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Old 02-09-2011, 07:19 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2010
Default Teenage Supers. X-Men

So I've started a campaign with high school supers in a universe resembling X-men.
Low points to make powers weak or uncontrolled. Lots of fun.


The Department of Human Security:
government funded operation with mystery private backing. Mostly guys in riot gear with stunners and mutant suppressing collars. There are sentinels but the sentinel project isn't too well funded. As the mutant problem becomes more apparent funding increases and sentinels become more developed. In this way the PCs are rewarded for more covert actions and public displays will boost the power of the sentinels and better equip DHS officers. These guys appear in most every episode.

Most authorities are antagonists since the mutant registration act has been passed. Mutants must register themselves. After which they are 'processed' in a little island just south of the equator. No one knows what goes on there (Genosha duhhh). So the police, government, firefighters, school teachers etc. Are all antagonists, with few exceptions. The principal of the PCs high school regularly gives PSAs and urges students to register themselves or anyone they know or suspect is a mutant.


I'm totally impressed by the PCs and their characters. They're pretty well all first time players so their creativity is pretty cool.

Danny Blaze: Blind kid. Sonar vision, reckless, impulsive gymnastic enthusiast. Sonar vision and a 10 square yard create darkness power "see how you like it."

Tithoria: Drunk sleazy girl. Into Carmen Electra workouts and not wearing too many clothes. She is a telepath but her powers only work while wearing less than 1lb of clothing.

Blanche: Animal shapeshifter. Albino.

Sven: Ice powered mathlete and lech.

Andrew: cyclops style optic blasts.

Ryan: Healer with microscopic vision (hopes to one day cure diseases with exo-teleport).

Odette & Odile: Identical twins with uncontrollable powers of complete destruction. The closer they are to each other, the more fatigue points they have to spend in extra effort of their power.

Jason: Talks with & controls animals & fish.

ERic : rapid healing while asleep and limbs can regrow if he holds (or sews) them in place.


First adventure had the kids on a class trip. They have free time in a mall and encounter some other mutants who'se powers accidentally go off causing a stir. The PCs chose to bypass the humans fleeing/cowering from the mutants (quite aggressively in fact), attack the Department of Human Security, and rescue the mutant teens. They narrowly escape and make some allies.

The second adventure found the cities inhabitants & animals hypnotized by two powerful German magicians. The PCs didn't bother with the detective work to find out what they were after and focused primarily on defeating them.

Third adventure: With increased local mutant activity there was a growing concern that an increase in mutant teens was on the rise. The DHS was summoned in response to a "mutant situation" at the PC's school. They were rounded up and run through a mutant detector during a "fire drill". Once they realized what was going on they narrowly escaped the DHS forces and, in the process, damaged school property very heavily.

The fourth adventure takes place during school renovations. Assignments are given as homework. The heroes find a group of very welcoming college students and their 'mentor'. The heroes are alerted to a number of "bombings" happening progressively closer to their city. When an explosion ruins a subway train they go to investigate and half sneak, half bash their way in to investigate. The DHS make chase and the heroes make their escape with the help of their new allies. This episode ends with the heroes joining up with this new mentor "Flare", a 48 year old wanna-be-youthful-bohemian. She believes that the explosions are a young mutant's powers out of control. She hopes to adopt this mutant and the PCs into her group of young mutants.

Fourth.5 Adventure

The kids do some detective work. They discover the explosions are the result of a young mutant, track him down and convince him to meet with Flare and discuss the possibility of a fruitful cooperation.

We're stalled here for the time being and hopefully soon the heroes will bring the "bomb boy" to meet with their new mentor without any problems.

They have been involving themselves with the DHS more and more frequently.

If you're interested I can send you pdfs of the sheets or NPC stats or more detailed story. Ain't no thang.

Last edited by JakeEscherRoels; 03-21-2011 at 09:09 PM. Reason: more adventure news
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Old 02-09-2011, 08:20 AM   #2
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Default Re: Teenage Supers. X-Men

Nice work, sounds like fun! :)

If you want to share the characters, you can upload the files to
They would certainly be welcome...
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Old 02-09-2011, 04:34 PM   #3
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Default Re: Teenage Supers. X-Men

Originally Posted by OldSam View Post
Nice work, sounds like fun! :)

If you want to share the characters, you can upload the files to
They would certainly be welcome...
I just uploaded some supers characters there myself. The Scarlett Sentry is also mine but I didn't realise I uploaded her anonymously, so I re-uploaded her under my handle. any chance you could delete the anonymous one?
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Old 02-09-2011, 04:46 PM   #4
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Default Re: Teenage Supers. X-Men

Originally Posted by JakeEscherRoels View Post
Most authorities are antagonists since the mutant registration act has been passed. Mutants must register themselves. After which they are 'processed' in a little island just south of the equator. No one knows what goes on there (Genosha duhhh). So the police, government, firefighters, school teachers etc. Are all antagonists, with few exceptions. The principal of the PCs high school regularly gives PSAs and urges students to register themselves or anyone they know or suspect is a mutant.
You can register somebody else based on suspicion? Do they have blood tests or scanners to confirm these registrations, or does that island have a lot of baseline human prisoners on it? After all, it would be the easiest thing for the runner up to the next class valedictorian, or the guy on the bench waiting for the chance to play quarterback, to 'turn in' the obstacles to their ambitions as mutants, wouldn't it?

