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Old 05-31-2022, 12:04 PM   #701
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Night vision contacts (UT60), perhaps?
Nice plan. Noted. What other gear will Halcyone be bringing? You mentioned possibly stashing an assault riffle somewhere...

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious will want to have survival gear, a communication amulet, armor (local stuff constructed from more modern materials if possible, or modern armor tailored to look like the local stuff).
Ok, survival gear is mostly generic (I don't think we really need to stat it out), but doesn't include a tent. High Tech page 65 gives steel armor as double DR from low tech versions of the armor. Armor here is TL 4. Gurdo can get you a nice suit. Let me know what you choose.

With the possible races: anything other than a lizard-man or Ice Orc is going to draw attention, is that right? (Vassarious will present as the most common archetype for the location.)
The most common cultural identity for the region is farming/mining Ice Orc.
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Old 05-31-2022, 06:08 PM   #702
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Nice plan. Noted. What other gear will Halcyone be bringing? You mentioned possibly stashing an assault riffle somewhere...
An assortment of stuff:
-> 7/2 Bioplas as usual
-> Gauss Minineedler
-> 10 clips for minineedler, loaded with sleep poison
-> Gauss Rifle
-> 5 rifle clips, regular
-> Explosives
-> Superfine Cutlass
-> Surveillance Microbots
-> Smart device, preferably disguised
-> Cash
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Old 06-01-2022, 08:35 AM   #703
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
An assortment of stuff:
-> Smart device, preferably disguised
-> Cash
smart device is disguised as a round ball of crystal 11 cm across.

The society uses weights of metal (copper, silver, gold) as its main currency.


The two agents of the Villa are ready to go: there are 68 hours left until the impending disaster. Corco's nephew Larentio sends them off. Larentio takes one of the metal books, and opens up a diagram of deep mines by folding out nine pages to make a large map of the tunnels. He has each of the travelers hit a tuning fork in harmonious tones, then hits a third against the book, and touches it to the map. The tones crescendo, and with a flash of light, the pair are somewhere else. Somewhere dark. somewhere underground.

Surprisingly, there is just a little bit of light. small stones in the wall provide just a tiny bit of light. They are in the midst of a long hall. Or perhaps a short stretch of road: the two can be hard to distinguish underground. there are cave-ins at both ends, but they know of a way to exit through one of the many doors lining the passage. This area was under active construction back when the stone melders were directing excavation, but it has little to no metal, and so excavation here has stopped.
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Old 06-01-2022, 10:41 AM   #704
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
smart device is disguised as a round ball of crystal 11 cm across.
I figure it could have been a literal black box given that the suit has a HUD, but anyway.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Surprisingly, there is just a little bit of light. small stones in the wall provide just a tiny bit of light.
I pick at the stones to get a better look at these light sources.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
They are in the midst of a long hall. Or perhaps a short stretch of road: the two can be hard to distinguish underground. there are cave-ins at both ends, but they know of a way to exit through one of the many doors lining the passage.
Nothing of note behind the other doors?

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
This area was under active construction back when the stone melders were directing excavation, but it has little to no metal, and so excavation here has stopped.
"I wonder what were they constructing here. I guess it was long ago, so I guess we'll never know. Looks as good a place to hide all our gear as any."

[428] 22-06-01 16:33:35 BST
3d6 <= 16
1 + 4 + 6 = 11 ... success
I'll unload the explosives, the rifle, and its clips here.
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Old 06-02-2022, 07:21 AM   #705
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Says the one who showed up as an angel. I kid, but I think it's worth considering.
Well, in that instance they were supposed to be presenting as an off-world agent, not camouflaged among the natives.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
You could appear as a human, elf, goblin, or dwarf... though they're mildly hostile to dwarves (stone melders are obsessed with them) and you might have trouble getting the right shape for a dwarf.

Posing as an animated construct would fit into their history, if you can pull it off. Several "animal people" builds make sense as well.

You could present yourself as a "pre-catalcysm" orc, from the days when they had not yet magically bonded with ice. That is one of their favorite myths. You have been freed from a spell that held you bound deep underground in the dwarven kingdoms.
But anything other than "Ice-Orc" or "Lizard-Man" will attract attention as something that is supposed to be extinct or trapped in ancient ice, or do I have that wrong? Will we find humans and animal people walking around?

I'm a bit confused as to what we're meant to do... We're just picking a spot and investigating randomly because something, somewhere in this world is a few days from catastrophe, but we have no idea what, where, or how?

How large is Tuguk?

the prophecy indicates when the sun sets... are there particular magics that are best performed at that time that might narrow our possibilities?

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
High Tech page 65 gives steel armor as double DR from low tech versions of the armor. Armor here is TL 4. Gurdo can get you a nice suit. Let me know what you choose.
And Titanium is triple or 1/3 weight, before getting into UT materials I think...
Let's do a modern Advanced Vest with trauma plates tailored for concealment and chain limb armor with the best available materials for strength without getting too heavy.


I'm going to let Halcyone take point on this one... I'm still at a bit of a loss as to how to proceed.

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 06-02-2022 at 07:40 AM.
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Old 06-02-2022, 12:24 PM   #706
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I figure it could have been a literal black box given that the suit has a HUD, but anyway.
we can do it either way...

I pick at the stones to get a better look at these light sources.
They are transulcent stones that glow by themselves, very faintly, and are set into the wall with some sort of mortar. each one is about the size of a flattened golf-ball

Nothing of note behind the other doors?
This place was thoroughly looted when it was being excavated. Its an entire city, but the metal and unbroken stuff has been moved. Broken pottery, cement furniture, and so forth are all over the place.

