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Old 05-25-2021, 10:31 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Very variant spell magic

The standard spell magic system in GURPS assumes that spell casting is relatively common and magic items rare in the extreme. This is a perfectly valid setting assumption; I do not speak against it generally. But I have a setting in mind that's almost the opposite: magical power objects are by far the most common method of performing magical feats, and simple casting is uncommon at best. So what would be the least change needed to the spell magic system to express this element? I keep specifying spell magic because I like its structure and I know it best, and because the other systems, other than Magic as Powers, seem to be based on the same "casting common, items rare" assumption.
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Old 05-25-2021, 11:04 AM   #2
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Default Re: Very variant spell magic

Maybe gadget-limited Magery?
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Old 05-25-2021, 11:13 AM   #3
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Default Re: Very variant spell magic

Well, first you'll want to define what you mean by magical power objects. Do you mean enchanted items that confer the ability to cast one or two (or perhaps more) spells? Objects like wands/fetishes that grant the general ability to cast known spells (possibly with some limitations, like One College Only or similar)? Rare spell-casting (with focus objects or otherwise), but a lot of invisibility cloaks and flaming swords and the like?

The first and third imply making spellcasting difficult but enchantment relatively easy; the second is basically Anders' suggestion of Gadget-Limited Magery (although if wands are really common, it might just be Magery with Requires Wand -10% or similar). What option are you looking for?
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Old 05-25-2021, 11:35 AM   #4
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Default Re: Very variant spell magic

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
Well, first you'll want to define what you mean by magical power objects. Do you mean enchanted items that confer the ability to cast one or two (or perhaps more) spells? Objects like wands/fetishes that grant the general ability to cast known spells (possibly with some limitations, like One College Only or similar)? Rare spell-casting (with focus objects or otherwise), but a lot of invisibility cloaks and flaming swords and the like?

The first and third imply making spellcasting difficult but enchantment relatively easy; the second is basically Anders' suggestion of Gadget-Limited Magery (although if wands are really common, it might just be Magery with Requires Wand -10% or similar). What option are you looking for?
Well, mostly the first. Most magicians work magic by creating objects that cast the spell in question; anyone can use them, except for the many that are mage-only. Being able to just cast a spell is pretty rare. I haven't decided about the spells of the enchantment college yet.
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Old 05-25-2021, 12:21 PM   #5
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Default Re: Very variant spell magic

Originally Posted by Whitewings View Post
Well, mostly the first. Most magicians work magic by creating objects that cast the spell in question; anyone can use them, except for the many that are mage-only. Being able to just cast a spell is pretty rare. I haven't decided about the spells of the enchantment college yet.
So, you essentially want casting to be difficult, but creating items that can themselves cast spells to be easy (relative to the default, anyway). The next question then is how you want skill to come into play - is anyone who picks up a given wand* of fireball going to be equally skilled in casting that spell (skill in using the cast fireball is going to be dependent on Innate Attack), or do they need to have their own skill with using it?

If it's the former, you may want to have enchantment roughly follow the default rules (but allow it to go faster and/or be cheaper), but only allow enchanting (or make non-enchanting markedly more difficult). Characters can still learn spells from other colleges, they just can't cast any (so can only use for enchanting). I'd probably price Magery as One College Only - or maybe halfway between that and full-blown Magery, considering you can still learn other college spells and get the Magery bonus, you just can't cast them. You may want to reduce the difficulty for unusable spells - this will make it easier for your enchanters to know several spells to enchant into items. This puts all the complexity on the enchanters, as the end users can just pick up any wand they meet the prerequisite for and go to town (provided they also have the relevant use skill - Broadsword for a Flaming Weapon sword, Innate Attack for a Wand of Fireball, etc). "Golf Bags of Holding" may be common, with a combat "mage" having several different wands for dealing with various situations (Fireball, Stone Missile, Sunbolt, etc).

If it's the latter, things are a bit more complex. I'd probably make most spells easier to learn, and give a discount to Magery as you're dependent on having a specific wand for each spell (somewhere between -20% and -50%, perhaps). This makes the end user have to deal with complexity (enchanter still has to), as he or she needs to both have an appropriate wand and know how to cast the spell. This will result in more focused combat mages. Which approach appeals more to you?

*I'll note I'm using "wand" as a generic term for your spellcasting items - they could be an amulet, a ring, a sword, a quiver... whatever is appropriate.
GURPS Overhaul

Last edited by Varyon; 05-25-2021 at 12:28 PM.
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Old 05-25-2021, 03:03 PM   #6
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Default Re: Very variant spell magic

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
So, you essentially want casting to be difficult, but creating items that can themselves cast spells to be easy (relative to the default, anyway). The next question then is how you want skill to come into play - is anyone who picks up a given wand* of fireball going to be equally skilled in casting that spell (skill in using the cast fireball is going to be dependent on Innate Attack), or do they need to have their own skill with using it?

