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Old 03-03-2011, 09:17 PM   #1
Alden Loveshade
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Default Snatcher for One

I want a wizard character to be able to summon her staff, but not to summon anything else. I'd thought about using Loyal Sword, but that's not quite what I had in mind.

So I thought about using Snatcher (p. B86) for 80 points with the Limitation Recall (p. P77) for -25% and a new Limitation: One Item Only.

Any thoughts on how much the One Item Only Limitation should be worth?

Any thoughts on another way to do this?
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Old 03-03-2011, 09:39 PM   #2
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Default Re: Snatcher for One

It works out to be a perk:

Payload (Cosmic +50%; One Item Only -80%)

-80% seems right for One Item Only since normally you can store *anything* of the right weight in a payload. Cosmic makes it so the payload isn't a physical place.
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Old 03-03-2011, 10:03 PM   #3
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Default Re: Snatcher for One

Originally Posted by lexington View Post
It works out to be a perk:

Payload (Cosmic +50%; One Item Only -80%)

-80% seems right for One Item Only since normally you can store *anything* of the right weight in a payload. Cosmic makes it so the payload isn't a physical place.
That's good for being able to hide the staff away where nobody can steal it, but not so much for being able to summon it back when somebody thinks they've successfully stolen it.

For that, I'd probably allow a -80% for the One Item limitation alone, but even the resulting 20 CP seems rather steep for this ability.

I can think of a few other possible ways to do this:

1) If the staff is actual gear, take it as Signature Gear, and put Summonable +100% (borrowed from Ally) and Cosmic +50% (to allow the use of such a strange enhancement) on it. A generous GM could waive the Cosmic if the idea seems neat and not unbalancing. Now you really can't lose the sucker, because whenever it's stolen or lost or forgotten at home, you can simply summon it to you. GM choice whether this means it instantly appears in your hands, or must physically fly from its current location to you, or what, just as when you put Summonable on Ally.

2) If the staff is a Gadget in the sense of being a set of abilities bought with the Gadget limitations on B116-117, simply reduce any discount for Can Be Stolen to -0%, because even though it can be grabbed from your hands, you can call it back whenever you need to, so it's really never made unavailable to you.

3) If the GM doesn't like either of the above options, see if it's possible to write the staff up as an Ally with the ability to come to you when called. Things like Mute and No Manipulators should make up for the Warp or Flight needed for it, Mindlink, ability to find your location, etc.
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Old 03-03-2011, 11:07 PM   #4
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Default Re: Snatcher for One

If the item is already signature gear, and you already have cosmic payload for it, being able to summon it if lost should really just be a perk.
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Old 03-03-2011, 11:14 PM   #5
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Default Re: Snatcher for One

Being able to summon freely can be huge, majorly eliminates disarms

Also sig gear says you get a chance to get it back and such, but can still get stolen and locked in the Temple of Doom to go and get it or such

I'd probably have it Cosmic, No Roll required on sig gear and also Payload (but just normal one item cosmic payload)

There is an RPK link here I will get where Payload - My One item is addressed
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Old 03-03-2011, 11:20 PM   #6
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Default Re: Snatcher for One

Originally Posted by Kalzazz View Post
Being able to summon freely can be huge, majorly eliminates disarms
Treat it like Snatcher and make them take a Concentrate and roll.
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Old 03-04-2011, 12:14 AM   #7
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Default Re: Snatcher for One

Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
If the item is already signature gear, and you already have cosmic payload for it, being able to summon it if lost should really just be a perk.
Payload only really helps for hiding it away. If somebody grabs it from you while it's not in your Payload, it does nothing.

Ergo, -80% limited Snatcher, or put Summonable on your Signature Gear (which will double the cost of the gear in CP, but probably not to the tune of an extra 20 CP), or one of the other options I mentioned. But Cosmic Payload, while a cool ability, is kind of a red herring for the ability asked for by the OP.

That's assuming I'm right about the OP wanting the effect where the staff can be stolen and across a large room, or even taken away when the character is knocked out and locked in a separate room, and the character can still summon the staff back to them.
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Old 03-04-2011, 01:02 PM   #8
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Default Re: Snatcher for One

Originally Posted by vitruvian View Post
Payload only really helps for hiding it away. If somebody grabs it from you while it's not in your Payload, it does nothing.
Signature gear means you get it back anyway. Letting it be summonable just makes that easier on everybody. I'm not sure what we are arguing about, really, for the vast majority of signature gear, IMO, +100% is one point.
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Old 03-04-2011, 10:49 AM   #9
Not another shrubbery
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Default Re: Snatcher for One

Originally Posted by vitruvian
That's good for being able to hide the staff away where nobody can steal it, but not so much for being able to summon it back when somebody thinks they've successfully stolen it.
Or when you've just plain lost it, or left it somewhere on purpose.
For that, I'd probably allow a -80% for the One Item limitation alone, but even the resulting 20 CP seems rather steep for this ability.

I can think of a few other possible ways to do this:
I'm with Kalzazz, in that this seems like more than a simple Perk. The idea of borrowing Summonable and attaching it to gear or a Gadget is a bit suspicious, but does have a certain appeal to simplicity, and I like your idea of attaching a Cosmic rider to SigGear. That premium would keep very cheap gear from getting the enhancement as the cost equivalent of a Perk.
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Old 03-04-2011, 11:11 AM   #10
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Default Re: Snatcher for One

Originally Posted by Not another shrubbery View Post
Or when you've just plain lost it, or left it somewhere on purpose.I'm with Kalzazz, in that this seems like more than a simple Perk. The idea of borrowing Summonable and attaching it to gear or a Gadget is a bit suspicious, but does have a certain appeal to simplicity,
It also has rather attractive (to the GM) feature of costing +100%, which is about the same price as non-combat Cosmics tend to work out anyways.
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