Originally Posted by Chris Goodwin
Back on topic for me: In the pre-4th edition incarnations of the game, boats and airplanes and tanks (oh my!) were all separate purchases and totally optional, in that in order to use them you had to buy a separate product. I believe that this is how they should be handled in 6th edition; I further think they ought to be separate games that are entirely compatible with Car Wars and they should use their own settings, though the rules in them should be drop-in compatible with the base Car Wars game.
If there is a Great Big Book Of Everything Car Wars, then they should be included.
I concur on all points. Any attempt to
force planes, boats, and tanks into the main game (by futzing inappropriately with the stats/abilities/weapons on either side -- eg, fudging actual aircraft speeds so they match car speeds) would be bad. But putting them in separate games with compatible rules will work. That way, you'll have yet more entertaining games and, if you really
do want to see if your all-ace Division 30 autodueling team can take down a Sherman tank, you can let 'em try. (A running gunfight down a river between a smuggler on a speedboat and a couple of FBI cruisers could be fun, too.)
Separate games would be better; if SJG is absolutely only doing a single big-box Super Cool Edition, put 'em in with disclaimers ("Note: these tanks will pulp your best cars -- it's just the way things are. You have been warned.")