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Old 04-13-2024, 04:55 PM   #1
Pike's Pique
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Default R, Lee Ermey in GURPS terms as a Therapist


Anyone have good suggestions what Disadvantages and Quirks to give to an NPC based on character actor R. Lee Ermey if he was a therapist?

Yep, I am trying to complete a character sheet for him as a possible NPC in my Star Trek campaign.
After all, he did play a Drill instructor in the show "Space: Above and Beyond"

I am basing this on the age he was when he did the GEICO insurance commercial.

He was around 65 years old.

I figure as Dr. Frank B. Hartman - when he was a young man he was one of the last of the MACOs before they were integrated and merged into Starfleet.

Then he went to Medical School and became a psychologist or therapist.

Any suggestions?

- Ed C.
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Last edited by Qoltar; 04-16-2024 at 09:56 PM.
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Old 04-14-2024, 07:41 PM   #2
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Default Re: R, Lee Ermey in GURPS terms as a Therapist

Originally Posted by Qoltar View Post
Anyone have good suggestions what Disadvantages and Quirks to give to an NPC based on character R. Lee Ermey if he was a therapist?
Is this a comic character or a serious one?

As I've mentioned previously, drill instructors - at least in the 21st century U.S. Armed Forces - are highly competent, extremely well-trained specialists, with high levels of Leadership and Teaching and decent levels of Acting, Intimidation and Psychology.

The "screaming maniac" routine that U.S./U.K. drill instructors cultivate to scare recruits is an act which they can turn off as needed. DIs in other military traditions dispense with the brutality and intimidation. (Historically, and outside of the the US/UK tradition, this might be different, with DIs having traits such as Bully, Intolerance and Sadism.)

The only trait that a comic vs. serious DI character would have in common is Fanaticism (Federation/Starfleet) or Sense of Duty (Federation/Starfleet) and possibly a "Professional Persona" quirk.

Depending on how closely you want to hew to Roddenberry's vision of an idealized future, a DI-based psychologist wouldn't be an emotionally abusive jerk, but an experienced NCO like Mile O'Brien with a vast array of confidence building exercises that indirectly address whatever psychological ailments they're treating. Treatment would almost never be in an office, but in an outdoor or training facility setting, with a sort of zen master/martial arts master "snatch the pebble from my hand" vibe that results in emotional healing or self-awareness for the patient.
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Old 04-15-2024, 09:57 AM   #3
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Default Re: R, Lee Ermey in GURPS terms as a Therapist

Originally Posted by Pursuivant View Post
Is this a comic character or a serious one?

As I've mentioned previously, drill instructors - at least in the 21st century U.S. Armed Forces - are highly competent, extremely well-trained specialists, with high levels of Leadership and Teaching and decent levels of Acting, Intimidation and Psychology.

The "screaming maniac" routine that U.S./U.K. drill instructors cultivate to scare recruits is an act which they can turn off as needed. DIs in other military traditions dispense with the brutality and intimidation. (Historically, and outside of the the US/UK tradition, this might be different, with DIs having traits such as Bully, Intolerance and Sadism.)
I know of, second hand, at least one drill instructor (US Navy, circa 1999) that failed to turn it off and went from beating recruits into shape to abusing a psychologically fragile but physically strong guy who didn't need to be in the military, for just a few seconds. The recruit was transferred to a separation company pending discharge, and the DI (after regaining consciousness) was informed he was being reduced in rank and reassigned.
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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Old 04-15-2024, 11:13 AM   #4
Pike's Pique
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Default Re: R, Lee Ermey in GURPS terms as a Therapist

Its Moot now...

My players did not cooose him as their ship's psychologist /Therapist.

I typed a short paragraph description of each of the 5 NPCs and they didn't like what they read. The cranky and grumpy disdadvantages did not help as well as his age of 65.

Again, if an Admin or moderator wants to close this thread I'm okay with that.

- Ed C.
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Old 04-15-2024, 03:22 PM   #5
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Default Re: R, Lee Ermey in GURPS terms as a Therapist

Originally Posted by Qoltar View Post
Its Moot now...

My players did not cooose him as their ship's psychologist /Therapist.

I typed a short paragraph description of each of the 5 NPCs and they didn't like what they read. The cranky and grumpy disdadvantages did not help as well as his age of 65.
- Ed C.
Out of curiosity, who did they choose?
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Old 04-16-2024, 12:52 PM   #6
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Default Re: R, Lee Ermey in GURPS terms as a Therapist

wonders what the drill sergeants in WH40K are like
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Old 04-16-2024, 01:40 PM   #7
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Default Re: R, Lee Ermey in GURPS terms as a Therapist

Originally Posted by Phantasm View Post
Out of curiosity, who did they choose?
They chose the NPC who was a Psychologist/Therapist, could play Guitar, and was also completely Blind.

I am thinking about syarting a new thread about her.

- Ed C.
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Old 04-16-2024, 09:57 PM   #8
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Default Re: R, Lee Ermey in GURPS terms as a Therapist

Originally Posted by Anders View Post
wonders what the drill sergeants in WH40K are like
I don't and never will.

After working in a game store for over 15 years I got quite sick of the WH40K setting.

- Ed C.
Take me out to the black
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Old 04-21-2024, 11:22 AM   #9
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Default Re: R, Lee Ermey in GURPS terms as a Therapist

Originally Posted by Anders View Post
wonders what the drill sergeants in WH40K are like
Some questions are best not answered. This is several of them.
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