If it's the former, you may want to have enchantment roughly follow the default rules (but allow it to go faster and/or be cheaper), but only allow enchanting (or make non-enchanting markedly more difficult). Characters can still learn spells from other colleges, they just can't cast any (so can only use for enchanting). I'd probably price Magery as One College Only - or maybe halfway between that and full-blown Magery, considering you can still learn other college spells and get the Magery bonus, you just can't cast them. You may want to reduce the difficulty for unusable spells - this will make it easier for your enchanters to know several spells to enchant into items. This puts all the complexity on the enchanters, as the end users can just pick up any wand they meet the prerequisite for and go to town (provided they also have the relevant use skill - Broadsword for a Flaming Weapon sword, Innate Attack for a Wand of Fireball, etc). "Golf Bags of Holding" may be common, with a combat "mage" having several different wands for dealing with various situations (Fireball, Stone Missile, Sunbolt, etc).

If it's the latter, things are a bit more complex. I'd probably make most spells easier to learn, and give a discount to Magery as you're dependent on having a specific wand for each spell (somewhere between -20% and -50%, perhaps). This makes the end user have to deal with complexity (enchanter still has to), as he or she needs to both have an appropriate wand and know how to cast the spell. This will result in more focused combat mages. Which approach appeals more to you?

*I'll note I'm using "wand" as a generic term for your spellcasting items - they could be an amulet, a ring, a sword, a quiver... whatever is appropriate.
I'm currently inclined to the first. I'm thinking of Magery being normally One College (Enchantment). Some mages are Ceremonial Magic Only with Solitary Ceremonial, but ceremonies are long; seconds become minutes, minutes become hours. Casting times using an item are normal. The problem then becomes how to bring the time for enchanting down to something more reasonable. I'm currently considering one hour per point for Slow and Sure; Quick and Dirty is fine as-is.
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Old 05-25-2021, 06:06 PM   #7
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Default Re: Very variant spell magic

Originally Posted by Whitewings View Post
Well, mostly the first. Most magicians work magic by creating objects that cast the spell in question; anyone can use them, except for the many that are mage-only. Being able to just cast a spell is pretty rare. I haven't decided about the spells of the enchantment college yet.
If you make Enchantment-Only Magery (Thaumatology, p. 24) the default kind, and relatively common, that will mean there are plenty of people who can do enchantments.

If you then change the rate of Slow and Sure enchantment from the usual one point per day to something faster, such as Magery level points per day, that makes enchantments substantially easier and thus cheaper.
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Old 05-25-2021, 10:04 PM   #8
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Default Re: Very variant spell magic

I've decided to change the prerequisites for Enchant to Scroll and any five other spells. There's no deep reason for this beyond wanting specialist mages to be a viable option and considering 84 CP in spells (assuming IQ 12, Magery 2 to be typical for the mage population as a whole) a quite sufficient barrier to entry (seriously, that's about eight and a half years of full-time study). Also, S&S takes 1 day per 100 points. So our conjectural average mage with Ignite, Seek, Create, Extinguish and Shape Fire will need just over two weeks to make the needed tools (I'd allow "modular" items, like a bracelet into which charms are inserted if the base item is first enchanted with Staff).
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Old 05-25-2021, 11:30 AM   #9
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Default Re: Very variant spell magic

Originally Posted by Whitewings View Post
The standard spell magic system in GURPS assumes that spell casting is relatively common and magic items rare in the extreme.
Wait, how did you come to this conclusion? Spellcasting is as common or rare as Magery and the availability of learning magical skills. Magic items show up wherever the GM puts them — or if you're referring to player-created magic items, their frequency depends on the availability of enchantment spells, time, and money. I really don't see any assumptions of rarity here. Do you mean the relative ease of casting compared to crafting a magic item?

If you want magic items to dominate over casting one's own spells, one easy way is to require ceremonial casting for all magic use except when casting the spell stored in an item. Then litter your setting with magic items so the players don't have to make them.
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Old 05-25-2021, 12:04 PM   #10
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Default Re: Very variant spell magic

Originally Posted by Stormcrow View Post
Wait, how did you come to this conclusion?
Using standard rules, however common or rare magery is in a given setting, enchanters will always be a subset of mages. And given the extremely broad range of spells an effective enchanter needs, that makes them an even smaller subset, and the extremely isolated and disciplined lifestyle enchanting requires makes that already-reduced subset even smaller. So if the setting reflects the rules, then spell casting is going to be more common, and the use of enchanted objects much rarer.
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enchanting, enchantment-only magery, magic, oco (enchantment), spell, spell casting, variant rules

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