I guess either they don't have blood tests or scanners, or that they're very expensive, because otherwise it would make more sense to just test every student at the beginning of the school year.
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Old 02-09-2011, 04:56 PM   #5
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Default Re: Teenage Supers. X-Men

Originally Posted by B9anders View Post
any chance you could delete the anonymous one?
sorry, I'm not the site-owner or an admin or something like that, just a normal user ;) But maybe you can ask via the contact-function of the site... [ ]
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Old 02-15-2011, 12:22 PM   #6
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Default Re: Teenage Supers. X-Men

Originally Posted by vitruvian View Post
You can register somebody else based on suspicion? Do they have blood tests or scanners to confirm these registrations, or does that island have a lot of baseline human prisoners on it? After all, it would be the easiest thing for the runner up to the next class valedictorian, or the guy on the bench waiting for the chance to play quarterback, to 'turn in' the obstacles to their ambitions as mutants, wouldn't it?

I guess either they don't have blood tests or scanners, or that they're very expensive, because otherwise it would make more sense to just test every student at the beginning of the school year.

Yeah there are scanners and blood test and yes they are extremely expensive and YES they are not 100% reliable. So mass tests are rarely done and scanners set up in public places doesn't happen. I had a mass test done at their high school guised as a "fire drill/terrorist threat" after my PCs got a little too bold one adventure. They have been a little more discreet since. If the project gets more funding the scanners can get be more available and more reliable and the more the mutant problem becomes apparent (like the PCs get reckless in public) the more funding the project gets and the NPCs can become more powerful.

As for the registrations, anyone can "identify" a mutant. The problem is, it raises suspicion of both parties. If Johnny the linebacker accuses Chet the quarterback what stops the authorities from suspecting Johnny MORE than Chet. The public is terrified and tensions are high.

Fun stuff. Thanks for questioning logic! It's really helpful and if you have any more points please let me know!
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Old 02-15-2011, 12:33 PM   #7
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Default Re: Teenage Supers. X-Men

Originally Posted by JakeEscherRoels View Post
Yeah there are scanners and blood test and yes they are extremely expensive and YES they are not 100% reliable. So mass tests are rarely done and scanners set up in public places doesn't happen. I had a mass test done at their high school guised as a "fire drill/terrorist threat" after my PCs got a little too bold one adventure. They have been a little more discreet since. If the project gets more funding the scanners can get be more available and more reliable and the more the mutant problem becomes apparent (like the PCs get reckless in public) the more funding the project gets and the NPCs can become more powerful.

As for the registrations, anyone can "identify" a mutant. The problem is, it raises suspicion of both parties. If Johnny the linebacker accuses Chet the quarterback what stops the authorities from suspecting Johnny MORE than Chet. The public is terrified and tensions are high.

Fun stuff. Thanks for questioning logic! It's really helpful and if you have any more points please let me know!
So, then, if somebody is identified as a mutant, do they run a blood test before sending them off to the island? Also, for characters who are still minors, any parents suing or otherwise trying to get their kids back?
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Old 02-16-2011, 10:16 AM   #8
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Default Re: Teenage Supers. X-Men

Originally Posted by vitruvian View Post
So, then, if somebody is identified as a mutant, do they run a blood test before sending them off to the island? Also, for characters who are still minors, any parents suing or otherwise trying to get their kids back?
The process is usually:
-First string of tests (scanners, etc.)
-Blood Tests
Then shipped off. There are few cases of parents trying to get their kids back. At this point, mutants are considered terrorists and enemies of the country. Everyone is afraid of mutants. Parents with mutant kids would be shunned and kids disowned etc.
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:28 AM   #9
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Default Re: Teenage Supers. X-Men

Originally Posted by JakeEscherRoels View Post
The process is usually:
-First string of tests (scanners, etc.)
-Blood Tests
Then shipped off. There are few cases of parents trying to get their kids back. At this point, mutants are considered terrorists and enemies of the country. Everyone is afraid of mutants. Parents with mutant kids would be shunned and kids disowned etc.
So, no really rich or powerful people have had (detected) mutant kids, then. After all, if they had, you'd at the very least have really, really good lawyers working the case, and if that wasn't working quite possibly millions going towards armed insurrection and recovering kids from their government kidnappers.
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Old 02-16-2011, 12:26 PM   #10
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Default Re: Teenage Supers. X-Men

Originally Posted by vitruvian View Post
So, no really rich or powerful people have had (detected) mutant kids, then. After all, if they had, you'd at the very least have really, really good lawyers working the case, and if that wasn't working quite possibly millions going towards armed insurrection and recovering kids from their government kidnappers.
No not as yet. Money can buy protection and since this project is funded by private and government backing, angering the wrong people could be bad for business. However, I image the PCs will become PMCs of sorts at some point and employing the PCs to fetch (or something...) an imprisoned child of a wealthy individual could be a lot of fun.
Thank you for that!
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mutant, supers, teen, x-men, xmen

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