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Old 03-27-2014, 06:45 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2013
Default OGRE Minis to sell - please help me understand!

I've had a quantity of OGRE minis (which I never really played) for some years now. I'd hoping to sell them, but I have little understanding of what's going on in the OGRE minis world. If anyone can help me sort a few things, I'd appreciate it.

Here's what I seem to have:

OGRE Deluxe Minis Set
GEV Deluxe Minis Set
OGRE Minis Rulebook with unpunched template sheet in the back. Ogre Book, Ogre Scenario Book 1.
Various Reference Sheets, etc.,
Combine Set 1 - OGRE Mk V
Combine Set 2 - OGRE Mk 3
Combine Set 3 - 6 HVY, 2 SuperHVY tanks
Combine Set 5 - 6 MSL Tanks, 2 MHWZ
Combine Set 7 - 2 Howitzers, 2 LT Tanks, 48 Infantry, 12 HVY Inf Weapons
Combine Set 9 - 2 Laser Towers, 3 turrets
Combine Set 10 - Fast Convoy - Hovertrucks, Artillery Drones, LAD Pallets, Cargo Pallets

1) I'd love to sell them someplace that isn't eBay, but there doesn't seem to be much activity here with the minis. Is there just that much less traffic here, or is something else going on? Are people just not selling here?

2) I can look us the prices of the minis easily enough on eBay, but I've heard talk of the minis disappearing and possibly being reprinted and sold through Area 23. Will that affect what I've got to sell? Make anything "obsolete?" Are people waiting to buy or unloading stuff or anything like that? Do I need to hurry?

3) Anyone wanna buy this as a lot? I'd have to do a more complete inventory, but if anyone's interested, let me know!

Thanks in advance for your help!

Last edited by puzzlemonkey; 03-27-2014 at 06:57 PM.
puzzlemonkey is offline   Reply With Quote

gev, minis, ogre, sale, trading post

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