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Old 12-12-2009, 07:56 AM   #121
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Default Re: GURPS Fantasy , shared world, recruiting

You can make 'epic' versions of NPCs if you like. We'll use sidebars.
The setting default will be a little more down-to-earth, but still 'heroic.' Yes, this is all relative, but someone has to make the decision.
That's my call as editor, to end a debate that isn't really advancing the project.

Tell us more of 'Georgia' and its dragon-riders, if you will.
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Old 12-12-2009, 07:58 AM   #122
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Default Re: GURPS Fantasy , shared world, recruiting

It'll be tomorrow, mate - got a game to run first! I usually work with a real-world culture or religion as a seed - want to suggest one?
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Old 12-12-2009, 07:59 AM   #123
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Default Re: GURPS Fantasy , shared world, recruiting

St George and the Dragon

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Old 12-12-2009, 09:20 AM   #124
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Default Re: GURPS Fantasy , shared world, recruiting

Originally Posted by tantric View Post
It'll be tomorrow, mate - got a game to run first! I usually work with a real-world culture or religion as a seed - want to suggest one?

Well,I wanted to do it easy way and go with Orthodox Christianity,which is religion of actual Georgia...

Though since youre our expert on religions and we already have some base on Shattered empires religion ... Im open for anything...

Or just pop few ideas,so maybe we can start working from there.

Though we have set Hellas as "source" of education/arts/culture and I have "Georgia" influenced from there as direct trading partner and otherwise...

Pop something up..and well see :))
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Old 12-12-2009, 09:25 AM   #125
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Default Re: GURPS Fantasy , shared world, recruiting

Originally Posted by combatmedic View Post
You can make 'epic' versions of NPCs if you like. We'll use sidebars.
The setting default will be a little more down-to-earth, but still 'heroic.' Yes, this is all relative, but someone has to make the decision.
That's my call as editor, to end a debate that isn't really advancing the project.
Could you provide writeup (Character sheet) of "Heroe" character so we can have some benchmark on whats actually on your mind.Champion of some Hellas or Hattusa city. Thanks

Originally Posted by combatmedic View Post
Tell us more of 'Georgia' and its dragon-riders, if you will.
I didnt gave them much thought yet.Want to get religion first,than sort relations in country and than incorporate dragon-riders with as little overall disturbance to picture thus far created as possible.
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Old 12-12-2009, 09:34 AM   #126
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Default Re: GURPS Fantasy , shared world, recruiting

Originally Posted by Agramer View Post
Could you provide writeup (Character sheet) of "Heroe" character so we can have some benchmark on whats actually on your mind.Champion of some Hellas or Hattusa city. Thanks
I will make a champion for you. Give me a little bit to write him up.

I didnt gave them much thought yet.Want to get religion first,than sort relations in country and than incorporate dragon-riders with as little overall disturbance to picture thus far created as possible.

I'd suggest accounting for the dragons and their riders in your design process from the get-go. They are probably too huge of an element to be seamlessly fitted in at a later stage. The economic, military, and social situation will be profoundly affected by dragons. Think of how they will be fed, raised, etc. Think of the tax burden needed to support them- exponentially higher than even a mounted knight in plate armor!
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Old 12-12-2009, 09:52 AM   #127
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Default Re: GURPS Fantasy , shared world, recruiting

This is VERY preliminary, just to give you guys an idea of where I'm heading for my area.

Tikopia is a chain of large, volcanic islands, similar to the Philippines. The indigenous religion is a modified version of animism with animal heaed gods (the Dema), like the Egyptian pantheon. There are also house spirits (Bediadari) which are somewhat like brownies, nature spirits and genius loci spirits (Atua).

During the Tikopia Republic, the Dema were worshipped by competing priesthoods associated with different mercantile and military organizations.

