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Old 09-26-2023, 04:02 PM   #1601
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Helmut: "You don't know its name? That's worrisome. What makes you think it wants the universe to be a better place? If it is benevolent, then why does the ward of the Light repel it? You may be in way over your head. Your power may just be concealing its nature until its in the right position to strike."
"I think it wants me to make things better because I always seem to come upon a problem when I am drawn to a new place, and things usually move me to the next place when I've improved the situation. But maybe the magic is seperate from the traveling and it's just it's own kind of science thing..."

"So that ward doesn't repel everything? It wouldn't stop you? What are the rules?"

"Is there a way to test where it is coming from? If I learned magic from different places, wouldn't it come from more than one place? Or are you saying whatever powers my magic powers it wherever I learn it? Can you teach me something local?"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I'm stretching to make ends meet as it is. I don't have land here, that's why I joined the army. My brother is just being generous and putting me up. I help him where I can. I'm not in the army anymore. Though with this new beast my presence will be more appreciated. Maybe I'll run everyone through a few drills."
Peter assumes the stance the "American Soldiers" taught him in the self defense classes and and shadow boxes for a few quick jabs.

"I got a little self defense training... but I left before I got very good. What made you leave the army?"

Can Peter still sense the beast now?
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Old 09-27-2023, 10:43 AM   #1602
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Can Peter still sense the beast now?
Yes, its still out there in the dark.

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I think it wants me to make things better because I always seem to come upon a problem when I am drawn to a new place, and things usually move me to the next place when I've improved the situation. But maybe the magic is seperate from the traveling and it's just it's own kind of science thing..."
Helmut: "what does 'better' mean? who is benefiting? That could tell you more about what sort of power has attached itself to you."

"So that ward doesn't repel everything? It wouldn't stop you? What are the rules?"
Helmut's face gets very very red. He draws his sword as quickly as he can, and tries to grab Peter with his left hand, but misses with his grab.

We'll handle those questions after this little altercation.
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Old 09-27-2023, 11:16 AM   #1603
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Yes, its still out there in the dark.
Peter looks off in the direction...

"It's still out there."

Helmut: "what does 'better' mean? who is benefiting? That could tell you more about what sort of power has attached itself to you."
Peter thinks...

"First I helped a dying society find a better way than war to figure out how to build a new future with a people peacefully."

"Then I helped with a plague and got into some trouble and that one got complicated."

"After that I helped a guy overcome betrayals and secure his birthright."

"The next place I got a bunch of hostages released and started a treaty and the start of a trade thing going. "

"And my last trip before here, I rescued a girl who was being sold into a life of slavery. Once she was safe, I was drawn here."

"I'm writing it all down as a book when I get back home. It's pretty cool when I say it all together!"

Peter smiles and he unconsciously puffs up his chest while his cheeks slightly redden as he brims with pride.

"So that ward doesn't repel everything? It wouldn't stop you? What are the rules?"
Helmut's face gets very very red. He draws his sword as quickly as he can, and tries to grab Peter with his left hand, but misses with his grab.

We'll handle those questions after this little altercation.
Peter bolts! He's immediately desperate for distance as he knows facing this armed soldier would be suicide.

"What the HELL dude?!?"

Peter looks for corners or carts or other features he can dart behind, around, or through to try and lose the guy.

"Oh crap! Are you the bad guy? Are you the trouble I need to fix? Please tell me that monster isn't your cursed brother or something!"

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 09-29-2023 at 10:23 AM.
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Old 09-29-2023, 10:33 AM   #1604
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"It's still out there."
Helmut: "Until someone kills it. Or until it transform back. or until it moves on to a different village. No one would target these hills"

"First I helped a dying society find a better way than war to figure out how to build a new future with a people peacefully."

"Then I helped with a plague and got into some trouble and that one got complicated."

"After that I helped a guy overcome betrayals and secure his birthright."

"The next place I got a bunch of hostages released and started a treaty and the start of a trade thing going. "

"And my last trip before here, I rescued a girl who was being sold into a life of slavery. Once she was safe, I was drawn here."

"I'm writing it all down as a book when I get back home. It's pretty cool when I say it all together!"

Peter smiles and he unconsciously puffs up his chest while his cheeks slightly redden as he brims with pride.
Helmut thinks."I don't see a pattern there. Other than they all seem to make you look very capable."

