Right, I was thinking of more of a lessons for money or trade or something rather than a traditional long term apprenticeship, but I totally get how that's not the standard thing. I travel unexpectedly a lot, so it makes the traditional model kinda tough."
Ravalen: "There is a research library, for an additional fee. I do not thing it is suited to your needs at this time. They also print books to train mages, though they do not sell them to students, only to masters."
"Maybe later then."

Revalen: "Yes, if you get an oath out of me, and you do not implicate me in some plot I don't desire to participate in."

The Empathy roll is pretty good. Revalen can keep secrets. He's the sort of person who plays secretive games himself: rooting out the secrets of others and keeping his own tight to his chest. He's not going to accidentally let something slip or freak out about it. On the other hand, he might actually DO something with your secret.

If you decide to go ahead--

Revelan: "Will a private room in the guild suffice, or do we need to go to my home? I can give directions or show you the way."
"That depends... would it attract attention to use weird magic at the guild? If there are people who can sense magic like I can, it might attract attention. If I have your oath that you will keep my confidence and be honest and we will work to our MUTUAL interests, and the plots thing, I'll tell you more of my story."

Peter will do the private room if Revelan feels the risk is low. He let's him know he would like to burn some herbs and have a fire or other source of smoke when they get to where they will talk. Once they have their privacy, Peter will tell him some of his story.

"I've been to several worlds after Earth and before Yrth. It's kind of like I get banestormed when I'm sleeping, and wake up in a strange new world with nothing but my dog. There is magic on some worlds, and I sometimes hang around long enough to learn a little. The magic that lets me speak this language is super useful in my travels, but I have to burn certain herbs to make it work, like all the spells on that world. I guess their more rituals than spells."

Peter will demonstrate capturing the "language of this Place" if applicable and give it to the both of them, or give Revelan his modern English, or capture a language Peter doesn't have to demonstrate in some way.

"And this is called Karana. I can grab smoke, and turn it it into stuff. But it doesn't last long, and it leaks if punctured, watch."

Peter will start by making him some strawberries and bread, and after he tries these...

"But here's the best part."

Peter then forms a hummingbird from the smoke, and demonstrates his control over the creation.

"I can give it commands or put it on autopilot, and for a short distance, I can share it's senses."

Peter will try and teach the teacher these tricks, but warn him that he has not been able to teach anyone offworld magic before... but maybe there's a first time.

"I wish I could make some pants with it, but they only last about 10 minutes."

Ink Thur: "Well Done. Every three months for 18 months will be the best schedule, I believe"

Ink Thur: "We can negotiate for your exit should we become stuck. You have served me well. I will be sure to reward you when I return home."
"Many suffer in your part of the universe. I hope this all helps. I have a few options as to what I do next. I met with a wizard who is looking for an apprentice to go on a quest. I was hoping to learn more of the local magic, but I am wondering if you need me on the dragon hunt."
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Old 12-03-2024, 10:26 AM   #2088
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I'm not one of the three tickets out of here I bartered for. If that's my invitation, maybe I'll drop by when I finish checking out this world a bit more."
" Do consider that invitation. They'll happily get you off this world if you're headed to visit Paralabs."

__________________________________________________ _____

"Yeah, I've been here a little more than a week."
Ravalen: "You won't gain anything by sticking to your old dialect and idioms."

Unless they are speaking English, they are! Peter is woefully mono-lingual (other than "just a touch of Tlapanec"). He's VERY American.
Its the old-timey english I had the locals speaking with you first arrived.

"Right, I was thinking of more of a lessons for money or trade or something rather than a traditional long term apprenticeship, but I totally get how that's not the standard thing. I travel unexpectedly a lot, so it makes the traditional model kinda tough."
Ravalen: "And why do you travel so often?"

"That depends... would it attract attention to use weird magic at the guild? If there are people who can sense magic like I can, it might attract attention. If I have your oath that you will keep my confidence and be honest and we will work to our MUTUAL interests, and the plots thing, I'll tell you more of my story."
"Your ability to analyze magic is rare... but we should go to a more private location, if you want to keep this secret."

"I can swear to not lie to you, and not reveal your secret magic. I can also swear to consider your interests in decisions that affect us both. Should you involve me in a plot I do not wish to participate in, I consider my oath void. Or if you fail in a symmetric oath to me."

Peter will do the private room if Revelan feels the risk is low. He let's him know he would like to burn some herbs and have a fire or other source of smoke when they get to where they will talk. Once they have their privacy, Peter will tell him some of his story.
Looks like they will be at Revelan's home, which is three stories tall, but not completely spacious. Tedroy is rather build up.

"I've been to several worlds after Earth and before Yrth. It's kind of like I get banestormed when I'm sleeping, and wake up in a strange new world with nothing but my dog. There is magic on some worlds, and I sometimes hang around long enough to learn a little. The magic that lets me speak this language is super useful in my travels, but I have to burn certain herbs to make it work, like all the spells on that world. I guess their more rituals than spells."

Peter will demonstrate capturing the "language of this Place" if applicable and give it to the both of them, or give Revelan his modern English, or capture a language Peter doesn't have to demonstrate in some way.

"And this is called Karana. I can grab smoke, and turn it it into stuff. But it doesn't last long, and it leaks if punctured, watch."

Peter will start by making him some strawberries and bread, and after he tries these...

"But here's the best part."

Peter then forms a hummingbird from the smoke, and demonstrates his control over the creation.