Security Council of the Tikopian Republic seizes power in a coup and forces Empress to adbicate. Empress Turtle takes refuge the Aotworoan Temple. Imperial Guard merges with Aotworoan monks rather than abandon her, becoming Rangers. Pursuit of war by the leaders of the Republic leads to exhaustion of resources, islands are blockaded, anarchy and famine ensue. Demons and mutant animals roam the land.

Prince Tipi, the first royal Spiritblooded, is born, son of Koevasi (the Earth) herself. He becomes the messiah of the Aotworoan temple, the Taane Taamaota (Green Man). He is captured by a warlord and hung in a steel cage, starving until he freezes. The next spring, blood ivy grows from his body, consuming the castle of the warlord. He becomes a mythological figure who is sacrificed and reborn each year.

The green man was Neverborn - he hatched from a overswollen orchid in a garden wherein a crown prince often masturbated. Most Spiritblooded are born from women impregnated by nature spirits, but a few spirits are impregnated by men. These are the immortal Neverborn, kind of like fey - real, scary fey, often with a life purpose

The Tikopia Domain, formerly the Tikopia Republic, is a society that has had the rest of the world rudely thrust upon it, like Tokugawa Japan. For centuries the Rectors have preached that competition between nations is innately destructive and that isolation is the only salvation. Now that their isolation has been breached at swordpoint, they are struggling with a new question: should they build better walls or conquer the world?


When the home of a genius loci is defiled, it becomes a corporeal monster called an "aria". The physical form of each Aria is unique, but there is some resemblance to both Japanese Oni and Hindu demons. Aria created defiled animals to be their servants, monstrous and dangerous for fortunately sterile beings. Aotworoan priests can turn Aria like clerics do undead, but ultimately they try to redeem they lost spirits by returning them to their salvaged home sites.

Nonhuman PC's

Two options: Spiritblooded, which is basically Magery + Supernatural Features, and Bediadari which are urban brownies. Both are very rare and Bediadari cannot leave the urban environment. OR skip the brownies and let people play talking animals.


All magic is in the hands of the Aotworoan temple. Outline: Females priests with nature and agricultural spells. Male mages with four archetypes based on seasons. Healers are mostly dietitians who get remarkable results from preventive medicine.


Grade A agriculture tech, most research is very focused.

Last edited by tantric; 12-12-2009 at 10:00 AM.
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Old 12-12-2009, 10:05 AM   #128
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Default Re: GURPS Fantasy , shared world, recruiting

For Agramer, how about starting with Ossetian/Caucus mythology:

Nart Saga
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Old 12-12-2009, 10:23 AM   #129
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Default Re: GURPS Fantasy , shared world, recruiting

Originally Posted by tantric View Post
For Agramer, how about starting with Ossetian/Caucus mythology:

Nart Saga
Y would work very nicely,Blacksmiths Deities specially.

Though if possible Id replace Tricksters with Warriors.

Also something involving "Dragon riders" would be nice touch also.

Id like to get rote of XY in religion,to show where from XY attitudes originate:

One vs many where one will prevail (Knights warrior tradition,arrogance,Aryan standpoint of view toward rest of humanity)
...than have "Heroes of the past" with their legendary deeds that current Knightly caste is trying to emulate

Secretive Blacksmith Deity :to explain secretiveness of Metallurgy Guilds

Some Woman figure: can be saint,that would "open" society for Womans knightly order(However grudgingly looked upon from rest of male knights)

With country being bread-basket leaned on warm sea on one side and wast impassable mountain range on other to have some winter deities(bad guys maybe),fertility stuff,Also such geography would be good for wine production(could make it 3rd pillar of their trade beside metals and slaves)

Slaves as object: Have Saint or Deity served by their prisoners ?!
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Old 12-12-2009, 10:41 AM   #130
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Default Re: GURPS Fantasy , shared world, recruiting

I can work that up tomorrow night. I'm thinking a pantheon religion, with a central Church that serves all the gods and a few temples for the individual gods.
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fantasy world, necromancy

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