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Old 05-17-2023, 05:03 PM   #1151
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Two can play at this game... Vassarious decides to add back in a little cephalopod to increase their advantage. They are forced to soften their carapace, but adds a surface of chromatophores to fool the eyes, and channel it's air and water jets under the skin to mask it's heat and baffle sound if they resort to sonar as well.

Vassarious is forced to clean up their design a bit and consolidates the organs previously neglected to simplify adding the new stealth features. All the added neurons for the chromatophores will unfortunately have the side effect of enhancing their pain response.

Visual processing is added back into the mix, but not with great acuity... Vassarious compromises to balance sight with sonar, but it costs them range in both endeavors.


Vassarious fades out of sight as they swim off after the fleeing target...
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Old 05-23-2023, 03:14 PM   #1152
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious fades out of sight as they swim off after the fleeing target...
The demon leads them on quite the chase, but it ends with the demon as a glob of goo on the death marlin's bill.

The submarine reports one more demon charged the sub and was destroyed while they were in the chase, and another one ran away. They are changing course to try and confuse anyone giving chase.
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Old 05-23-2023, 04:12 PM   #1153
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The demon leads them on quite the chase, but it ends with the demon as a glob of goo on the death marlin's bill.

The submarine reports one more demon charged the sub and was destroyed while they were in the chase, and another one ran away. They are changing course to try and confuse anyone giving chase.
As soon as the one they were chasing is dispatched, they get on the tail of the one that is getting away...

Has it gone beyond the 2000 Yard sonar range? If so we follow it's last known course and hope we can catch up.

(If this thig escapes, it reports confirmation of our position and we pretty much lose when they send an army that can teleport aboard without the magic sheilds that drop within the hour... that's the assumption, right?)
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Old 05-23-2023, 09:15 PM   #1154
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
(If this thig escapes, it reports confirmation of our position and we pretty much lose when they send an army that can teleport aboard without the magic sheilds that drop within the hour... that's the assumption, right?)
I think the risk is that the demon escapes, it reports in the last known location, and then the sub get hunted by a much larger army of demons, instead of a smaller number of demons on patrol. Not fatal, but definitely would force a change in strategy (i.e. breakthrough and run).
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Old 05-24-2023, 11:00 AM   #1155
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
As soon as the one they were chasing is dispatched, they get on the tail of the one that is getting away...

Has it gone beyond the 2000 Yard sonar range? If so we follow it's last known course and hope we can catch up.
It's had about 30 seconds to get away... so its about 1200 yards away.

What's the maximum distance you'll chase it away from the sub*

*That question is more fun in real time, where I get to count up the distance one segment at a time. 1,500 yards.... 2,000 yards.... 3,000 yards...
(If this thing escapes, it reports confirmation of our position and we pretty much lose when they send an army that can teleport aboard without the magic sheilds that drop within the hour... that's the assumption, right?)
Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I think the risk is that the demon escapes, it reports in the last known location, and then the sub get hunted by a much larger army of demons, instead of a smaller number of demons on patrol. Not fatal, but definitely would force a change in strategy (i.e. breakthrough and run).
TGLS has it right. The demon knows the last location. It'd be better if they could both send a runner AND keep a shapeshifter on the ship to steer reinforcements right, but you've taken away that option.
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Old 05-24-2023, 11:42 AM   #1156
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

This guy getting away means they can send large numbers of reinforcements (that may have greater capabilites when the field goes down) and have the ability to teleport directly on to the sub.

In that case they can attack the VIP, the engine room, the bridge and exterior of the sub simultaniously. We can only fight on so many fronts at once. I'm not sure how you effectively break and run from foes who teleport.

It still sounds like the probability of mission success is going to swing HEAVY on this, so there is probably no maximum distance from the sub if it seems like we can catch it.

Can I gauge relative speed? Can I figure out how long it will take to catch them?
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Old 05-25-2023, 11:13 AM   #1157
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

You are gaining on them at about 3 yards per second... so about 400 seconds (7 minutes) to catch up, assuming they spend the whole time running from you and neither of you has to stop and catch their breath or stops for some other reason (The demon can't see you and thus doesn't know if or how long its being chased)
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Old 05-25-2023, 12:03 PM   #1158
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)


So be it! Vassarious speeds off after the last demon, hoping to destroy it before it can report.
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Old 05-26-2023, 11:06 AM   #1159
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
So be it! Vassarious speeds off after the last demon, hoping to destroy it before it can report.
The Demon heads to the surface... speeding up the time it takes V to reach it. V is about 400 yards from the demon when it starts transforming at the surface. Its getting smaller, and staying stationary... only one boat is visible using V's sonar.
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Old 05-26-2023, 11:37 AM   #1160
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Is the demon headed for the boat?

There is still no choice but to destroy the demon and head back to the sub.

If Vassarious can use extra effort, flying leap or power blow to get a bit of extra velocity to try and get it before it can finish shapeshifting to report, they will do so!
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