"I can give it commands or put it on autopilot, and for a short distance, I can share it's senses."

Peter will try and teach the teacher these tricks, but warn him that he has not been able to teach anyone offworld magic before... but maybe there's a first time.

"I wish I could make some pants with it, but they only last about 10 minutes."
Ravalen: "I see. And you've been told this is your last journey?"

He watches the magic carefully, and seems to cast some of his own to analyze what's happening. He makes a small attempt at Karanna, but nothing happens.

"Your magic is not the magic of this world. Very strange."


"Many suffer in your part of the universe. I hope this all helps. I have a few options as to what I do next. I met with a wizard who is looking for an apprentice to go on a quest. I was hoping to learn more of the local magic, but I am wondering if you need me on the dragon hunt."
"I do not think I need you on the hunt. But if you find anything, let Matthew know."
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Old 12-03-2024, 11:16 AM   #2089
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
" Do consider that invitation. They'll happily get you off this world if you're headed to visit Paralabs."
Peter would also at some point like to clarify how they would like further communication to take place should Peter disappear from the communication loop. Peter has let them know they can send a message to Matthew, who knows nothing but can convey check in information. Is he to have a counterpart?


Ravalen: "You won't gain anything by sticking to your old dialect and idioms."

Its the old-timey english I had the locals speaking with you first arrived.
Does Revelan have another to capture?

"I'll try and get the hang of it."

Ravalen: "And why do you travel so often?"
"That storm you saw in my aura shows me places and takes me there. Sometimes I can control it."

"I can swear to not lie to you, and not reveal your secret magic. I can also swear to consider your interests in decisions that affect us both. Should you involve me in a plot I do not wish to participate in, I consider my oath void. Or if you fail in a symmetric oath to me."
"Sounds good! Shake on it? or is your custom to swear on a book. We don't have to cut anything, do we?"
Ravalen: "I see. And you've been told this is your last journey?"
Peter lets out a light laugh that bubbles up...
"Oh no! I will have no shortage of those, I'm sure. If I do decide to travel with you, I can do my best to stay with the expedition, but my 'storm' may take me. I can try and return, but that will take a few days, minimum."

He watches the magic carefully, and seems to cast some of his own to analyze what's happening. He makes a small attempt at Karanna, but nothing happens.

"Your magic is not the magic of this world. Very strange."
"Sorry. Okay, there's one more I can show you that works really differently, so maybe you'll have more luck. This one involves a knife, so don't freak out.
This will slice through stone like butter."

Peter draws his knife and infuses it with Yaka and demonstrates on some disposable object or stone they had grabbed on the way in.

Peter will try and get a lesson on some of those Yrth fundamentals after.


"I do not think I need you on the hunt. But if you find anything, let Matthew know."
If there is any further contact details that can be passed on to remove Peter from the loop Peter imparts it!

He will try and use his dreamvision to take Ink Thur to the valley of the dragons and try and sense their quarry.
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Old 12-04-2024, 09:55 AM   #2090
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter would also at some point like to clarify how they would like further communication to take place should Peter disappear from the communication loop. Peter has let them know they can send a message to Matthew, who knows nothing but can convey check in information. Is he to have a counterpart?
Peter knows where Swan's imports and exports is located. That's his contact point. And the boarding house. He's told in no uncertain terms not to pass that information on to Incarius though: doing so will forfeit his payment, force them to move, and end the friendly relationship between them and him.


Does Revelan have another to capture?
"I've learned several languages, yes. Draconic and Elven. They're useful for research and generally in my line of work."

Of course, Peter doesn't know how to target which language is chosen for a specific person. He picks up something that isn't that certainly isn't old English from Revelan.

Revelan is quite surprised. "You chose that language? Why?"

"I'll try and get the hang of it."
"Please and Thank You."

"That storm you saw in my aura shows me places and takes me there. Sometimes I can control it."
Revelan: "The storm will be suppressed here. Even if you could travel before, you will stay here now."

"Sounds good! Shake on it? or is your custom to swear on a book. We don't have to cut anything, do we?"
"I swear with an oath, that...." He swears it.

Peter lets out a light laugh that bubbles up...
"Oh no! I will have no shortage of those, I'm sure. If I do decide to travel with you, I can do my best to stay with the expedition, but my 'storm' may take me. I can try and return, but that will take a few days, minimum."
"I suppose its only been week. You'll see."

"Sorry. Okay, there's one more I can show you that works really differently, so maybe you'll have more luck. This one involves a knife, so don't freak out.
This will slice through stone like butter."

Peter draws his knife and infuses it with Yaka and demonstrates on some disposable object or stone they had grabbed on the way in.
He has no luck at all with Yaka, and laughs "You have many gifts. It your magic is beyond me. For now."

Peter will try and get a lesson on some of those Yrth fundamentals after.
Revelan builds on what Gregory said, and then starts demonstrating a wide range of magic, and talking about the implications of various "Shapes". He says at some point they will go to the guild and look at the various types of magic different casters have.

Then he starts Teaching Peter about how to detect magical curses and traps.

If there is any further contact details that can be passed on to remove Peter from the loop Peter imparts it!
Oh its very simple: Infinity will contact matthew six times, and then the deal is over. They don't want communication!

As for Peter telling about things he finds out... Its hard to remove him from that loop.

He will try and use his dreamvision to take Ink Thur to the valley of the dragons and try and sense their quarry.
Ink Thur doesn't come with him on that trip. He just sees the distinctive peaks.
Be helpful, not pedantic

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