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Old 05-04-2022, 10:33 AM   #1071
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"You can have your clothes back... I just don't why you always loose them before you talk to me!"
"Sorry... it's the way I travel. But if I keep coming back here I can just grab the same clothes if we keep them where I can find them."
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Such a detail would be irrelevant for your stated purpose, would it not?"
"I don't think so... It might be less than what they are asking, but enough to verify. If I could confirm a turn of phrase or details about a meeting, like what outfit the guy was wearing, could prove I talked to you about the situation without revealing what the conversation was actually about. "

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Thank you, I'd appreciate it a lot. I'm sure many of the Gods have asked you to deliver such messages.
"My pleasure! You have been really kind, opening your home to me was super generous!"
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Old 05-05-2022, 10:12 AM   #1072
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"Sorry... it's the way I travel. But if I keep coming back here I can just grab the same clothes if we keep them where I can find them."
"If? If you do keep coming back then we ought to make preparations. Opening up a route of communication back home is worth a lot to some of the gods."

"I don't think so... It might be less than what they are asking, but enough to verify. If I could confirm a turn of phrase or details about a meeting, like what outfit the guy was wearing, could prove I talked to you about the situation without revealing what the conversation was actually about. "
That's a diplomacy attempt... rolling... 3. Critical Success!

"I recited lines from the poem 'Red Morn of the River'. He was wearing his uniform, but had on a petitioner's sash and he was missing a button on his left sleeve".

"If you will not be passing through the divine realm, the sea of power, on your way home? If not, I can provide additional proof for him by touching you and infusing you with power. Touch the captain when you return, and he know you spoke with me."
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Old 05-05-2022, 02:57 PM   #1073
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"If? If you do keep coming back then we ought to make preparations. Opening up a route of communication back home is worth a lot to some of the gods."
"It sounds like I can be useful to you and your followers, and I'm willing to serve as Emissary, but only if we can work together to make your followers better neighbors to the worlds they access. I do not want to take any more part in that world if they do not stop enslaving people."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
That's a diplomacy attempt... rolling... 3. Critical Success!
... Well, isn't that a nice result when using one encounter as an example for the exercise! Sweet!
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post

"I recited lines from the poem 'Red Morn of the River'. He was wearing his uniform, but had on a petitioner's sash and he was missing a button on his left sleeve".

"If you will not be passing through the divine realm, the sea of power, on your way home? If not, I can provide additional proof for him by touching you and infusing you with power. Touch the captain when you return, and he know you spoke with me."
"I don't always have perfect control, but I'll try to make it in one hop. giving me a charm of some kind as proof is worth a try!"

Peter will collect a few more 'charms' or information bits to convince the people back in the clockwork world that he's on the level. He tries to get a feel for the gods stance on the enslaving of their interdimensional neighbors, to have some allies in his lofty goal of ending this practice.
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Old 05-06-2022, 10:16 AM   #1074
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"It sounds like I can be useful to you and your followers, and I'm willing to serve as Emissary, but only if we can work together to make your followers better neighbors to the worlds they access. I do not want to take any more part in that world if they do not stop enslaving people."
"I cannot speak for an entire world, millions of people. I do not know if my people are raiding. As you remember, my advice to them is to avoid doing anything reckless or desperate. I generally consider starting wars with new neighbors reckless and desperate."

"I don't always have perfect control, but I'll try to make it in one hop. giving me a charm of some kind as proof is worth a try!"

Peter will collect a few more 'charms' or information bits to convince the people back in the clockwork world that he's on the level. He tries to get a feel for the gods stance on the enslaving of their interdimensional neighbors, to have some allies in his lofty goal of ending this practice.
Peter gets a few more of those "touches", though not as many as he'd like. Asking for them often loosens the tongues of Gods who have the private information he needs.

The Gods generally support not immediately starting wars with their neighbors. Especially as the "neighbor" seems to be in much better economic shape than they are, and is larger and possibly more coordinated. A few of them express sympathy, a few of them ask why the neighbor is struggling to defend itself.
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Old 05-08-2022, 02:54 PM   #1075
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will explain he thinks their success against neighboring worlds like his wone is that they are less experienced in world jumping portals and the followers of the gods have the element of surprise.

Once armed with charms and anecdotes, Peter will do what he can to benefit the village and socialize with the villagers until he is able to sleep-jump his way back to the world with the clockwork sky.
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Old 05-09-2022, 11:04 AM   #1076
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

That night, Peter dreams... of home. Of his bed, and of his parents...

Will he change his dream, or return home?
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Old 05-09-2022, 11:20 PM   #1077
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter is tempted by the promise of home, but tries to stay the course and bring his charms and intimate details of the gods back to the priests to work for the release of the American prisoners and pursue the ambition of stopping them from enslaving their neighbors.

If he is able to return to the world with the clockwork sky, he will try and get back to the priesthood to follow that path.

If he is unable to divert and he is taken home, he will get dressed and look for his parents.
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Old 05-10-2022, 10:36 AM   #1078
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter is tempted by the promise of home, but tries to stay the course and bring his charms and intimate details of the gods back to the priests to work for the release of the American prisoners and pursue the ambition of stopping them from enslaving their neighbors.

If he is able to return to the world with the clockwork sky, he will try and get back to the priesthood to follow that path.
Peter focuses his thoughts on Thuroma, and on stopping the raids. His dreams shift. A column of mechanical horses file into Thuroma in the dark. They are laden with goods from earth, mostly high quality food, and armed to the teeth. There are a few captives, bound and on the backs of the mechanical beasts. Scribes count the items brought in a put them into boxes.

Peter wakes up naked behind a box full of oranges. He hears the people talking, and realizes he can't understand them... though he recognizes the language he's been speaking over the past few days, he just doesn't understand it anymore. Goliath is nearby him.
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Old 05-10-2022, 11:35 PM   #1079
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter tries to stay hidden long enough to find something to protect his modesty and looks around to see if he recognizes the city. He will try to make his way back to Tuvo Kyridas. If he can't figure out the way, he will reveal himself to the guards to try and get them to take him. He will draw the symbol for Ink-Thur if they don't catch on right away.
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Old 05-11-2022, 09:44 AM   #1080
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter tries to stay hidden long enough to find something to protect his modesty and looks around to see if he recognizes the city. He will try to make his way back to Tuvo Kyridas. If he can't figure out the way, he will reveal himself to the guards to try and get them to take him. He will draw the symbol for Ink-Thur if they don't catch on right away.
Peter finds a couple of empty cardboard boxes at hand... its better than nothing.

He knows this spot well: its the place Tuvo Kyridas normally is. Kyridas isn't here, but that might be because of the early hour. Not sure of where Kyridas would be, Peter displays himself to the guards, holding up the symbol for Ink-thur, and gesturing about the priestly clothing.

As it turns out, the guards can speak English, and they fetch a preist... though not Kyridas. This priest is wide awake.

"I am Irtuk Yurib. I have heard of you. Did you succeed? Shall we send word to everyone we asked?"
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