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Old 07-20-2021, 09:16 AM   #71
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious will ring the bell!
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Old 07-20-2021, 01:57 PM   #72
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
How will Halcyone go about finding potential leaks?
OK, here's a rough sketch of a plan:
1) Read over the documentation for each of the new staff officers, however minimal.
2) Go undercover as a new staff officer, possibly having more false credentials created and maybe using Disguise.
3) Subtly ingratiate myself with any officers who I determined may be suspicious, thus putting myself in a position to passively surveil them.
4) Once I gather enough evidence, I turn them over for interrogation. Ideally, I'll get an opportunity to interrogate them myself.
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Old 07-21-2021, 10:25 AM   #73
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious will ring the bell!

The glowing angel rings the Bell. A single deep clear note rings through the temple for several seconds.

Almost immediately, the mechanism in the door begins to crank, after about 10 seconds of turning gears, the turning stops with a click, and the doors are pushed open.

A small bald man in a toga with purple tassels is standing there.

"Greetings, Visitor. I am Gadialtus, chamberlain of the otherworld in the tomb of the Great Maximus. On behalf of my Emperor and his high Priest, I welcome you. Please excuse the Grand High Commandant: he is away from the temple complex on business. We have sent for the acting High Commandant."

"While we wait for him, can I serve you anything? would you like a chair?"

The commandant arrives, looks at the Glowing Angel, and says:

"Greeting, exalted one. I apologize, but we cannot lend the armies we have been accustomed to send. Your request comes at a very poor time for us. I do not wish to delay your errand any more."

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
OK, here's a rough sketch of a plan:
1) Read over the documentation for each of the new staff officers, however minimal.
2) Go undercover as a new staff officer, possibly having more false credentials created and maybe using Disguise.
3) Subtly ingratiate myself with any officers who I determined may be suspicious, thus putting myself in a position to passively surveil them.
4) Once I gather enough evidence, I turn them over for interrogation. Ideally, I'll get an opportunity to interrogate them myself.

The colonel readily agrees to the request, saying its the ideal moment for an insertion. He doesn't have more than two days for this, and he'd prefer it was only one.

Halcyone looks over the documents: this requires a Memetics roll, and tries to figure out who is a potential threat, and who is probably Ernest.

Halcyone is given a short set of false documents that are really close to her cover, and is inserted as a potential staff officer. They are all kept waiting in a room to be called to a short introductory interview.

As they sit there, they chat about their homes, about their units, and about the war. One young man regrets that he won't be able to shoot at the patricians anymore. Another reassures him that they're doing more good here, keeping all of the men well fed. Or at least better fed than otherwise. Which leads to complaints about army food.

At least two of the group of 21 make romantic passes at Halyone. One of them is in the "certainly not a traitor" category, and she quickly verifies that the other isn't as well. After the interviews are done, a colonel (not the first one) comes out and congratulates each of the staff officers on being chosen as capable young planners, says he will be their commanding officer for their training period. A short and restrictive list of rules about security is read off: essentially, staff officers are not to talk about their work at all, and are to be back in the barracks an hour after sundown. The Colonel assures them that with all of the work they have to do, they won't have much time to wander off anyways.

Halcyone tries to make good graces with the canidates who may be suspicious. Four of them she suspects aren't loyal to the cause, and could be flipped... but probably aren't current threats. One of them, one of the few other women... could be a current spy, or could just be the perfect staff officer. Halcyone can't tell yet. The potential spy doesn't warm up to Halcyone's attempts to be freindly, maintaining distance. The four potential sympathizers are a little easier to strike up a repoire with.

Will Halcyone focus on the potential sympathizers or the potential spy?
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Old 07-21-2021, 01:46 PM   #74
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post

The colonel readily agrees to the request, saying its the ideal moment for an insertion. He doesn't have more than two days for this, and he'd prefer it was only one.

