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Old 09-19-2023, 08:05 AM   #1591
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

We will use luck to try and increase the effectiveness of the disarming smile, and Peter will try and copy their language.
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Old 09-19-2023, 09:37 AM   #1592
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
We will use luck to try and increase the effectiveness of the disarming smile, and Peter will try and copy their language.
Its still only an 8... but its enough.

The man in the dark cloak is reassured enough. The magic from the man with the censer still builds, but slower. Peter rolls an 8 on his magic roll, and can now understand and speak their language.
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Old 09-19-2023, 04:28 PM   #1593
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Its still only an 8... but its enough.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The man in the dark cloak is reassured enough. The magic from the man with the censer still builds, but slower. Peter rolls an 8 on his magic roll, and can now understand and speak their language.
"I think that's got it... can you understand me now? Is the victim okay?"

If they allow him, Peter will check on the woman who was attacked and offer first aid and try and heal her with the broken world magic and he will do the same for Goliath. If they balk, he will do Goliath first.

I'm Peter, and this is Goliath. We are friendly world wanderers from far away, and we mean you no harm."

While Peter explains the interaction with the creature and following the girl back to the village, he will Feel around with his supernatural awareness and examine the magics he's been sensing around him with a focus on Analysis. Starting with what the guy with the censer is up to.
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Old 09-20-2023, 08:46 AM   #1594
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I think that's got it... can you understand me now? Is the victim okay?"
"I can. can the others, or is this effect limited to me?"

The Man with the censer calls out "We understand it Helmut!"

Helmut: "Get everyone but the militia in the chapel. We're not safe yet. I'll talk with whatever he is and figure things out."

Man with Censer: "And if he tries to destroy you?"

Helmut: "Then I'll have fulfilled my oath to the duke after all."

This seems to satisfy the crowd, and they follow the Man with the Censer back to the church.

Helmut: "You mean the woman the beast attacked? She is alive. I don't think the bleeding will take her. We will see about infection or curses."

I'm Peter, and this is Goliath. We are friendly world wanderers from far away, and we mean you no harm."
Helmut: "Forgive us if we do not take you at your word.

If they allow him, Peter will check on the woman who was attacked and offer first aid and try and heal her with the broken world magic and he will do the same for Goliath. If they balk, he will do Goliath first.
Helmut: "heal your dog first... I do not think they will allow you to use sorcery on any of them. This is a mountain village: all they know if the priest uses miracles, and all other magic is evil."

While Peter explains the interaction with the creature and following the girl back to the village, he will Feel around with his supernatural awareness and examine the magics he's been sensing around him with a focus on Analysis. Starting with what the guy with the censer is up to.
Peter thinks the priest was trying to build up a field like the one around the church... the one that pushed him back and sounded the alarm.

Is he going to go ahead and explain he could sense the creature? Is he going to tell Helmut that he can sense him and the priest?
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Old 09-21-2023, 07:45 AM   #1595
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will see to Goliath.

Unless something comes up where is is asked how he knew something his senses told him, he will not volunteer the information non his magic sense just yet. With the townsfolk being nervous about strange magic, Peter is going to play this a little closer to the vest going forward.
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Old 09-21-2023, 08:52 AM   #1596
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter will see to Goliath.
Peter wafts a bit more incense towards him as the Priest leads the crowd back, and its enough to heal Goliath. (down 2 ER, I think)

Unless something comes up where is is asked how he knew something his senses told him, he will not volunteer the information non his magic sense just yet. With the townsfolk being nervous about strange magic, Peter is going to play this a little closer to the vest going forward.

Helmut: "So what are you? I've seen you heal someone else and do something with language, you fight like a soggy rag, and potter says you set off the church ward. Oh, and you look like a child. So what are you?"
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Old 09-21-2023, 10:45 AM   #1597
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter is a bit annoyed that the acknowledgement that he put himself in harm's way to protect people in this village was a comparison to a soggy rag...

