07-24-2007, 04:13 PM | #1 |
In Nomine Line Editor
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Frozen Wastelands of NH
The No-Longer-Experimental Play By Post Forum Rules
The Meta-Rules
1. This forum is not really an experiment anymore, but it's still the new kid on the block and we keep an eye on it. 2. I'm the moderator, and may rule with iron fist, because I'm mean. Rar. Just ask the In Nomine Mailing List how iron-fisted I am... My co-mod is currently Andrew. He's the good cop. 3. If this forum becomes more work than I can keep up with, and more headache than fun, it will be shut down. (Hopefully there would be enough advance warning, if that happens, that people can grab their threads and save them, but no promises.) I note that after this long, it hasn't been a problem, so I don't anticipate this will happen, but this doesn't mean that people shouldn't be on good behavior. The Forum Rules These are subject to modification according to my judgment (and I do listen to requests). I want to make sure that people have fun, as well as keep my required meddling to a minimum. • This is not a forum to look for players for some other forum's game. Sorry! You want the Gamer Finder forum for that. Thanks. • All play by post threads should be started by a GM. The GM may ask the moderator (me) to edit or delete people's posts, and I will generally do so without thinking twice about it. (Use email or PM, please.) However, if this takes too much of my time, it could result in the limiting or elimination of this forum; players should respond to the GM's requests to edit or delete their own posts, first. • At the moment, I do not require that GMs seek permission from me to start a game-thread. I reserve the absolute right to edit, lock, or delete any game-thread that I or any other mods deem to be a negative influence on the forums. We want people to read them and think good things about the forums here, not that the place is a wretched hive of scum and villainy without good SFX. People who leap to the conclusion that all I will allow is "fluffy bunny" stuff may, of course, run a LJ game or otherwise take their games elsewhere; one shouldn't be doing a PbP in a forum where one doesn't trust the mods. • GMs who start a thread should lay out the ground rules (and system!) of their game in the first post. E.g., whether it must be posted in character, who does die rolls, etc. If there are other places where the game (or spinnoffs) is run -- a livejournal game, an online tabletop game, etc. -- those should probably be mentioned. If the game is open or closed to new players, this should also be mentioned, and where prospective players should contact the GM. A list of the players' forum handles on the front page will ease the job of figuring out if non-players are posting. • Those seeking to join a game should check the first page and find out if the GM is taking more players, and if so, how to contact the GM. Contacting me about it will not help -- if the data isn't on the game's first post, I can't read the GM's mind. All I can do is edit the first post to say something like IS THIS GAME OPEN OR WHAT? --Beth... • People who wish to comment out-of-character on a given thread may start a new thread to do so, which must be marked [OOC] (out of character). Try to keep it one-for-one on IC versus OOC. E.g., the game thread would be: [IC] In Nomine By Noon - An IOU/In Nomine crossover, and the OOC thread would be [OOC] In Nomine By Noon. If I have to split off OOC threads too often, I will get grouchy. • I see no reason, at this time, to restrict rule-sets to SJ Games only. Please abide by the company policies of any other gaming systems, if they have preferences for their material being used in a Play By Post forum. • Do not repeat great chunks of the rules -- SJ Games' or anyone else's -- on this forum. That is copyright violation and will be landed on faster than a kitten on amphetamines chasing a catnip-laced treat. Or harder than a hippo with lead boots on a 2-G planet. Or possibly both. Links to legal, online instances of the rules are valid and approved of. • Don't expect me or Andrew to make rule-calls. We're just here to keep the spammers away (and enforce the forum rules). The GM is the one who makes rule-calls. (If there's discussion, I'd advise having it in the OOC thread for the game.)
--Beth Shamelessly adding Superiors: Lilith, GURPS Sparrials, and her fiction page to her .sig (the latter is not precisely gaming related) Last edited by Archangel Beth; 01-14-2008 at 08:04 AM. Reason: Updating |
01-02-2019, 08:21 AM | #2 |
Munchkin Line Editor
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Re: The No-Longer-Experimental Play By Post Forum Rules
Adding to this:
This forum is for roleplaying games. It is not a writer's workshop. If you're posting background before opening your game up to players, that's fine, but we expect that you will actually open up your game at some point in the not-too-distant future. If if becomes apparent to us that you're not starting up a game, we may move, lock, or remove your thread.
Andrew Hackard, Munchkin Line Editor If you have a question that isn't getting answered, we have a thread for that. Let people like what they like. Don't be a gamer hater. #PlayMunchkin on social media: Twitter || Facebook || Instagram || YouTube Follow us on Kickstarter: Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 |
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