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Old 07-31-2022, 05:25 PM   #21
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Default Re: Patchwork world

Nordlond. (Can't believe I couldn't think of an answer the first time I read this! :-D )
Looking for online text-based game at a UK-feasible time, anything considered, Roll20 preferred.
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Old 07-31-2022, 07:25 PM   #22
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Default Re: Patchwork world

Originally Posted by RedMattis View Post
Is there no setting that takes place in the Nordic countries? Vikings or whatever?
Vikings, yes, but also the Shikaku-Mon timeline from Alternate Earths and Infinite Worlds.

Arguably, Hyperborea in Conan corresponds to at least the southern portions (as well as the Baltic coast). Most of the rest is likely under ice.
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Old 07-31-2022, 07:29 PM   #23
David Johnston2
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Default Re: Patchwork world

Originally Posted by thrash View Post
Vikings, yes, but also the Shikaku-Mon timeline from Alternate Earths and Infinite Worlds.

Arguably, Hyperborea in Conan corresponds to at least the southern portions (as well as the Baltic coast). Most of the rest is likely under ice.
I moved Hyperborea along with Aquilonia into what used to be the North Sea and is now land. What's Shikaku-Mon's connection to Scandinavia in particular? Now that I think about it, some place really should go to Centrum. Maybe put a chunk of it in Brazil?

Last edited by David Johnston2; 07-31-2022 at 07:34 PM.
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Old 07-31-2022, 07:38 PM   #24
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Default Re: Patchwork world

Originally Posted by David Johnston2 View Post
What's Shikaku-Mon's connection to Scandinavia in particular?
Sweden and France ended up being the big winners in the race to steal the New World instead of England and Spain, which makes Sweden a global power, and homeland of one of the defining ideological movements of the worldline.
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Old 08-01-2022, 06:50 AM   #25
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Default Re: Patchwork world

As much as I like Arabian Nights, I think the Middle East should be Caliph from Alternate Earths: it's a view of the Islamic world that rarely gets shown.

Instead, set Arabian Nights in Central Asia around Samarkand: that part of the 1001 Nights world does not get enough press.
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Old 08-01-2022, 08:06 AM   #26
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Default Re: Patchwork world

In addition, maybe Egypt should be Alexander Athenos: another GURPS unique setting, plus it's the only way to get Bio-tech in there.

Instead, put Ancient Egypt in the location of Memphis, TN, or Las Vegas, NV (depending on whether a river or a desert is more important). Mixes locations up a bit.
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Old 08-01-2022, 09:37 AM   #27
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Default Re: Patchwork world

Chicago should host Monster Hunters. Because Harry Dresden and all that. Though I also see a fair amount of urban fantasy stuff set in the upper south.

Action 9: Cities is really good: we need to place camp 23 (pacific northwest), Urbopolis (I don't know, is anybody going to use St. Louis?), Mozli(in the congo), Tazhicheng (Hong Kong), Ves (Northern Italy), and Tomorrow (Southern Arizona)

If we're going to stick Dinosaurs in the Canadian western provinces, we should be sticking Lands out of time somewhere nearby.

Transhuman space can take the eastern half of Indonesia and Malasia, home of the Transpacific Socialist Alliance, plus the free city Elandra (also known as "deepstralia"). That seems like a pretty iconic part of the setting, though I don't know the politics of THS well (I occasionally cannibalize it for parts).

The western half I want for Sriwijaya (832 might be a good year, its the start of the split with medang)

Sticking DF in the balkans works well I think. My other thought for that area of the world was to put Gernsback from alternate earths there... though maybe just a small slice of gernsback. We can stick gernsback elsewhere, but given that gernsback has a very different history for central europe, it feels like a good opportunity. Its very possible to fit both of them in there. I'd leave the adriatic in place: its a good boundary, and we have rome on the other side of it.

Originally Posted by SilvercatMoonpaw View Post
In addition, maybe Egypt should be Alexander Athenos: another GURPS unique setting, plus it's the only way to get Bio-tech in there.
Alexander Athenos is a good pick for egypt.

You can totally put Draconis in orbit around earth.

While we're thinking about space, you can stick reign of steel tranquillity on the moon... and the Lunarians from tales of the solar patrol... its a big moon.

And we need some where to put Roma Arcana from fantasy... Maybe southern Gaul? Scarlet Pimpernel is rather Paris-centric.

Instead, put Ancient Egypt in the location of Memphis, TN, or Las Vegas, NV (depending on whether a river or a desert is more important). Mixes locations up a bit.
Las Vegas HAS a river: its right next to the Colorado river, which Its the only reason the city doesn't die of thirst. The river is the border between AZ and NV, and later CA and AZ. Actually, there are a LOT of egypt settings, and you can probably line them up along the Colorado if you're feeling cheeky, especially if you're sticking the old west way up in the Dakotas.
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Old 08-01-2022, 10:46 AM   #28
Michael Thayne
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Default Re: Patchwork world

Originally Posted by johndallman View Post
Is there something keeping expansionist powers from trying to conquer their neighbours? If not, Weird War II Germany is likely to seize a lot of territory quite quickly until they run into Reign of Steel Moscow.
Originally Posted by David Johnston2 View Post
I personally have no objections to the Scarlet Pimpernel teaming up with Chauvelin to run a resistance group assisted by Nimue. It's actually quite likely though that Hitler will turn much of the area around him into tributary states rather than trying to occupy it all. It's a lot of space to occupy and he lost a lot of the force he'd use to occupy it because he didn't get to take the space he was already occupying. Meaning while he has mad scientists, he's short on actual foot soldiers. Also...I have no current ideas for what should be in Poland. Nobody ever wrote a GURPS: Poland.

And I haven't figured out where Interstellar Wars, Transhuman Space and Dungeon Fantasy should go. Maybe the Balkans for Dungeon Fantasy? Maybe fill in the Adriatic Sea for more of it. That would work well for the Greek heroes. I went easy on Patchwork World by giving them one of the least aggressive supercomputers, instead of, say, Manila or Zaire.
Originally Posted by adm View Post
Given bio-engineered germs Moscow should be able to produce, Moscow wins.
Originally Posted by PTTG View Post
Considering how much Moscow has diverged from the other zoneminds, it could very well be more interested in just collecting data than starting a new war... and even if it wanted to, it would be smart enough to know that it would be more likely to get itself destroyed since so many of the other regions have powers it doesn't understand.
I'm not sure if this applies in the Reign of Steel 'verse, but 20th century armies consume massive amounts of fuel and ammunition, and moving that stuff will be hard without rail or good-quality roads. Plus instead of being able to capture already-operating mines, oil fields, etc. you need to build them. So you are probably looking at a near-term strategy of settling German farmers in regions immediately adjacent to the Weird War II zone (especially in regions that are ideologically important to German nationalists), plus maybe trying to set up some coal-mining colonies in the British isles (which have the advantage of being accessible by sea). Interestingly the process might look a lot like US expansion in the 19th century.
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Old 08-01-2022, 01:29 PM   #29
David Johnston2
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Default Re: Patchwork world

I've been considering where to put IOU, and clearly it needs to go into the most superficially mundane setting available. Therefore San Diego (in the midst of 1950s Atomic Horror Southern California)
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Old 08-01-2022, 03:11 PM   #30
Blind Mapmaker
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Default Re: Patchwork world

So this thread is actually reinventing Rifts - just with better logic, working rules and a decent dose of cultural sensitivity? Count me in!
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