Peter bolts! He's immediately desperate for distance as he knows facing this armed soldier would be suicide.
Peter runs through the village.

"What the HELL dude?!?"
Helmut looks really really angry and scared and desperate all at the same time."

"Come back! Sorcerer!" He looks around and then takes off running after Peter.

Peter looks for corners or carts or other features he can dart behind, around, or through to try and lose the guy.
There is plenty of cover, though Helmut is close behind you. this is a chase scene: I think the only thing Peter has to roll here is DX.


"Oh crap! Are you the bad guy? Are you the trouble I need to fix? Please tell me that monster isn't your cursed brother or something!"
Helmut: "Come back! we can talk about this! My brother is the Priest! You need me!"
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Old 09-29-2023, 04:04 PM   #1605
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"I need you for what? Back off and give me some distance and we can talk stabby-agro-man!"

Feel free to insert any DX rolls needed... Peter has Baseball and Soccer sport skills if a slide or fancy footwork to drop something and block a path behind him if it's handy.
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Old 10-02-2023, 09:10 AM   #1606
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I need you for what? Back off and give me some distance and we can talk stabby-agro-man!"
He will stop moving towards Peter if Peter stops moving away. (Its kind of a body language thing.)

"They trust me. If tell them that you're a wandering sorcerer, they'll believe me and you'll get nothing but screams, spears, and missiles from them. I won't even have to make anything up."

"You keep my secret safe, and convince me that you're not going to eat or sacrifice anyone in the next month, and I'll vouch for you."

Feel free to insert any DX rolls needed... Peter has Baseball and Soccer sport skills if a slide or fancy footwork to drop something and block a path behind him if it's handy.
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Old 10-02-2023, 06:46 PM   #1607
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He will stop moving towards Peter if Peter stops moving away. (Its kind of a body language thing.)
Peter will stop, but remains wary!
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"They trust me. If tell them that you're a wandering sorcerer, they'll believe me and you'll get nothing but screams, spears, and missiles from them. I won't even have to make anything up."

"You keep my secret safe, and convince me that you're not going to eat or sacrifice anyone in the next month, and I'll vouch for you."
Peter does not demure, but challenges him back.

"Do you know more than you are telling about the wandering monster? If there's a problem, I'll help you deal with it. I'm not gonna spill your secrets unless there is a really good reason to do it. So if you're not a threat to these people I'm not gonna say anything, but I'm not going to keep my mouth shut if I think you're endangering them! so let's talk."

He is attempting to draw the man out to tell him more of the story while hopefully winning him over that Peter himself is honorable with his position. This will also give Peter a chance to better evaluate the man's character.
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Old 10-03-2023, 02:02 PM   #1608
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Helmut: "All I know about the beast are things I learned outside the valley, with the army. I don't know why its here or who it is. I want it dead or gone, one way or another. I don't need these people paranoid."

"I wish them no harm. The Priest is my brother. My childhood is here. Old Garf, Yilda, and everyone else. My presence is not entirely without risk, but I'm taking measures to ensure this village is safe."
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Old 10-03-2023, 03:50 PM   #1609
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Unless Peter's empathy is telling him this guy is a problem, he'll take him at his word.

"I'm no threat to you or the people here. I've been telling the truth and I try and help out where I can on my travels. My magic is my own, and I didn't make deals or pacts or sacrifice anyone or anything for it. I will help you get rid of this monster if you want the help. Is there a way we can break the spell and free the person?"
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Old 10-04-2023, 10:52 AM   #1610
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I'm no threat to you or the people here. I've been telling the truth and I try and help out where I can on my travels. My magic is my own, and I didn't make deals or pacts or sacrifice anyone or anything for it. I will help you get rid of this monster if you want the help. Is there a way we can break the spell and free the person?"
Helmut: "You're mistaken about where your magic comes from. But you don't seem to know. And I'm in no position to criticize. I will vouch for you, if you will keep my secret."

"I don't know of a way to break the spell. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. But no one on this mountain is going to know. Which means we need to kill or drive it off."

"But perhaps you know something. How could you tell what I am? You seem quite comfortable in your power."

Helmut is no longer hostile, but his guard's not completely down. It seems he's being honest, but very careful. Peter terrifies him.
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