"I'm Peter. I'm a wanderer who is just passing through. I'm what I appear to be, a kid with a knack for magic. That force field alarm thing is awesome! How does that work? So your name is Helmut? What's your deal? And what was that monster thing?"


On the magical analysis, does it seem the predatory creature is a creature of magic, or the result of a magical effect? And Helmut? Is Peter sensing his stuff, and effect on him, or his person?
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Old 09-22-2023, 09:59 AM   #1598
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

On the magical analysis, does it seem the predatory creature is a creature of magic, or the result of a magical effect? And Helmut? Is Peter sensing his stuff, and effect on him, or his person?
Peter hasn't sensed Helmut or the predatory creature using any magic, just observed effects on them. That doesn't mean that they can't only that they haven't. Both seem to be active effects doing something though.

The Priest is able to manipulate and control the magic, though he also seems to have an effect on him.

"I'm Peter. I'm a wanderer who is just passing through. I'm what I appear to be, a kid with a knack for magic. That force field alarm thing is awesome! How does that work? So your name is Helmut? What's your deal? And what was that monster thing?"
Helmut: "Son, no one just 'has a knack for magic'. Magic touches you. Magic changes you." his voice fades "Magic replaces you. "

"So where does your magic come from?"

"The Church ward is a miracle, brought by the light. Gerwin has sworn an oath to it, and it gives him power to channel such protections."

"The monster is a weapon, a poor soul transformed by the rage, sent to kill and destroy by some enemy. it's far from where it was aimed, I would guess."

"I was a solider. I left this village to fight for the duke six years ago. I have seen much of the world, and I am tired of fighting, so I retired from the army, and returned home to my village and family. Gerwin is my brother."

Peter can tell he's lying about retiring from the army. He's a deserter, or he's secretly still working for the duke, or something worse.
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Old 09-25-2023, 11:06 AM   #1599
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Helmut: "Son, no one just 'has a knack for magic'. Magic touches you. Magic changes you." his voice fades "Magic replaces you. "

"So where does your magic come from?"
"All sorts of places... sometimes it tires me out, but usually I can kinda pull the energy from somewhere else. I don't think it replaces me, but maybe it works differently here. I think I am tied up in some kind of force that bounces me around to make the universe a better place, so it the power comes from somewhere, it's probably that same force. I guess I pay for it by doing what it wants."
"I was a solider. I left this village to fight for the duke six years ago. I have seen much of the world, and I am tired of fighting, so I retired from the army, and returned home to my village and family. Gerwin is my brother."

Peter can tell he's lying about retiring from the army. He's a deserter, or he's secretly still working for the duke, or something worse.
"My wandering has brought me here, and I find that when that happens, there usually turns out to be a reason. Is there some position I can take or job I can do to earn room and board for me and Goliath? I could apprentice for you if you want to teach me to fight better next time."
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Old 09-26-2023, 10:22 AM   #1600
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"All sorts of places... sometimes it tires me out, but usually I can kinda pull the energy from somewhere else. I don't think it replaces me, but maybe it works differently here. I think I am tied up in some kind of force that bounces me around to make the universe a better place, so it the power comes from somewhere, it's probably that same force. I guess I pay for it by doing what it wants."
Helmut: "You don't know its name? That's worrisome. What makes you think it wants the universe to be a better place? If it is benevolent, then why does the ward of the Light repel it? You may be in way over your head. Your power may just be concealing its nature until its in the right position to strike."

"My wandering has brought me here, and I find that when that happens, there usually turns out to be a reason. Is there some position I can take or job I can do to earn room and board for me and Goliath? I could apprentice for you if you want to teach me to fight better next time."
"I'm stretching to make ends meet as it is. I don't have land here, that's why I joined the army. My brother is just being generous and putting me up. I help him where I can. I'm not in the army anymore. Though with this new beast my presence will be more appreciated. Maybe I'll run everyone through a few drills."
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