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Old 08-20-2023, 10:45 PM   #1551
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Does he sense any other magic?
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Peter spots a woman walking along a path... the beast seems to be interested in her.[/I]
What is the creature's demeanor toward the woman? Is this aggression? Malice? Does he sense the woman is in danger?

If so he will shout and yell and wave, or otherwise try and alert her, as hopeless as that sounds. In a last ditch effort he will do the impossible and grab her, and pull her to safety in the dream realm.
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Old 08-21-2023, 02:59 PM   #1552
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Does he sense any other magic?
yes, there are three sources up the hill in the village, all of them very distinct from each other and from this.

What is the creature's demeanor toward the woman? Is this aggression? Malice? Does he sense the woman is in danger?
Predatory. The creature is hungry for something, and she's prey.

If so he will shout and yell and wave, or otherwise try and alert her, as hopeless as that sounds. In a last ditch effort he will do the impossible and grab her, and pull her to safety in the dream realm.

Peter wakes up. Its dark. He's naked. Goliath's body is next to him. He's in the valley, and he can sense the four sources of magic... the beast is about 10 yards away, obscured by bushes. He's in some sort of berry bramble, with wicker supports, though its hard to tell in the dark.
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Old 08-21-2023, 03:57 PM   #1553
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter tries to distract the creature and alert the woman.
"Hey! Leave her alone! Oy!"

He decides to get Goliath to help, but doesn't want him charging off against who-knows-what.
"Goliath, SPEAK!"

Peter sees if he can wrest free a branch or something from the bramble to wield to fend off the creature.
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Old 08-22-2023, 10:18 AM   #1554
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter shouts, and thinks he senses the beast notice and turn. He also thinks he heard a human gasp... maybe female?

Goliath opens up with the sort of deep, penetrating bark that makes you wonder just how big the dog is. The dog's hair stands on end... he's ready for a fight.

Peter searches for a solid stick, and spots a stake in the support structure (scrounging 14 vs roll of 11). He yanks it out of the dirt... its a good solid stick, though lighter than the ideal weapon.

The Beast heads towards them, then tries to circle around them... maybe some sort of ambush? luckily, Peter can tell exactly where it is.
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Old 08-22-2023, 10:32 AM   #1555
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter continues to make loud aggressive noises.


He waves his arms to create a bigger more imposing sight to the beast (if he can be seen at all) and he tries to circle it's location to get between it and the woman. Peter doesn't know how smart the creature is, but he has success if getting his point across to animals much of the time, even if it's just with his tone.. but he tries reasoning with it in a loud grumble.

"Git now! There's three of us and one of you, now GIT!! Goliath, Big Speak!"

If Peter senses the creature close the distance, he will thrust the stake pointy end first in it's direction.
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Old 08-23-2023, 09:33 AM   #1556
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Circling the beast, he gets himself and Goliath to the path... he glances and maybe he can see the woman running up towards the village... its dark, but he thinks he can see her moving...

Goliath continues "speaking"... Peter doesn't have the intimidation skill, but Goliath does. He rolls a 6. The beast resists with a 9... and puts a little distance between itself and Goliath, going maybe 30 yards away in the bush.
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Old 08-23-2023, 10:49 AM   #1557
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

(( The Ally comes in with a win! Good Boy! ))

"That's right, Git! Goliath, come."

Peter keeps track of the creature and leads Goliath down the path toward the village to follow the girl... Does she have some sort of light source?

Peter calls out to her,
"I think we scared it off Ma'am, are you okay?"

So he can just make out things in the low light (I guess Peter's Night Vision is finally paying off!) is he seeing by starlight? Are there distant light sources?
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Old 08-24-2023, 10:54 AM   #1558
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
(( The Ally comes in with a win! Good Boy! ))
Yeah, he's been following you for a while and being sometimes of less use, but wow he shown right there. And would have shown if he'd failed that roll.

So he can just make out things in the low light (I guess Peter's Night Vision is finally paying off!) is he seeing by starlight? Are there distant light sources?
Peter keeps track of the creature and leads Goliath down the path toward the village to follow the girl... Does she have some sort of light source?
She doesn't... its a half moon and that seems to be enough to see by. Its at least enough for Peter.

There are some flickering flames up high in the village.

"That's right, Git! Goliath, come."
The creature shadows you as you go up the path, keeping about 30 yards away. Its easy for it to hide in the bushes and poor light. Goliath seems to have a fairly good idea of where it is though.

Peter calls out to her,
"I think we scared it off Ma'am, are you okay?"
He can see her running up the hill: on hearing him, she runs faster, if anything.
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Old 08-24-2023, 11:35 AM   #1559
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]


"You're Welcome." Peter calls out after the girl as she speeds her pace.

Peter keeps to the path and stays alert to the creature and tries to feel out the similarities and differences with the other magical sources he is perceiving as he makes his way to the village. Can he feel how it may be similar to Karana? How it might be different?

Peter grabs a swatch of plant material here and there as he walks, inspecting the local flora to see if it's familiar.
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Old 08-25-2023, 09:52 AM   #1560
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]


"You're Welcome." Peter calls out after the girl as she speeds her pace.

Peter keeps to the path and stays alert to the creature and tries to feel out the similarities and differences with the other magical sources he is perceiving as he makes his way to the village. Can he feel how it may be similar to Karana? How it might be different?
Hmm... what magic has Peter really seen that he can compare things to?
Parachronic travel, Soul Riding, Bodily Transformation (is that all senerich did in front of you?), Karana (formation, control, and some weird AI), Thuroman Healing, Thuroman Language Transfer, Thuroman Gate manipulation, Divine Conjuration, and Divine Energy transfer.

The Beast seems to have some transformation and control effects on it.

One of the sources in the village seems quite large, like a big building or field, and to be some sort of effect Peter hasn't seen before. It also seems stationary.

The other two sources seem to be mobile. One is maybe similar to soul riding, but weaker, and also seems to have aspects similar to the big stationary effect. The other is more similar to the Karana Demons (not so much the creations, but the demons) , and it has a new strange effect on it as well, distinct from the others he's sensing. Maybe just a little like senarich's transformations.

Peter grabs a swatch of plant material here and there as he walks, inspecting the local flora to see if it's familiar.
He's seen it once before... in a dream he recoiled from when he saw a man with a bare skull for a face...
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