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Old 04-03-2008, 05:35 AM   #31
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Default Re: House Rule

Originally Posted by Mental_Myopia
When we get down one card in the hand, we yell "Uno!"

ok, next game i'm doing that just for fun :D

but as for sneaking your way to a victory - i think getting to level 9 quietly is perfectly legit. anyone who tries: "ok so everyone agrees i've beaten this monster? good, by the way, i'm level 9, so i win", thats not cool. everyone deserves a fair shot at someone about to win. and our group tend to allow as long as people want to come up with a clever and ingenious weay to sabotage the win. afterall, it's only fair.
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Old 04-03-2008, 09:50 AM   #32
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Default Re: House Rule

Originally Posted by Proto Persona
See, from my perspective if a player manages to get to level 9 (or 19) without the other players noticing and then gets an easy kill to win the game then the other players deserve the loss. I mean, isn't keeping track of who is in the lead one of the most important aspects of the strategy of Munchkin?
Yes but it could be a level 8 Orc with 20 in bonuses taking on the Lame Goblin.

While everyone will see he can take the monster, no one might notice that he's an Orc; We have a tendency of saying "For the Win", its funner and more satisfying to hear each player in turn say I got nothin' you win.
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Old 04-03-2008, 03:11 PM   #33
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Default Re: House Rule

About the only house rule I use is the Level Board - and it's not a house rule so much as it's just an alternate method of tracking.
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Old 04-16-2008, 10:03 PM   #34
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Default Two Player Game Rules

I have come up with two player rules for Munchkin and wondered if any of you have had similar rules drawn up. As fun as multi-player munchkin schedules only permit us to have a group game once a week so we find that if we want to play together two player rules were necessary. Do any of you have similar rules for two player Munchkin?

Two Player Game Rules

Each player gets 3 coins and there is usually an empty box on the table.

Coins are used to get someones help during combat and they are no allowed to ask for treasure or interfere with the combat.

A coin can only be used if there are no cards currently played on the monster by your opponent. Once a coin has landed in the box, your opponent can do nothing to interfere in the combat. You can only play a coin if if you can beat the monster with the other persons help; including using cards but from your side only (no using a coin to force both of you to run away and face the bad stuff or force your opponent to use his own resources). You also may not use a coin to win the game. Once a coin has been played you also may not enhance the monster to for instance get more treasure, the monster must be defeated as is.

Your coins can also be used to make an item safe from theft. To do this place a coin on the item, once placed a thief cannot take it from you; it can still be lost through other means such as Curses and Bad Stuff.

You can move a coin to different items anytime except if a player plays a card to make an item stealable (Big Handles or Shrinking Powder) you can only use the coin to stop his attempt after he is done his turn.

When using a coin the only card that can be played against you is the Potion of Apathy since this card is rendered useless in a two-player game.

If a player plays a card that could potentially affect more then one person but by default is only affecting the opponent the players roll off; if the opponent gets a higher roll it has no affect.

In an epic game each player is given 5 coins to use as they wish.
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Old 04-17-2008, 09:30 AM   #35
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Default Re: Two Player Game Rules

I have, actually, created psuedo-two-player rules. One night after a gaming session followed by a munchkin session, my g/f actually suggested we play some one-on-one (you know what I mean, perv).
Anyway, rather than just playing 2 players, which is often fairly boring due to the fact that you've only got one target for your nasty cleverness, I created "Ghost Munchkin" player rules. I'm hesitant to share them on the forums as I'm not certain of SJG's legal stand on that, but if one of the Mods says it's fine, i'll repost with the "ghost munchkin" rules.
By the way, "ghost munchkin" is a rather clever and mean SoB and nearly won a couple of the games we played.
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Old 04-17-2008, 09:49 AM   #36
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Default Re: Two Player Game Rules

Originally Posted by StaticHamster
You can move a coin to different items anytime except if a player plays a card to make an item stealable (Big Handles or Shrinking Powder) you can only use the coin to stop his attempt after he is done his turn.
If you could play Big Handles on someone else's Items, I guess that would make sense (I can't remember the wording on Shrinking Powder, but again, it's rare that you can play Items on other people's stuff without it being a curse).
Erik D. Zane
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Old 04-17-2008, 09:59 AM   #37
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Default Re: Two Player Game Rules

Originally Posted by MunchkinMan
If you could play Big Handles on someone else's Items, I guess that would make sense (I can't remember the wording on Shrinking Powder, but again, it's rare that you can play Items on other people's stuff without it being a curse).
Shrinking Powder says it can be used "to turn any Big item (no matter whom it belongs to) Small." As you said though, it's the exception.
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Old 04-20-2008, 03:54 PM   #38
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Default Re: Two Player Game Rules

Originally Posted by MunchkinMan
If you could play Big Handles on someone else's Items, I guess that would make sense (I can't remember the wording on Shrinking Powder, but again, it's rare that you can play Items on other people's stuff without it being a curse).
I have checked both cards. The Shrinking Powder explicitly states the exception but the Convenient handles do not (it just says "a" Big item). When she played the card I couldn't see anything on it that said she couldn't and so ruled that she could.

I'm glad to see that she could in fact not do this and that my Big items are safe from her thievery.
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Old 04-28-2008, 05:55 PM   #39
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Default House Rules...

I didn't read anything in the stickies against posting this and I haven't seen a related thread, so here goes...

Figured I'd start a thread for house rules so everyone can share the interesting (or possibly intelligent) rules people use. Thought I, or others, might find some nice house rules they would like to adopt.

My rules:

Kneepads of Allure: You may roll a 6 sided die and on a 5 or 6, you resist their charm for this combat.

Chicken on your head: If you get the chicken on your head, you must actually place a chicken on your head until the curse is removed (coincidentally, I have a funny-looking, bean-stuffed chicken that works perfect for this... and it even looks kinda of munchkinly)

Coins: I have a bunch of cheap plastic party coins (treasure chest on one side and skull and crossbones on the other) that are gold in color. Every player starts with ten and may turn in 20 for a level. They may be used at any time for bargaining. You receive 1 coin per monster you kill or defeat or any monster you help kill or defeat. The level gained cannot be the winning level. Usually, only one person gets a level benefit from this, so its not powerful at all.
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Old 04-28-2008, 06:11 PM   #40
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Default Re: House Rules...

[QUOTE=Humorme]I didn't read anything in the stickies against posting this and I haven't seen a related thread, so here goes...

Try here:

Edit: If this reply doesn’t make any sense to you, it’s because it was moved from another thread. See reply #36 below.

Last edited by Quaff_fu; 07-06-2008 at 04:09 PM.
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combining different, doors, dummy hand, epic, extras, funny, gambling, gameplay, house rules, multi-deck, munchkin, munchkin zombies, new way to play, rules, rules variant, team, teams, two player, zombie dice

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