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Old 01-20-2022, 09:11 PM   #11
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Full of dreams, Bibingui (she/her) loses her ship after arriving to Nar Shaddaa; the ship was stolen... Who and why? Well, maybe there’s a collector in town, perhaps it’s just one of those days. Thing is, Bibingui’s has to find her ship or get a new one before it’s too late, before those days of adventure escape her grasp with death’s embrace.

The cops don’t care, the alliance won’t help, the enders are scary. Out of pity, a grease monkey tells her about Chowbasa. “You can make good money; you can join them anytime”.

But PUR-R1-T0 corrects this statement for Bibingui…

It’s been a week since Bibingui lost her ship. Without money in her pockets, hungry and lost, Bibingui finds out that a certain club will throw a large party tonight. For her it’s all about free food, drinks and PARTY! If this is how it ends, she’ll make it worthwhile.

Later in the day, an Ewok and a Droid walk into a bar. It’s the club “Yavoo-Naga” (EN “I wanna greet”), one of the finest and most exclusive places in Ankwas. PURRITO can’t stress enough everybody’s got a gun!
Bibingui sets the floor on fire with a display of uncanny tribal moves. PURRITO makes it better with flashing lights that create a stroboscopic effect.

The music's really good!

How far is she going to get with her klutzy moves?

@Bibingui, roll for Klutz.

It’s been the weirdest of weeks for Vanta. A medical appointment brought him to the area, but the guy cancelled. He’s been working non-stop for days, and the sudden break made him drift… He would’ve fallen sleep long ago if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s more machine than man.

Vanta enters the Yavoo-Naga, and asks for the usual thing. He takes notice of an Ewok and her droid on the dance floor, but he keeps to his business.

Unbeknownst to him, Bibingui is contributing to Vanta’s weird week; more than half of the mishaps involving Vanta’s patients during this period, are related to Bibingui!

The bartender approaches Vanta and offers him a Faaway-panwa (EN "joyus running"); it’s a drink made from thala-siren milk. Faaway-panwa are normally 40% alcohol by volume, but in Ankwas they’re 55% alcohol (which is considered a delicacy and is truly expensive). Being a frequent client of the Yavoo-Naga, Vanta recons it’s the first time they ever offer him a Faaway-panwa for free.

@Vanta, what will you do?

Togosho finds some irregularities on the ground, it looks like pothole was there. But more interestingly, it feels like you’re being watched (no, it’s not the guy in the bench). The dogs are excited. Your sensors pick a signal, but it’s inaudible. The rest of the dogs (in the houses and other buildings) keep barking.

@TMW, what will you do?
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Old 01-20-2022, 09:41 PM   #12
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Togosho double checks his scan and sees the ambush is well hidden or simply farther ahead.

He turns to the man on the bench who has been observing him with some amusement.

He considers that this man and his dogs are likely part of the ambush that awaited him had he continued down the alley. No matter... or perhaps fortuitous.

"Hello. Fine animals you have here. I've just arrived and need to make contact with the Chowbasa on a matter of importance. Can you point me in the right direction?"
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Old 01-21-2022, 09:43 AM   #13
vicious Violence
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Originally Posted by SID View Post

@Vanta, what will you do?
Vanta looks at the bartender's ?eyes?/face area and looks at the exotic drink given to him. He accepts and places it on the table.


He will not drink from it. Must keep the senses sharp.
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Old 01-21-2022, 10:53 AM   #14
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

(Remember, this is taking place a couple of hours prior to Bibingui’s and Vanta’s scene at the club).

When Togosho decides to approach the man, the dogs relax, they lie down on the floor staying where they were. The bench is about 10 yards away from the dogs, he gets to the man...

He is a Durosian, he seems to notice Togosho, but won’t speak. The light is dim, but the helmet’s helping Togosho’s vision alright.

