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Old 03-19-2024, 11:50 AM   #1541
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post

"Not with me. I prefer to sit at the foot of the throne, not on it."
Future site of a Sex Appeal roll.

I draw a rifle quietly, hoping to catch Yi as I distract him with flirting.
Future site of a DX Holdout roll.

After the rifle is readied, I shove the table over and begin shooting.
Future site of a brawling roll and a guns roll
Add an acting roll in there too!
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Old 03-19-2024, 06:32 PM   #1542
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

When Vassarious sensed the new Yi, or the possessing spirit, with the detect supernatural creature ability, was there any analysis or can they do one now?

Any chance they can sense a vulnerability or weakness or flaw to tune their "inner Alchemy" to exploit? (That is the perk makes barehanded damage imitate another damage types that Vassarious has as a wildcard perk for this kind of purpose. I presume it needs to be tuned and you are not letting me just trigger all specific vulnerabilities...)
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Old 03-21-2024, 10:25 AM   #1543
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
When Vassarious sensed the new Yi, or the possessing spirit, with the detect supernatural creature ability, was there any analysis or can they do one now?
Doing one at close range while you were talking seems like a natural thing to have done.

rolled a 13 for success by 2...

"Yi" is is a human spirit possessing a human body. The spirit is not original (but you knew that), and its anchored to an object. The spirit is a mage from a tradition you don't recognize. Maybe something necromancy related, or general spirit manipulation. A bunch of sub-spirits, 12 to be exact, are hovering around the mage spirit. The Human body is utterly mundane.

Any chance they can sense a vulnerability or weakness or flaw to tune their "inner Alchemy" to exploit? (That is the perk makes barehanded damage imitate another damage types that Vassarious has as a wildcard perk for this kind of purpose. I presume it needs to be tuned and you are not letting me just trigger all specific vulnerabilities...)
V can turn on a bunch at once, but yes, it needs to be tuned. Lets limit it to say... five at a time. So he can normally do Holy Magic Silver Fire damage, but he can't say "my fists count as every type of metal and wood and sanctity". The body "Yi" is possessing is an ordinary human, so it will die to normal damage, rather than needing an oak pole to the skull or something. You don't know of anything specific that would work against this type of spirit.

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post

"Not with me. I prefer to sit at the foot of the throne, not on it."

I draw a rifle quietly, hoping to catch Yi as I distract him with flirting.

After the rifle is readied, I shove the table over and begin shooting (full auto, if it matters)

I don't always Rollplay, but when I do, sometimes I get good dice luck. Makes up for a couple no hitters today.

Yi is good at detecting lies... but Halcyone is no slouch at acting either. He's caught off guard, though he's got good reflexes. He spends 2 FP feverishly dodging (IE, getting out of the chair fast enough that he cancels the -2 penalty for sitting down). Its enough to dodge 4 bullets... but not enough to dodge the table.

Roll damage.
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Old 03-21-2024, 05:28 PM   #1544
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Can the object the controlling/necromantic wizardly spirit is bound to be sensed? (Is it the spear after all, lol?)
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Old 03-22-2024, 10:24 AM   #1545
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

I didn't do the damage for Halcyone, did I? I think its Thr+1 for using a "fist load" of sorts --- 11 damage.

The tenderloid's powerful limb sends the table into her opponent with great force, and you hear cracking, presumably Yi's ribs. But he's still on his feet despite the enormous trauma and pain. (1 HP above 0)

Yi fast-draws his sword and takes a defensive posture.

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Can the object the controlling/necromantic wizardly spirit is bound to be sensed? (Is it the spear after all, lol?)
Normally, yes. But some sort of magic is obscuring which object it is from his senses.

EDIT: a bunch of those rolls were in Julian's dicelog, not Corco's Villa
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Last edited by ericthered; 03-22-2024 at 10:28 AM.
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Old 03-23-2024, 08:05 AM   #1546
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

"Hear me spirits! Your time of servitude can finally come to an end. I see your number and the yoke under which you are held! Rise up and resist your captor together! Resolve your broken wills and FIGHT! We will break your chains and liberate you from your bondage!"

Vassarious leaps to their feet and closes the distance, their Chi wells up inside them and they let out a war cry and attempts to stun the controlling spirit!


