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Old 08-20-2022, 02:19 AM   #51
Join Date: May 2012
Default Re: New Shopify Store!

I was initially unable to log in using my existing user name, email address, or password, but I followed the advice here to create a new account with the same email address, and it worked. It looks like my addresses (past and preesent) and at least some of my order history pulled in correctly (I haven't gone through all nine screens of it yet).

Which leads me to point two: I have nine screens of order history. I will join the thunderous chorus screaming that a screen similar in functionality to the current store's "My Downloads" page is simply not optional. I use it literally all the time.

Point three: One thing I miss from the existing store that I haven't seen mentioned yet upthread is the ability to easily filter the products displayed to "Hide Digital". I use that a lot too. Being able to filter to "Show Only Digital" would be nice too. The little colored flags over items for "Digital" or "Book" on the existing store are nice - if those can be added back in that'd be great.
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Old 08-20-2022, 02:30 AM   #52
Join Date: May 2012
Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Oh, and if it can be managed without stepping on any toes, it would be nice to have links to the Amazon page for POD products where a POD version exists of a digital product.
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Old 08-21-2022, 02:12 PM   #53
Join Date: Feb 2006
Default Re: New Shopify Store!

The way prices are listed is confusing. When I go to https://sjg-warehouse-23.myshopify.c...e-fantasy-trip I see "The Fantasy Trip: In the Labyrinth" shown as "From $18.00" and when I click through to https://sjg-warehouse-23.myshopify.c...-the-labyrinth I see the price is $34.95. What does the "From" figure mean? Oh, that's the PDF (which I need to play with the selector to see), whereas the page defaults to hardcover.

If there are multiple versions of the product (hardcover, softcover, pdf, other?) available at different prices, then
  • On the page that lists products, it's confusing to just show the lowest price of any of those options, without even identifying the option or indicating that other options exist.
  • On the product page, it would be nice to see those options listed with prices, rather than having to use a selector to browse the options (without seeing how much each costs until it is selected).
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Old 08-23-2022, 03:31 PM   #54
Philip Villarreal
Warehouse 23
Join Date: Jul 2017
Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Trying to get around to everyone here!

Originally Posted by maxterdragon2949 View Post
I am trying to check out and use the Munchkin code but it isn't working. My cart has Munchkin Turtle Carnage, Munchkin Shakespeare Staged Demo, and a Munchkin Jumbo d6. The total before everything is 22.90. Is the code only for a single Munchkin item $20 or over or for a cart of Munchkin items $20 or over?
Have you used the code already? It's one time per customer?

I went and double checked each item to make sure they were tagged properly, can you try again?

Originally Posted by Farmer View Post
I second both of these notes, particularly the first. Either let people click or Enter to search or have a timer of about half a second of no further typing for the auto update to engage.
I'll take a look at what we can do about the search function, quick glance is you can either have autofill on or not.

And agreed! We are working on getting a proper "download here" on the page when you purchased it. How did the email confirmation look?

Originally Posted by HeatDeath View Post
Which leads me to point two: I have nine screens of order history. I will join the thunderous chorus screaming that a screen similar in functionality to the current store's "My Downloads" page is simply not optional. I use it literally all the time.

Point three: One thing I miss from the existing store that I haven't seen mentioned yet upthread is the ability to easily filter the products displayed to "Hide Digital". I use that a lot too. Being able to filter to "Show Only Digital" would be nice too. The little colored flags over items for "Digital" or "Book" on the existing store are nice - if those can be added back in that'd be great.
Our first priority is getting everyones orders/comps transferred over. We want to make sure everyone has access to the files they own. Once that is done we are going to work on customizing the library page of your account. So, it's on the list!

Yep, we are toying with tags/flags for products and the filter bar as well.
Philip Villarreal
Warehouse 23 Manager
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Old 08-24-2022, 02:47 AM   #55
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

I just tried to backspace on the search bar (I'd searched for Prime Directive and then wanted to search on something else) and all it does is re-toggle the Prime Directive search results. Very frustrating!

(No autocomplete, I think, please? It seems to be causing more problems than just making things appear.)

Edit: Interestingly, searching on "prime directive" gets NONE of the GURPS Prime Directive books. Searching on GURPS Prime Directive does...

