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Old 10-31-2010, 02:24 PM   #31
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Default Re: [Magic] Casting trought item with powerstone

Originally Posted by Ze'Manel Cunha View Post
In fact, while I can think of numerous settings where power items are used to cast magic through, I can't off the top of my head think of a single setting where a mage carries around a jewel bag with individual stones used to power their magic.
Agree with that logic. A lot of story talk about a mage who's power is bigger when cast with his staff or wand. Take the wand of the mage and he'll be less powerful. He will still casting, but he'll be less effective.

Another thinking, casting throught a staff with a powerstone for fueling the spell or casting with a powerstone... did it make a big difference? I mean, the powerstone would fuel the spell, both method used no?
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Old 10-31-2010, 04:28 PM   #32
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Default Re: [Magic] Casting trought item with powerstone

Originally Posted by korbeau View Post
Agree with that logic. A lot of story talk about a mage who's power is bigger when cast with his staff or wand. Take the wand of the mage and he'll be less powerful. He will still casting, but he'll be less effective.
Though sounds more like Extra levels of Gadget based Margery (which does nothing for some who does not have at least Margery 0)
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Old 10-31-2010, 05:00 PM   #33
Joseph R
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Default Re: [Magic] Casting trought item with powerstone

Originally Posted by korbeau View Post
Another thinking, casting throught a staff with a powerstone for fueling the spell or casting with a powerstone... did it make a big difference? I mean, the powerstone would fuel the spell, both method used no?
There would be no difference to casting cost, if the staff was only enchanted with the Staff spell and contained a "standard" powerstone. The staff would extend the user's Reach, of course, but either powerstone would give the same benefit energy-wise.

The discussion comes because some have interpreted that a "dedicated" powerstone may be used to power ANY spell twice as efficiently, rather than simply the enchantments that the item carries. Others disagree (as do I).

Last edited by Joseph R; 10-31-2010 at 05:00 PM. Reason: clarification
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Old 11-01-2010, 11:47 PM   #34
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Default Re: [Magic] Casting trought item with powerstone

Originally Posted by Unwitting Pawn View Post
The discussion comes because some have interpreted that a "dedicated" powerstone may be used to power ANY spell twice as efficiently, rather than simply the enchantments that the item carries. Others disagree (as do I).
As a member of the "Dedicated Powerstones can be used to power any spell cast by the wizard" camp, I want to make it clear that I don't think this means that the bonus for being dedicated should carry over to all such spells. Namely I think enchanted spells should be cast at double efficiency, while spells cast through the item with the Staff enchantment should be cast at a 1-for-1 ratio. There doesn't seem to be any basis for this RAW, but I do believe that allowing ALL spells to be cast at double efficiency does indeed leave no reason to use normal powerstones.
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Old 10-08-2016, 09:57 AM   #35
Join Date: Aug 2016
Default Re: [Magic] Casting trought item with powerstone

yea, old thread, I know, but hey, was browsing for examples of magic staves, and this was the only thing that came up. not quite what I am looking for, but it will do.
Basically, you're better off learning the power spell from enchanting and putting several points of that into it, then combining it with spells that the staff has enchanted into it for reduced casting costs. The more spells you enchant into the staff, the more cost effective those levels of power will become.

for example...

Power (4) reduces cost of spells on the item by 4.

attach Missile Shield to the item. can now cast Missile Shield from the staff for one of your own FP, and it will maintain itself until you fall unconscious.

Attach a second spell; Rain of Fire. now you have Rain of Fire available to you as a caster, and the staff will pay for 4 points of its cost, every time you cast it.
so if you spend 5 FP (provided by the spell) to create a five hex wide effect, you effectively spend 1 FP from your own pool, and it will maintain itself for an additional 1 FP from your pool. Take care to always spend one FP to 'activate' an attack spell, because if it is for 'free' it will be cast on the caster, not a subject.

Rinse and repeat: Add Teleport, Mage light, Blink, Sanctuary, Detect Magic, Aura, Astral Vision, Sense Mana, Seek Magic, Sunbolt, Magelock, Soilproof, Sense Observation, Missile Shield, Force Wall, Sunlight, Mage Stealth, and Coolness to it.

Sure, its worth something a hell of a lot closer to a million dollars than anything else you own, but its also one hell of a tool without touching powerstones at all. limit it to one specific user, (yourself) and you're set. Add a powerstone to it, and... well, you can see where that would turn into further debate on how powerstones work, but you can surely see how its versatility would skyrocket.

This, by the way, is a perfectly reasonable explanation of why a Wizard casting spells through a staff gains benefits. You know, if you don't want to take Magery (Gadget limitation)

EDIT: almost forgot, this is, in my humble opinion, what "...casting a spell through an item..." means. When the spell is in the Item in question, and you use your own FP to cast it. Casting it with said item is what happens when the item can power itself. Just my two cents.

Last edited by fantell; 10-08-2016 at 10:16 AM.
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