Halcyone looks over the documents: this requires a Memetics roll, and tries to figure out who is a potential threat, and who is probably Ernest.
And here's me thinking Ernest would be next to "NAME:"
[21] 21-07-21 18:44:41 BST
3d6 <= 15
3 + 4 + 2 = 9 ... success

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Halcyone is given a short set of false documents that are really close to her cover, and is inserted as a potential staff officer. They are all kept waiting in a room to be called to a short introductory interview.

As they sit there, they chat about their homes, about their units, and about the war. One young man regrets that he won't be able to shoot at the patricians anymore. Another reassures him that they're doing more good here, keeping all of the men well fed. Or at least better fed than otherwise. Which leads to complaints about army food.
I'll share my story, and also mention that I did bring some food in case the food here was awful too.
[22] 21-07-21 19:37:50 BST
3d6 <= 15
5 + 5 + 6 = 16 ... failure
Uh-oh... 80 posts before 1 DP refills, right? This one was unprompted so I don't know if it's fatal or not, but would spend the point if it is.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
At least two of the group of 21 make romantic passes at Halyone. One of them is in the "certainly not a traitor" category, and she quickly verifies that the other isn't as well. After the interviews are done, a colonel (not the first one) comes out and congratulates each of the staff officers on being chosen as capable young planners, says he will be their commanding officer for their training period. A short and restrictive list of rules about security is read off: essentially, staff officers are not to talk about their work at all, and are to be back in the barracks an hour after sundown. The Colonel assures them that with all of the work they have to do, they won't have much time to wander off anyways.

Halcyone tries to make good graces with the canidates who may be suspicious. Four of them she suspects aren't loyal to the cause, and could be flipped... but probably aren't current threats. One of them, one of the few other women... could be a current spy, or could just be the perfect staff officer. Halcyone can't tell yet. The potential spy doesn't warm up to Halcyone's attempts to be freindly, maintaining distance. The four potential sympathizers are a little easier to strike up a repoire with.

Will Halcyone focus on the potential sympathizers or the potential spy?
I'll focus on the potential spy; the potential sympathizers can be checked into later and possibly just shunted off to less sensitive tasks (I get that all the tasks are sensitive, but surely some are less sensitive than others).
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Old 07-21-2021, 09:37 PM   #75
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Greeting, exalted one. I apologize, but we cannot lend the armies we have been accustomed to send. Your request comes at a very poor time for us. I do not wish to delay your errand any more."
Vassarious get's a feel for their demeanor and embraces the role of diplomat and ambassador and addresses the chamberlain and commandant with a tone suggesting a person of rank being warmly respectful to subordinates.

"Chamberlain Gadialtus, thank you for the warm greeting. I have no needs at this time.

Commandant, your apology is appreciated but unnecessary. I have some awareness of your current plight, and I hope to be of assistance to you and your people. I seek an audience with your Emperor."
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Old 07-22-2021, 11:24 AM   #76
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious get's a feel for their demeanor and embraces the role of diplomat and ambassador and addresses the chamberlain and commandant with a tone suggesting a person of rank being warmly respectful to subordinates.

"Chamberlain Gadialtus, thank you for the warm greeting. I have no needs at this time.

Commandant, your apology is appreciated but unnecessary. I have some awareness of your current plight, and I hope to be of assistance to you and your people. I seek an audience with your Emperor."

(rolled face man! for Vassarious in lieu of savior faire, rolled an 11)

Commandant Senatrus, for that is his name, looks shocked. "An audience with the Emperor, oh Radiant One? I'm... not sure that will be possible. You do know about our Emperor's most peculiar schedule and habits? Would a appointment with the Imperial Governor suffice? He handles the year to year matters of the Empire."

"Also, if I am to request an audience for your Radiance with the Imperial Governor, or perhaps the Emperor, what sort of aid are you offering? And what is the payment. Is this perhaps in accordance with the ancient compact between your master and mine?"