His mouth is painted in silver, with a substance that looks like glitter powder. An inhalator (resembling a “breezhaler”) lies at his feet, there’s a newspaper on his lap "The Nal Hutta Gazette". The front-page stands-out, the headline reads: “Turmoil in the Alliance, can they really protect us?” the smaller letter reads “Unknown forces assault an Allied ship, 2 knights and 37 crewmen slaughtered”. There’s a picture of a masked man in a black suit bisecting a young Togruta girl with a weapon that resembles a lightsaber (it’s a greyscale picture, possibly taken from a security cam).

The rest of the newspaper is illegible at the moment, you’d have to take it from the man...

However, a sudden flash of light and the whistling of a hard-light projectile interrupt you, followed by a harsh, blinding explosion.

@TMW roll HT-2 to avoid being temp-blinded. Failure means you suffer -4 to combat skills and -1 in the following turns.

The bartender is a female Zeltron. “Everybody is having drinks on the house tonight, but you can only have one of these.”

Vanta accepts the drink, and will do his best at staying on alert. The mood and the atmosphere are good. Judging from experience, it looks more like a convention (UNDERCON!). There are lots of mercs in the club, and this isn’t normal. You hear the word Chowbasa a lot, are they greeting each other, or is something else going on?

@Vic roll Observation to see whether you pick additional interesting stuff, or not.
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Old 01-21-2022, 11:40 AM   #15
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Togosho steps back away drawing his weapons and is ready for trouble.

They shine a pure white light as they tear into the night with the distinctive sound of a lightsaber ignition.
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Old 01-21-2022, 01:08 PM   #16
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

A cloud of dust fills the vicinity, Togosho can hear the steps of several people approaching him. He’s getting surrounded. It's a group of 5 male humanoids, of different races: Devaronian, Durosian, Nelwyn, Rodian and Zeltron.

You can hear a brief discussion among them:
“Why did you shoot the mine?”
“I was TIRED of these dogs trying to save people”.

The dust clears, and you notice the dogs are no more.
All you see is a bloody pulp…

The men stand about 6 yards away from Togosho. The Devaronian speaks:

“So I herd u wanna join the Chowbasa (the greeting), huh? The only greeting you’ll have is THIS ONE”
He points his bulge, and the rest of the guys laugh at Togosho.
“ANYWAY” he continues… “We’re in a rush and don’t wanna waste our time with a princess such as yourself. Drop your glow-sticks, strip and dip and it’ll be quick and painless.”

The other guys are pointing at you with heavy weapons, a STUN rifle with an EMP coil, Two tractor-beam rifles, a heavy blaster and a flamer.

The man in the bench has fainted.

The Nelwyn is quite familiar, he’s the little fellow that told Togosho to look for Chowbasa at the current location. Togosho has fallen into their trap, and he can notice the Nelwyn’s eyebrows rising and lowering quickly, with a look of “u got <EX-PLE-TIVED>.”
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Old 01-22-2022, 11:13 AM   #17
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Originally Posted by SID View Post
“We’re in a rush and don’t wanna waste our time with a princess such as yourself. Drop your glow-sticks, strip and dip and it’ll be quick and painless.”
Togosho feels a flash of annoyance... and a measure of fear at being so outnumbered. He feels his flow of emotions as a tangible wave, but he concentrates and draws out his feelings and wraps those emotions around himself like an invisible cloud. Gone are the disquieting feelings within him, but their energy persists, dancing about him in a sense warping field of the living force...


Togosho takes a step toward his foes and activates his left shield...

"You have less time than you think."

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Old 01-22-2022, 10:19 PM   #18
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

“Kitty's got claws, for the record dude, we’re THE Black Family. Don’t wanna spoil our shiny loot, buy you asked for it. READY GUYS!”

The group prepares to annihilate Togosho, everybody “cocks” their weapons.

