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Old 12-18-2021, 03:29 PM   #1
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Default SID's Star Wars Campaign (OOC)

Hello there! This will be the Star Wars campaign out-of-character (OOC) thread:
  • You can discuss your roles here; I can also answer to your character creation questions here.
  • Send your stuff via PM, GCS (GURPS character sheet) format preferred.
  • Guidelines here.
  • Still recruiting!
The campaign's overview:
  • Player characters start out as mercenaries working for some organization in Nar Shaddaa, all of you may have different reasons for being there (you can be friends before getting there, but the force will bring you together anyway...).
  • The group will start with small jobs in Nar Shaddaa and depending on the achievements, the party could acquire bigger missions or even get to stuff that could shake the galaxy.
  • Regarding character creation, you can use almost anything from the lore and the expanded universe, all I need is the source.
  • Stuff that may exist 50 years after the "new trilogy" will be available to the player characters (planets, people, ships, etc.)... IF you have the time and resources to find it.
Big thanks to Beth for her support.

  • Characters will know at least two languanges: Common or english, and their race's language. You can buy other languages, it'll be useful (cultural familiarity skills help). Occult languages such a "Sith" or the like might require an unusual background.
Advantages that work per session or session time will work under a post/player basis:
  • Destiny (impulse buys) regenerates every 10 posts * Destiny points * players. Example, 10 posts * DP * 3 players = 30 posts.
  • Gizmo regenerates every 20 posts * players. Example, 20 * 3 players = 60 posts.
  • Luck regenerates every 10 posts * players. Example, 10 * 3 players = 30 posts.
  • Serendipity regenerates every 20 posts * players. So, 20 posts * 3 players = 60 posts.
  • Wild-Card Points, you can have bang skills or style skills (wildcards, only 1 wildcard BTW), and we'll be using wildcard-points. Wildcard-points will regens every [(Wildcard POINTS/3) * 10 posts * players]. Example, for someone with 72 CP invested in a style (6 wild-points or WP), it takes 60 posts to reset the WP, calculated as [ (6 w-points/3) *10 posts*3 players = 60].
Uses are non-cumulative, if you don't call the advantage then it's wasted.

Game philosophy:
  • The aim is running a fun, compelling game, with dedicated players.
  • Good game-play takes precedence over dice rolling.
  • The setting will be challenging, dangerous, gritty and nebulous.
  • Player characters might feel off-balance most of the time; you'll have to think for yourself and take nothing for granted.
  • The adventure is a loosely guided sandbox; you start with a premise or goal, and then it’s mostly up to you.
  • Your actions are taken "seriously" and will build your reputation; for example, if you kill a group of thugs and run away without any witnesses or testimony to support it was self-defense, it might be considered a murder until proven otherwise. If you aid a weapon smuggler you might cut a good deal at the black market… But don’t be sad if those weapons are used to subdue a peaceful town and if later, somebody comes after you because of that offering a new job or claiming the prize on your head. This works the other way too, if you help people and make good deeds, your reputation will also build up in a more positive direction.
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Last edited by SID; 03-21-2023 at 04:17 PM.
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Old 12-18-2021, 04:34 PM   #2
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (OOC)

Hello Sid! Thanks for running!

I am interested in a force user, and I see in your looking for players post that you want to use the Sorcerer template.

Is there room for some variation? There isn't a lot of foom for Force swordsmanship, and I'd like to be able to add something like weapon master: Force sword or depart from the template a bit in other ways.

Will Luck and 'Per-game-session' abilities be Game Time, or will they have a per x-many-post regeneration?

I'm thinking of an exiled Chiss, whose parents fled the empire when they found their child to be force sensitive...

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 12-18-2021 at 05:05 PM.
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Old 12-18-2021, 08:01 PM   #3
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (OOC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Hello Sid! Thanks for running!

I am interested in a force user, and I see in your looking for players post that you want to use the Sorcerer template.

Is there room for some variation? There isn't a lot of foom for Force swordsmanship, and I'd like to be able to add something like weapon master: Force sword or depart from the template a bit in other ways.

Will Luck and 'Per-game-session' abilities be Game Time, or will they have a per x-many-post regeneration?

I'm thinking of an exiled Chiss, whose parents fled the empire when they found their child to be force sensitive...
Yes, you can tailor the template to your tastes. I'll check it and come to an agreement with you.

Luck and other real-time advantages will work per number of posts. This will vary with the number of players; right now it's 30 posts.

