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Old 04-28-2008, 06:14 PM   #41
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Default Re: House Rules...

How did you search for a thread? this one, actually seems to be what you wanted. . .

I recall that it eventually rolls into a discussion of house rules, so I might just merge your post into that one once I've confirmed that.

Edit: Merge complete. . .
Erik D. Zane
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MiB #1029

Last edited by MunchkinMan; 04-28-2008 at 06:20 PM.
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Old 04-28-2008, 06:22 PM   #42
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Default Re: House Rule

Ah, TY MM. I'm not usually a forum rat, so I'm not all that familiar with the forums search options... sorry about that. This is almost the only forum I ever use since most forums require me to make a choice between playing the game or posting. Since I'm usually at work when I'm in the forums, I've actually started using a forum regularly for the first time ever.
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Old 04-28-2008, 06:33 PM   #43
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Default Re: House Rule

Top right corner of the list of threads in a forum is a link titled, "Search This Forum." When you look at a thread, it will be replaced with "Search This Thread." From what I can tell, the search engine seems to have improved and usually does a pretty good job of finding stuff. It even has an advanced search capability that I've yet to fully explore because I usually find what I need in the simple search mode. You will, most likely, find it an invaluable tool.

And for the record, this forum has managed to be 90% of my forum experience. I've learned quite a few trick, and always find myself disappointed by other forums (mostly for technical, work related stuff, too) that aren't always as feature rich. . .
Erik D. Zane
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Old 04-30-2008, 05:35 PM   #44
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Default Re: House Rule

(Edited out first rule because, well, its not a house rule)

I've got another rule as well, which basically says that if a player can swipe another person's card and keep it for two seconds without anyone noticing, they can keep it. Hey, a Munchkin's gotta keep on his or her toes, right?

Ok, so they're not rules I'd use in a tournament, but they're a good way to keep the game spicy when you're just messing around with friends.
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Last edited by syxtfour; 04-30-2008 at 06:03 PM.
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Old 06-03-2008, 11:31 PM   #45
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Default Re: House Rule

one house rule we play by is in Super Munchkin.

When slackerman comes into play it says you have to roll a die, on a 1-3 you sit down and your turn ends immediately, the next player faces slackerman and has to make the same roll.

We play that if everyone playing ends up sitting down, this immediatly ends the game and slackerman wins.

Last edited by Cheese8242; 06-29-2009 at 10:51 PM.
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Old 06-04-2008, 07:00 AM   #46
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Default Re: House Rule

I have to say my piece on the sneaking to level 10 means you lose 2 levels bit.

that's pretty terrible and un-munchkinly. I'f you're keeping track of levels properly you have some visual indicator of what level a person is. if you (for instance) can't be bothered to look over at it and keep track of what cards are on the table, then you deserve the loss. I have friends that were tournament magic players and, besides being extremely upset that there is no stack rule, were very good at the game because they are able to keep track of every card on the table and its abilities.

my favorite house house rule is if you don't change your level counter by the time the next turn begins (i.e. you have finished charity and declared your tuen over and the next has begun) you don't get the level(s). kind of a you snooze you lose rule.
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Old 06-09-2008, 02:16 PM   #47
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Default Re: Member House Rules

This is related to the discussion that is happening in this thread

First, in regards to Curse! Rations Spoiled, if you have picked up a die and rolled it then, IMHO, it is too late to try and save your steed. You have allowed the curse to resolve, and you risk being the lowest roll. It is all about choices.

This is no ordinary curse. It insidiously lurks about the party looking for food. When it finds food, it then must make a choice. Consider the die roll as the curse making this choice. As such this could be considered a mass-effect curse.

Whatever you do, the result is that you are scratching yourself (your steed) off the menu. (Magnificent Hat, or riding GMGS,etc). Yet, you still have to decide right away. Roll, or save yourself.

Then there is WR: "Cancels any curse". That is pretty definitive. With this option you would be taking everyone off the menu. Yet, you still have to make the choice. Roll the die, or be the Hero. There is no going back....

Just my two cents worth....Cheers!!

Last edited by Shadowere; 06-09-2008 at 07:24 PM. Reason: created links
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Old 06-09-2008, 07:00 PM   #48
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Default Re: Member House Rules

We use the "fast start", where everyone gets 4 cards of each type to start. Even then, sometimes one or two players just don't have anything of use.

We also use the one where you can trade a card for a Race or Class card that's at the top of the discard pile (but not the race or class card you're using, that you'll presumably be discarding anyway). Unfortunately, this slightly reduces the already not-that-great value of the Cleric.

Other than that, we try to play by the rules as much as possible.

We have noticed, though, that the early game can sometimes take a long time to develop, or that sometimes it can take a long time for someone to get a weapon, and we'd like a better way to deal with this.

Also, it happens in most games that one person gets all the race or class cards and another player will get none. The above houserule is an attempt to moderate this, but it doesn't always work.

And, of course, it sometimes happens that someone gets tons of items and it's almost impossible to stop them from winning. There's simply too much stuff that doesn't take up a slot (hand, armor, head, foot), and there's also very little in the way of race/class limiting equipment. We're considering enacting a limit to the stuff you can have in use at any one time, and we'd like to encourage giving it to a player in need instead of simply selling it. This would also potentially ease the problem of someone going most of the game with nothing.

Other things I'd like to see: more Undead Monsters or Undead-enhancers (monster enhancers that make a monster undead, to boost the value of Cleric), more monsters that can have other monsters added to a battle without need for Wandering Monster cards (or some way to eliminate the need for a Wandering Monster card), GUALs with requirements (such as you can't be highest level to use it, or you must give away something to use it). Just off the top of my head.
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Old 06-09-2008, 07:41 PM   #49
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by TheDS
Other things I'd like to see: more Undead Monsters or Undead-enhancers (monster enhancers that make a monster undead, to boost the value of Cleric)...
I see what you are saying. However, do not forget the Cleric's wondrous power to Resurrect. The chance to snag that low level monster for the quick level. Or, to draw out cards from people who want tag you for going for the easy level. It all has purpose. Sure, take that Curse! Lose 1 Big Item, Ah, drat I do not have a big item to lose. Now I have the freedom to look for my own trouble, or search the room and get a free card. The Cleric's ability to turn is only a small part of why I like the class. I am more for the Resurrection!!

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Old 06-10-2008, 03:22 AM   #50
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by TheDS
We also use the one where you can trade a card for a Race or Class card that's at the top of the discard pile (but not the race or class card you're using, that you'll presumably be discarding anyway). Unfortunately, this slightly reduces the already not-that-great value of the Cleric.

really? see, i see it as precisely the opposite - it allows you to burn race/class cards which are hiding the card you actually wanna pick up, like a level 1 potted plant to win the game. i love the cleric, easily my favopurite class from original munchkin. i consider it quite overpowered, and best of all, people don't tend to realise just how powerful it is.
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