Edit2: Shopify does not recognize me as owning GURPS Prime Directive Romulans. Warehouse23 does.
Shamelessly adding Superiors: Lilith, GURPS Sparrials, and her fiction page to her .sig (the latter is not precisely gaming related)
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Old 08-24-2022, 03:46 PM   #56
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

It worked! Thank you for checking this for me!

Also, are the Colossal Munchkin d10's out of stock for real or is that a weird change between old and new store?
...silence befalls them

Last edited by maxterdragon2949; 08-24-2022 at 04:04 PM. Reason: Fixing a typo bug and adding a question.
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Old 08-25-2022, 12:36 PM   #57
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Philip Villarreal View Post
It defaults to list them by order date...but you are looking for a way to sort them differently? I can definitely research if that is possible.
I really like the existing Warehouse 23 download page, where I can see everything at once and search by title instead of having to scroll through 10+ pages of orders as I'd have to on shopify right now. I have no idea when I ordered what, so that sort order isn't helpful for downloading a file (except, perhaps, something new I just purchased)

Also, looking at it again, the sorting doesn't appear to be by date. The first four orders on my list are from October, then August, then September, then October again, all from 2021. (and I'm guessing later orders just haven't been imported yet?)

Last edited by Extrarius; 08-25-2022 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 08-25-2022, 02:17 PM   #58
Philip Villarreal
Warehouse 23
Join Date: Jul 2017
Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Extrarius View Post
I really like the existing Warehouse 23 download page, where I can see everything at once and search by title instead of having to scroll through 10+ pages of orders as I'd have to on shopify right now. I have no idea when I ordered what, so that sort order isn't helpful for downloading a file (except, perhaps, something new I just purchased)

Also, looking at it again, the sorting doesn't appear to be by date. The first four orders on my list are from October, then August, then September, then October again, all from 2021. (and I'm guessing later orders just haven't been imported yet?)
Yep we are working on that first part of getting the download library to look more like the current's being worked on. may be listing them in the order they got ported over to the new store (we had to do it in a few batches). And yes we are planning to do one last port over to make sure the order history is up to date.
Philip Villarreal
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Old 08-25-2022, 05:20 PM   #59
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Should I delete my 123 Fake Street address?

Edit: I have a number of Pyramid Comps at warehouse23, for Reasons, I guess. There seems to be no "you own this" on the shopify version.

Same with Sparrials, and I *definitely* ought to get a comp copy of that one!

...It's not showing me as owning Compendium I, which wasn't a comp... Not showing Low Tech companions 3...

Uh, I think Shopify has lost nearly all my library? There's no easy way to check, since apparently there's no "you already own this" marker?

Edit again: It has DEFINITELY lost my comps, so far as I can tell.

...I am very unkeen on this.

Edit once again: Made spouse set things up. If comps don't transfer, and all his Kickstarter rewards are marked as comps...
Shamelessly adding Superiors: Lilith, GURPS Sparrials, and her fiction page to her .sig (the latter is not precisely gaming related)

Last edited by Archangel Beth; 08-25-2022 at 06:41 PM.
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Old 08-26-2022, 07:07 AM   #60
Philip Villarreal
Warehouse 23
Join Date: Jul 2017
Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Archangel Beth View Post
Should I delete my 123 Fake Street address?

Edit: I have a number of Pyramid Comps at warehouse23, for Reasons, I guess. There seems to be no "you own this" on the shopify version.

Same with Sparrials, and I *definitely* ought to get a comp copy of that one!

...It's not showing me as owning Compendium I, which wasn't a comp... Not showing Low Tech companions 3...

Uh, I think Shopify has lost nearly all my library? There's no easy way to check, since apparently there's no "you already own this" marker?

Edit again: It has DEFINITELY lost my comps, so far as I can tell.

...I am very unkeen on this.

Edit once again: Made spouse set things up. If comps don't transfer, and all his Kickstarter rewards are marked as comps...
There should be an "already purchased" tag on items if they are in your order won't work for comps at the moment because they have not been ported over yet. They are a little different as they don't have an order # tied to them. It's being worked on and a big reason we don't want to close the old site just yet.
Philip Villarreal
Warehouse 23 Manager
Steve Jackson Games
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