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#1 |
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Birthplace of the Worst Pizza on the Planet
The Lilim Marisol promised Curtis the Impudite that she would visit him once a year to fill him in on her tether information (She was over a barrel safety wise and owed him a bunch of geases). For one reason or another, she had to defer this for a couple of years (She was busy) Now, I contend that as a variant rule, she should NOT be able to fix that Dissonance at a tether since it would nag. Every day past her 'due date' she could still satisfy the geas. She is simply choosing not too. This is in opposition to Curtis killing someone. Once the act is done, there is no going back. Now, if he knew a person was trapped in the bottom of a gorge and would die of exposure in a few days, he would get a point for not helping and that would continue until that person was dead. Needless to say, a Superior could remove that Dissonance at will, but would be peeved to do so without a good reason. What do you think? |
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#2 |
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Boston
Almost all of the "do this every so often" Dissonance conditions have an "accumulate Dissonance until you've caught up, and then it disappears" clause, so I wouldn't be averse to taking that as the general rule.
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#3 |
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Birthplace of the Worst Pizza on the Planet
That is another way to do it. But accumulating a point a day for a yearly requirement seems a bit rough
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#4 |
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Boston
Well, it would be at the rate of the interval itself, so 1D/yr. Which is reasonable if it can't be worked off any other way.
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#5 | |
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Birthplace of the Worst Pizza on the Planet
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Consider: Curtis has a geas/1 on him. He is tasked to call his boss today (something he really doesn't want to do, hence the necessity of the geas). He gets a point of Dissonance for every day he puts this off. Marisol the Lilim has a geas/6 called on her to go to Columbus every year on Walpurgisnacht to report what she's seen that's notable to the geas holder. If she gyps him for 3 years, she only gets 3 points of Dissonance. Yet which is the stronger geas vs the weaker? |
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#6 | |
Join Date: Jun 2008
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Superiors: Lilith goes into more detail about this, but essentially a Geas/1 is low-level because it only imposes a -1 penalty on the Will roll to avoid completing the task set by the Geas. A Geas/6, likewise, imposes a -6 to the TN of an opposed Will roll. So, if Curtis was a Seraph with an 8 Will, he'd only have to roll a TN 7 not to call up his boss and tell him he wasn't going to be able to make it in for work -- and he could push that with Essence. If Curtis wasn't very bright, he could try the old, "I'm sick," routine -- but that would be dissonant. If Curtis succeeds on his Will roll, the Lilim who gave him the Geas gets slapped with a point of dissonance. Effectively, she can choose to work the dissonance off in a Tether or she can try to invoke the Geas again (after a number of days equal to the CD of Curtis' roll) and try one more time to make him compliant. Now, take into consideration Marisol, who has a Geas/6 imposed on her. She may not want to go to Columbus, she may be *really* busy, but as soon as the Lilim invokes the Geas, she'll drop everything she's doing to get to Columbus. She could be on a mission appointed personally by her Prince; if she fails the Will roll, she'd better get her fanny on a redeye or succeed a Will roll against a -6 penalty! Remember that a Geas/6 is no joke. Marisol would have had to have had accrued a host of favors from her Geas-holder -- or failing that, her Geas-holder would have had to have done her a huge favor. We're talking thousands of dollars in a wire-transfer that has the potential to be traced back to the source, or saving her from an investigation consucted by the Game. Something BIG. That Geas/6 is going to be a lot herder to roll against, and Marisol has to succeed twice. Also, consider that if Curtis shirks his duty, the Lilim might be annoyed. If Marisol shirks a Geas/6, she'll have an entire sorority of really ****** off Lilim on her hands! This is the kind of stuff that the other Lilim *heavily* enforce! If you're a Tempter, shirking a Geas/6 is like composing really nasty hate-mail and sending it to Lilith with a copy of your hair, a fingernail clipping and your name signed in blood. You might be able to go through with it (if you had the resolve) but you'd be a fool to think that you wouldn't pay very, very dearly. Now, to address your first question, let's use a different scenario: Say we have Lassie the Impudite, who comes across Timmy the incompetent boy-child. Timmy has fallen into a well and will die within 3 days if he isn't rescued. If Lassie decides to say "Screw Timmy, let him drown in the well!" I'd give her 1 point of dissonance. (Causing the death of a human through action or inaction.) Now, here's where our thought-processes differ. I wouldn't make Lassies' dissonance recurring, because it wouldn't make sense. Here's why: If, later on that night, Lassie changes her mind and goes out of her way to save Timmy from the well (or just calls an ambulance), I'd strike Lassies' dissonance from the record. If someone else ended up rescuing Timmy before he expired, I'd keep Lassies' dissonance on file, but I'd allow her to work it off at a Tether. It's a raw deal, because nobody died -- but if Lassie was willing to let food go to waste, I wouldn't be entirely out-of-bounds to say that she was "dissonant enough." I wouldn't give Lassie a point of dissonance per day for not rescuing Timmy from the well. Why? For the same reason you listed above. Why should Lassie suffer 3 dissonance (!!) for a negligent act that led to a mortal's demise, when she would only suffer 1 dissonance for unloading a pistol into the well and putting Timmy out of his misery? Dissonance is bad enough as it is. Technically, in the example above, Lassie wouldn't get any dissonance at all until Timmy actually died. The way I see it, if you have a situation with the potential for recurring dissonance, you should really examine it -- if an Angel of Gabriel doesn't punish a cruel man within [Celestial Forces] days, should she get 1 point of dissonance for every day she delays in punishing the cruel? 1 point for every number of days equal to her Celestial Forces? I say no. I say she gets 1 point, and she has [Celestial Forces] days to punish him before that 1 point of dissonance is cemented and she's given a new target.
"A knight's a sword with a horse. The vows, the sacred oil and the lady's favors, they're ribbons tied 'round the sword. Maybe the sword's prettier with the ribbons, but it'll kill you just as dead." |
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dissonance, rules, variant rules |
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