Originally Posted by PumpkinLorica View Post
I want to play an Ewok Pilot, Seeker, and Tech Fixer. (๑>◡<๑)
OK, hopefully you'll reach the pedals.
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Old 12-18-2021, 08:04 PM   #4
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (OOC)


Chiss is a great choice, I'm surprised you picked this race, good!


Looking forward to see that Ewok.
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Old 12-18-2021, 08:12 PM   #5
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (OOC)

Thank you for joining!
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Old 12-18-2021, 10:01 PM   #6
vicious Violence
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (OOC)

I promise 100% violence, 0% reading. Also my character will be a dark side inclined psychopath/ mercenary
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Old 12-18-2021, 07:12 PM   #7
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (OOC)

I want to play an Ewok Pilot, Seeker, and Tech Fixer. (๑>◡<๑)
/ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗
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Old 01-08-2022, 05:52 PM   #8
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (OOC)

Bibingui the Pulsar

Bibingui, is a venerable old Ewok, born under the star of fortune. During her early childhood she was present at the events of the war of ENDOR during "Return of the JEDI", thus having the opportunity to meet personalities such as Leia, Han and Luke. Bibingui's parents decided to "sneak" her into one of the rebel ships to follow C-3PO, but their plans went wrong, for she arrived at Lothal. Little Bibingui was lucky enough to meet Nebula, whom she thought was a 3PO-SERIES PROTOCOL DROID (she was a cyborg); Nebula, unable to return Bibingui to Endor, decides to adopt her.

Nebula owned a robotics parts service business and spaceship machine shop in Lothal, so Bibingui learned the trade from her adoptive mother. Having reached maturity and influenced by the stories of the merchants, pilots and smugglers who came to the workshop, Bibingui decides to go on a space adventure. Lacking a ship of her own, Bibingui takes a job as a space carrier on Lothal, being assigned an old VCX-100 light freighter.

Yet Bibingui had a big problem, she was a total klutz, which would soon cause many unfortunate events throughout her career. Specifically, Bibingui is wanted in 7 planetary systems, accused of damage to private and public property (no casualties attributed). Bibingui experimented a gradual decrease in her income due to the discounts that the company applied to her due to the repairs to the ship, she was getting angry at her employers.

Bibingui was seen for the last time in Cloud City, where she collapsed a gas extraction facility (prior to inauguration). She barely managed to escape, she made it thanks to a radar-stealth system she recently found in her ship. She decides to keep the ship, on account of her liquidation and compensation for all the years that her salary was deducted… And thus, she was never seen again, at least in the formal jobs market.

After a stay on Lothal, Bibingui discovers that her home planet (Endor) is in trouble after the effects of the destruction of DEATH STAR II. She helps her family and friends flee the planet, in what would be an exodus to the CORUSCANT system, where she tried to keep a low profile (as a smuggler for SPICE, fortunately, she learns to control clumsiness… at least partially). Years later, she would receive a transmission of help to support EXEGOL's battle, going to combat as a way to atone for her bad steps in life and to satisfy her craving for adventure, an event after which she leaves the smuggling business.

Bibingui settles in a remote sector of the CORUSCANT system and starts a family. Almost half a century later, forgotten by her family and dejected by loneliness and monotony, she sets out on a journey to Lothal to reunite with Nebula, her adoptive mother.

Bibingui discovers that Nebula is in her last moments. Despite of her advanced age, Nebula tells Bibingui not to be dissatisfied with her life, she invites her to pursue her dreams for as much as life lasts; after this, Nebula passes away. Bibingui eventually closes the workshop and takes her mother’s customized R1 astromech droid, PUR-R1-T0, with her; she finally embarks on a journey of courage and adventure, arriving at NAR SHADDAA.

Bibingui is back in business, ready to live each day as if it were her last.

This is Bibingui’s theme song.
/ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗

Last edited by PumpkinLorica; 01-08-2022 at 05:55 PM.
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Old 01-09-2022, 03:36 PM   #9
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (OOC)

Originally Posted by PumpkinLorica View Post
Bibingui the Pulsar


SID: Can you post your rules on how you want Wildcard Points to work in the thread or the guidelines post?

For the purposes of Serendipity, Wild talent, and other Per-Session abilities, how many posts is a "game session"?

Are droids Equipment or Allies?


Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 01-09-2022 at 05:47 PM.
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Old 01-09-2022, 07:07 PM   #10
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (OOC)

Thanks @Pupmkinlorica, Bibingui's backstory is very deep & cool!


Yeah, I plan to add the additional "ruling" ASAP.

Droids are allies!
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