"I wonder what were they constructing here. I guess it was long ago, so I guess we'll never know. Looks as good a place to hide all our gear as any."

I'll unload the explosives, the rifle, and its clips here.
You have a stash now.

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
But anything other than "Ice-Orc" or "Lizard-Man" will attract attention as something that is supposed to be extinct or trapped in ancient ice, or do I have that wrong? Will we find humans and animal people walking around?
You are correct: Ice-Orc and Lizardfolk are the only species currently active.

I'm a bit confused as to what we're meant to do... We're just picking a spot and investigating randomly because something, somewhere in this world is a few days from catastrophe, but we have no idea what, where, or how?
And possibly stop the catastrophe as it unfolds. You know that "Tuguk" will be releasing the catastrophe. So a random spot... within Tuguk. I think I might pull out the monster hunter's clue framework for this, as it seems like a good fit.

The prophesy gives +4 to when (late afternoon of the 17th day), and a +1 to where ("Tuguk"). The intelligence analysis roll gives +1 to who, what, and why.

the prophecy indicates when the sun sets... are there particular magics that are best performed at that time that might narrow our possibilities?
I'm treating that request as an Occult! roll... success by 4.

There are no such magics... Vassarious further figures that the timing must be due to something unlocked in the course of a day: they either have privacy or are doing something that looks innocuous. They also aren't going to be busy working.

+1 to who and when. You can roll against IQ for a deduction on those if you wish.

Your current bonus's stand as follows:


How large is Tuguk?
Around 10,000 people.

I'm going to let Halcyone take point on this one... I'm still at a bit of a loss as to how to proceed.
I would suggest making a list of possible perpetrators, and then checking them out.
You can also try trawling for rumors of "new and exciting discoveries"

And Titanium is triple or 1/3 weight, before getting into UT materials I think...
Let's do a modern Advanced Vest with trauma plates tailored for concealment and chain limb armor with the best available materials for strength without getting too heavy.
They never say "give titanium x3 DR", which is a touch weird... We'll go with the torso armor looking like plate at 17lbs plus either 8lbs of titanium mail for 4/2DR or 24 lbs of high quality steel mail for 8/4 DR. Please specify if you want something different.
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Old 06-02-2022, 02:41 PM   #707
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
There are no such magics... Vassarious further figures that the timing must be due to something unlocked in the course of a day: they either have privacy or are doing something that looks innocuous. They also aren't going to be busy working.
So we're looking for someone who's slacking off. Or wealthy enough to not be working. Sounds like we ought to go investigate these shaman-knight orders first; they don't seem like the type to be busy working at 2 in the afternoon. Maybe we could sort through all the businesses that aren't terribly busy late in the day.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
You can also try trawling for rumors of "new and exciting discoveries"
That seems promising. Where's the local rumor mill? Bars? Coffeehouses?
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Old 06-03-2022, 10:09 AM   #708
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
That seems promising. Where's the local rumor mill? Bars? Coffeehouses?
a few different places work for that: the lodge houses for the knightly orders, a few alehouses, and the "traveler's lodge" for buyers coming to purchase metal.

I realize I didn't answer a question about animals: yes, lots of earth-native animals are around, along with fantasy staples (none intelligent though). They tend to be those that do well in deserts and in snow.
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Old 06-03-2022, 12:39 PM   #709
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
a few different places work for that: the lodge houses for the knightly orders, a few alehouses, and the "traveler's lodge" for buyers coming to purchase metal.
"Well I say you take the lodge houses while I take the alehouses, given that you'll have an easier time impersonating particular people than I will."
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Old 06-07-2022, 06:51 PM   #710
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
+1 to who and when. You can roll against IQ for a deduction on those if you wish.

Your current bonus's stand as follows:

I had to look this up.. sweet!

If I understand Deduction in MH2, the GM makes the deduction roll in secret to conceal the skill they're using, but the player/party call for the roll or keeps looking for clues to add to the cumulative bonus, is that right? Or does the bonus Persist and it takes a new clue to trigger a new roll?

And I have enough for an IQ+2 roll for a deduction on the Who? I'd be delighted!


1 + 6 + 2 = 9 = Successs by a margin of 8

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Around 10,000 people.
Can you elaborate on the physical area?
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
I would suggest making a list of possible perpetrators, and then checking them out.
You can also try trawling for rumors of "new and exciting discoveries"
Thank you!
Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
They never say "give titanium x3 DR", which is a touch weird... We'll go with the torso armor looking like plate at 17lbs plus either 8lbs of titanium mail for 4/2DR or 24 lbs of high quality steel mail for 8/4 DR. Please specify if you want something different.
Oh wow, you're right... You and I did it for Monster Hunters I have it on Marcus Savage's Character's sheet at +14 CF and I assumed it was standard somewhere. If it was house-ruled, it was your house! :) It was 36K in sig gear!

SO... you just tell me. Vassarious will simply take what is given when they ask as sweetly as can be for good protection that won't upset the locals on a casual inspection. Can we use a crystal on a necklace/tether as a communicator (or have we picked something else already)?

Faceman - 3d6 <= 14
6 + 3 + 1 = 10 ... success

Tradecraft as a Supporting Skill

3d6 <= 14
6 + 6 + 5 = 17 ... fails to improve the situation

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"Well I say you take the lodge houses while I take the alehouses, given that you'll have an easier time impersonating particular people than I will."
"I'm sure there are enough establishments to go around, you can only go to so many lodge houses in a night, and taverns are generally more fun! Why don't we stay close and investigate neighboring establishments so we can compare notes and provide backup."
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