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Old 03-24-2024, 09:08 PM   #1547
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
I didn't do the damage for Halcyone, did I? I think its Thr+1 for using a "fist load" of sorts --- 11 damage.
Ah, I should have attempted to roll something.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post

The tenderloid's powerful limb sends the table into her opponent with great force, and you hear cracking, presumably Yi's ribs. But he's still on his feet despite the enormous trauma and pain. (1 HP above 0)

Yi fast-draws his sword and takes a defensive posture.
I continue to blaze away.
[767] 24-03-25 02:07:02 GMT
Guns (Rifle)
3d6 <= 16
5 + 3 + 5 = 13 ... success
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Old 03-25-2024, 10:32 AM   #1548
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"Hear me spirits! Your time of servitude can finally come to an end. I see your number and the yoke under which you are held! Rise up and resist your captor together! Resolve your broken wills and FIGHT! We will break your chains and liberate you from your bondage!"

Face Man! - to Rally the Spirit revolution!

3d6 <= 14
6 + 4 + 6 = 16 ... failure

Well, that was sad... Might there be a situational skill bonus for preaching to the choir?

If not, and just on the off chance this could have been effective. Let's spend Vassarious' one and only Wildcard point for Face Man on this and turn that into a success.

If the GM is willing to let slip it would make a BIG difference, I'll even throw in two destiny points to go all the way to turning it into a critical success. (or a wildcard point plus a destiny point if the 16 is a success due to a bonus)
To act immediately V needs to make an IQ roll for surprise... V made it. Danger sense and IQ really help there.

You're not able to deliver that speech in a single second, It looks like it would take at least five. You'll see results at that point.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but detect unmodified needs an action to be used (though I allow it to be passively used every 10 seconds or so out of combat). So V won't be getting updates on exactly what all of the spirits are doing with the standard "Genesis" configuration.

Vassarious leaps to their feet and closes the distance, their Chi wells up inside them and they let out a war cry and attempts to stun the controlling spirit!

Yi's spirit resists with a critical success!

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Ah, I should have attempted to roll something.

I continue to blaze away.
Yi dodges with a roll of 6! avoiding both all the bullets. His dice are on fire today!

Objects in the room spring to life. The table rises to face level between Yi and Halcyone. Halcyone feels the gun in her hand start to struggle against her, and the two additional guns she carries start unloading themselves off of her back. A spear, and axe, and two lengths of rope float away from Yi's bodies, and the chairs behind Halcyone and V rise up.
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Old 03-25-2024, 11:26 AM   #1549
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

To act immediately V needs to make an IQ roll for surprise... V made it. Danger sense and IQ really help there.
That's very weird. Is this the result of an external effect?

You're not able to deliver that speech in a single second, It looks like it would take at least five. You'll see results at that point.
Bummer. May not be much point then, but I guess we will see. Nevermind on any Impulse Points use until the time for the roll happens and we will evaluate the situation.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but detect unmodified needs an action to be used (though I allow it to be passively used every 10 seconds or so out of combat). So V won't be getting updates on exactly what all of the spirits are doing with the standard "Genesis" configuration.
Correct. Detect requires a concentrate. The intent was that it was during the lead up. There's an extra 25 points unaccounted for from a redundant regeneration on the template since they have it from the immortality treatment, if we want to say we threw reflexive or reduced time on the detect (Plus the long ranged or even better, reliable.).
Yi's spirit resists with a critical success!
Disappointments abound!

Objects in the room spring to life. The table rises to face level between Yi and Halcyone. Halcyone feels the gun in her hand start to struggle against her, and the two additional guns she carries start unloading themselves off of her back. A spear, and axe, and two lengths of rope float away from Yi's bodies, and the chairs behind Halcyone and V rise up.
That does not sound like the loose grouping of area effect, that sounds like those spirits are contributing a crapload of Compartmentalized Mind or the equivalent thereof. Maybe they are a horde of spirit (unwilling) Allies and this is a bigger brawl than we thought... Uh Oh!

Vassarious will Feint -

Karate Feint (20)

3 + 1 + 1 = 5

Success with a margin of 15

(If this required more than a step, they can do a full move around the table, but will need an acrobatics check)
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Old 03-25-2024, 05:02 PM   #1550
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Objects in the room spring to life. The table rises to face level between Yi and Halcyone. Halcyone feels the gun in her hand start to struggle against her
I wrestle the gun I'm wielding into submission!
[775] 24-03-25 21:57:54 GMT
3d6 <= 16
2 + 5 + 3 = 10 ... success by seven
And I continue to fire away at Yi.
[776] 24-03-25 21:58:32 GMT
Guns (Rifle)
3d6 <= 16
6 + 6 + 3 = 15 ... success
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Objects in the room spring to life. The table rises to face level between Yi and Halcyone.
Oh, first I should have done something about the table. I shove the table out of the way.
[777] 24-03-25 22:01:27 GMT
3d6 <= 14
5 + 5 + 4 = 14 ... success

[778] 24-03-25 22:02:21 GMT

Thrust Damage with Double Knockback

6 + 1 = 7
14... Maybe the table's out of the way?
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