*fancy sound of beam weapons building energy after the smooth sound of gun clicks*


The guys are in 6 yards away from Togosho, they are at a distance of 1 yard from each other. Their leader stands in the middle, almost in front of you, the tractor beams stand between you and him (left & right). And right before you stand the flamer and EMP guys

Durosian (TRACTOR), Devaronian (RIFLE), Zeltron (TRACTOR)
Rodian (FLAMER) and Nelwyn (EMP)


6 yards of distance

---x--- TOGOSHO
===== BENCH

You are standing in the middle of the street; the bench is in the sidewalk. There’s no place to hide, the bench can’t protect you from the flamer or the EMP (which you can’t parry, for the record); but you could parry the other weapons.

You may fly, but the guys might catch you with their beams (they’re bracing and everybody has been aiming for at least 2 turns). Also, you don’t know if there are other guys left!

Whatever happens now, is entirely up to you.

You hear the wind whistling as a gentle breeze takes the remaining dust away.

*suspenseful music*

Meanwhile, Bibingui fails to control her klutzy nature and pushes a guy as she tries to execute a twerking move; it could have been a really strong push, provided she’s wearing her exoskeleton, but having deactivated it prior to dancing… she makes the guy spill Faaway-panwa on his fancy shirt. The man is angry, and his girlfriend surprised.

“WATCH IT! <EXPLTIVE>, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!” He kicks PURR1T0, and makes it trip/fall.

*dance club music intensifies*

At the same time, a nice-looking guy approaches Vanta... He looks very happy.

"BOSS! I finally found you! IT'S ME! Karlan Black! I simply got a new haircut, hahaha! The family knows you’re back, the guys are off picking a special gift for you, they gotta be here anytime soon! Looks like you finally quit drinking, huh? Lemme handle this for you, just like the old days."

The man takes drinks Vanta’s Faaway-panwa, right now he's standing between Vanta and Bibingui.
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Old 01-23-2022, 04:39 PM   #19
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Togosho looks upon these bandits with disdain.
In his mind, he recites...
I am the Protector of Justice

Togosho flies at them on a burst of graviton waves, "How many innocents have suffered at your hands?" Togosho growls out as he crosses the distance to his attackers.

He spins clockwise as he gains altitude and there is a great double whirr of his saber-blades burning through the night air as he comes back around 360 degrees and strikes at the two in front as he passes just over their heads.

He passes over the group and lands behind their leader facing him.
He thinks to himself...
I am the Protector of Worlds

((Changed "x" to "v" to show facing.))
---v--- TOGOSHO v-v-v ENEMIES -v-v-

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 01-24-2022 at 07:14 PM.
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Old 01-23-2022, 11:35 PM   #20
vicious Violence
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Default Re: SID's Star Wars Campaign (IC)

Originally Posted by SID View Post

Meanwhile, Bibingui fails to control her klutzy nature and pushes a guy as she tries to execute a twerking move; it could have been a really strong push, provided she’s wearing her exoskeleton, but having deactivated it prior to dancing… she makes the guy spill Faaway-panwa on his fancy shirt. The man is angry, and his girlfriend surprised.

“WATCH IT! <EXPLTIVE>, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!” He kicks PURR1T0, and makes it trip/fall.

*dance club music intensifies*

At the same time, a nice-looking guy approaches Vanta... He looks very happy.

"BOSS! I finally found you! IT'S ME! Karlan Black! I simply got a new haircut, hahaha! The family knows you’re back, the guys are off picking a special gift for you, they gotta be here anytime soon! Looks like you finally quit drinking, huh? Lemme handle this for you, just like the old days."

The man takes drinks Vanta’s Faaway-panwa, right now he's standing between Vanta and Bibingui.

Vic rolled 15/16 for observation.

Vanta says as he stands up seeing PURR1T0 being kicked. Being no stranger to violence, especially the vicious kind, he will not tolerate unprovoked disturbances. He moves towards the clumsy Ewok and friend and motions his new "friend" towards his side.

Urban survival rolled 9/12

Last edited by vicious Violence; 01-23-2022 at 11:41 PM.
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