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
And here's me thinking Ernest would be next to "NAME:"

Uh-oh... 80 posts before 1 DP refills, right? This one was unprompted so I don't know if it's fatal or not, but would spend the point if it is.
Does fatal mean "completely blow my cover" or does it mean "someone suspects something?"

I'll share my story, and also mention that I did bring some food in case the food here was awful too.
That gets some laughter. someone follows up:

"because we're still in the army, or because we're in Lithus city?!"
That gets even more laughter... apparently the city is not known for having the best food. Or perhaps these are country folk uncomfortable with cosmopolitan food. Or maybe a little of both.

I'll focus on the potential spy; the potential sympathizers can be checked into later and possibly just shunted off to less sensitive tasks (I get that all the tasks are sensitive, but surely some are less sensitive than others).

The recruits are assigned to sort requisition requests coming in from the front under the watchful eye of the Colonel as their first task, and as a training exercise.

Halcyone has posted up next to the suspected spy, who is working along quite dilligently

The Colonel watches Over Halcyone's shoulder, then quietly asks "Have you found anyone yet?"
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Old 07-22-2021, 01:13 PM   #77
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Does fatal mean "completely blow my cover" or does it mean "someone suspects something?"
Well, I meant "completely blown", but looking at the post numbers if we're refilling at post 81 I'd spend now (end of the world syndrome strikes again).

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
That gets some laughter. someone follows up:

"because we're still in the army, or because we're in Lithus city?!"
That gets even more laughter... apparently the city is not known for having the best food. Or perhaps these are country folk uncomfortable with cosmopolitan food. Or maybe a little of both.
Halcyone decides that the next time she's back in Lithus City she'll sample the food trucks in the market. Even if they are right about the food being no good, it'll still be worth the experience.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Halcyone has posted up next to the suspected spy, who is working along quite dilligently

The Colonel watches Over Halcyone's shoulder, then quietly asks "Have you found anyone yet?"
I'll keep an eye on the suspect, and when asked by The Colonel I'll quietly point her out but also indicate I'm not sure.

[23] 21-07-22 19:12:38 BST
3d6 <= 16
2 + 5 + 6 = 13 ... success
[23] 21-07-22 19:12:38 BST
3d6 <= 16
2 + 5 + 6 = 13 ... success

Last edited by TGLS; 07-22-2021 at 01:17 PM.
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Old 07-22-2021, 01:22 PM   #78
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I'll keep an eye on the suspect, and when asked by The Colonel I'll quietly point her out but also indicate I'm not sure.
"What do you need to make sure? Time is ticking. People are dying."
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Old 07-22-2021, 02:07 PM   #79
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"What do you need to make sure? Time is ticking. People are dying."
That's a good question... What do I need to be sure? If I'm reading the situation clearly, she's suspicious in that she's not suspicious, which doesn't seem to be the strongest evidence. I suppose she could be taken away for interrogation and her possessions searched but that seems a little brash.

Throwing in a roll for some guidance:
[25] 21-07-22 20:07:36 BST
Intelligence Analysis
3d6 <= 14
1 + 3 + 1 = 5 ... success
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Old 07-22-2021, 05:09 PM   #80
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Commandant Senatrus, for that is his name, looks shocked. "An audience with the Emperor, oh Radiant One? I'm... not sure that will be possible. You do know about our Emperor's most peculiar schedule and habits? Would a appointment with the Imperial Governor suffice? He handles the year to year matters of the Empire."

"Also, if I am to request an audience for your Radiance with the Imperial Governor, or perhaps the Emperor, what sort of aid are you offering? And what is the payment. Is this perhaps in accordance with the ancient compact between your master and mine?"
"I have come to offer my aid in the interest of friendship and a desire to see our neighbors in the empire regain their stability and harmony. I ask for no payment. I am aware of your Emperor's habits, but I understand a visit to his temple may rouse his essence from its slumber.

The form of any aid that may follow is something that will bear some discussion once I have a more nuanced understanding of the plight of the empire."
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